
New Member
I wanted to share my experience so far. 7 weeks ago I was involved in a car accident, guy blew a red light and hit us. Luckily I did have my seat belt on and wasn't ejected from the vehicle.

I ended up having emergency surgery that night as I had a torn oblique from the iliac crest and also had a left lateral wall herniation of the left colon to the left anterolateral abdominal wall where it was disrupted from the left iliac crest. I am no doctor so it doesn't make the most sense to me but figured I would read it straight from the report lol.

It has been a tough recovery, at first I could barely move or get out of bed. Walking was extremely painful. Being 23 years old it was a major set back, I went from 195lbs to about 177lbs roughly since then. But I am happy with the progress I have made, I am now able to walk on the treadmill for over 30 minutes, stretch, touch my toes, even do pushups but it is still tough on my abdomen core so I take it really easy. (10-12 reps usually only a few sets).

I am super eager to get back in the gym and not sure if anyone has ever had this type of injury? I am more worried about the abdominal hernia hindering my progress in the future then the torn oblique to be honest.
I wanted to share my experience so far. 7 weeks ago I was involved in a car accident, guy blew a red light and hit us. Luckily I did have my seat belt on and wasn't ejected from the vehicle.

I ended up having emergency surgery that night as I had a torn oblique from the iliac crest and also had a left lateral wall herniation of the left colon to the left anterolateral abdominal wall where it was disrupted from the left iliac crest. I am no doctor so it doesn't make the most sense to me but figured I would read it straight from the report lol.

It has been a tough recovery, at first I could barely move or get out of bed. Walking was extremely painful. Being 23 years old it was a major set back, I went from 195lbs to about 177lbs roughly since then. But I am happy with the progress I have made, I am now able to walk on the treadmill for over 30 minutes, stretch, touch my toes, even do pushups but it is still tough on my abdomen core so I take it really easy. (10-12 reps usually only a few sets).

I am super eager to get back in the gym and not sure if anyone has ever had this type of injury? I am more worried about the abdominal hernia hindering my progress in the future then the torn oblique to be honest.
I have had an umbilical hernia for 5 years and no problems, wear a belt on heavy coumpound movements and im fine. If you know what you are doing and dont abuse you can manage.

However, im no doctor and cant diagnose your case, maybe its better for you to get it fixed first and then think about getting back to the gym
I have had an umbilical hernia for 5 years and no problems, wear a belt on heavy coumpound movements and im fine. If you know what you are doing and dont abuse you can manage.

However, im no doctor and cant diagnose your case, maybe its better for you to get it fixed first and then think about getting back to the gym

How long were you out of the gym for? Do you have any pain or discomfort to this day?
How long were you out of the gym for? Do you have any pain or discomfort to this day?
I never stopped working out, its minimal and from what I can tell it hasnt progressed. I do feel discomfort sometimes.

What did your doctor say about your hernia? What did he advise you to do?
I never stopped working out, its minimal and from what I can tell it hasnt progressed. I do feel discomfort sometimes.

What did your doctor say about your hernia? What did he advise you to do?

Your lucky you didn’t have to take any time off. I was told 6-8 weeks don’t lift more then 10lbs. I’m at just over 7 weeks now so gonna see the surgeon again make sure everything is good before I really start pushing myself.