Tp test e dirty

It's aggregates don't worry. Filter it out.

Ghoul's instructions to everything.

Narta's made a good point.

Better just throw it out if you can see junk in it.

If it's clear just pin it. Don't filter anything, because if you can't see it, obviously it can't hurt you, That's why god gave you eyes that can only see down to the size of harmful contamination.
Oh, I would bin it alright.

But you should always carry your $200k microscope that can spot aggregates, the ones that will cause immunogenicity, as they always do to the millions of people that are administered all sorts of peptides across the world for decades.

Oh wait....
Oh, I would bin it alright.

But you should always carry your $200k microscope that can spot aggregates, the ones that will cause immunogenicity, as they always do to the millions of people that are administered all sorts of peptides across the world for decades.

Oh wait....

Just cause it doesn't cause you to lose an ass cheek, doesn't mean it can't cause achy joints in 20 years.

You can't feel microplastics building up in lungs.

Oh, and mad cow disease.
Just cause it doesn't cause you to lose an ass cheek, doesn't mean it can't cause achy joints in 20 years.

You can't feel microplastics building up in lungs.

Oh, and mad cow disease.

Your determination of whether a peptide presents a risk or not is based on the presence of visible particulates. As if there's some delineation between visible and sub visible.

I'm more interested in what the FDA and pharma researchers have to say about what constitutes potential risks, including long term hazards.
I'm more interested in what the FDA and pharma researchers
That's the point. It's research without concrete evidence. There is no significant amount of facts, just hypothesis. It's the perfect storm scenario: lF this and IF that and IF the other thing, simultaneously, then this will PROBABLY happen.

You took that HYPOTHESIS and replicated it as a UNIVERSAL FACT.

Btw, if you have so much trust on FDA, ask them on what long-term facts they allowed thalidomide to be prescribed in pregnant women for morning sickness.
That's the point. It's research without concrete evidence. There is no significant amount of facts, just hypothesis. It's the perfect storm scenario: lF this and IF that and IF the other thing, simultaneously, then this will PROBABLY happen.

You took that HYPOTHESIS and replicated it as a UNIVERSAL FACT.

Btw, if you have so much trust on FDA, ask them on what long-term facts they allowed thalidomide to be prescribed in pregnant women for morning sickness.

A hypothesis must be testable.

Apparently the theories about the aggregates in hGH are untestable now, so no one can be proven right or wrong.

So what's left to test? "If you get achy joints in 30 years then I was right" or "If you have a pulmonary embolism in 15 years then I was right."

Great. That's some mighty fine citizen science right there.