Trans guy

I’m not gonna live in your make believe world, I stopped doing that when I was 7.

I am amused that you espouse your beliefs as facts and reject basic biology. Nobody invited you to share your beliefs nor to debate politics. OP has a very specific set of circumstances and rather than be helpful, you chose the feel threatened and act in a hurtful way.

You could, while preserving your beliefs about what comprises a man or a woman, act with compassion and respect the liberty of this human being and either offer something that aids them or simply offer nothing at all. Instead, you chose to take offense at something that has zero probability of harming you or those you care about and lash out recklessly.
I am amused that you espouse your beliefs as facts and reject basic biology. Nobody invited you to share your beliefs nor to debate politics. OP has a very specific set of circumstances and rather than be helpful, you chose the feel threatened and act in a hurtful way.

You could, while preserving your beliefs about what comprises a man or a woman, act with compassion and respect the liberty of this human being and either offer something that aids them or simply offer nothing at all. Instead, you chose to take offense at something that has zero probability of harming you or those you care about and lash out recklessly.
Never gonna chime in on anything again if it crosses political lines, incase some admin gets a skin itch and upgrades a commenting ban to a forum ban.
To each man his own...

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good starter cycle? Have been in the gym for about 5 years, I'm now 33 and struggling to make any gains. I've been taking peptides for the past couple of years but more so tailored towards injuries than anything. I've been on this site for about a year, the reason i'm posting off a fresh account is because i'm trans and cba to deal with the onslaught of transphobia people usually get from it. Not looking to debate any bigots just looking for some info

I take testosterone, which just keeps me in the normal male range, wondered if there any trans guys out there with any advice?

I would just do incremental test c or e increases, checking lipids/bp/e2/prolactin etc the entire time. And keep the test probably 300 or less. Let’s be fair and honest, you are biologically female so it’s not going to take as large a dose for you to get incredible physical effects from the testosterone. And longevity may not matter to you now, but, it will.

If all is looking good, I’d say add in a dht like Masteron, primo or possibly Proviron, but I’d personally recommend Masteron or primo. Just a sprinkle, something like 1-200mgs a week.

If your diet is right and you’re lifting hard and you aren’t happy with 300 test/200 mast for 12-16 weeks, then idk what to tell ya.

My advice honestly would be don’t ‘blast’ like a biological male who is now a bodybuilder and has been on gear for 20 years. Blast like a responsible citizen lmao

For reference, I run my trt (or cruise, but I’m legit hypogonadal so I never come off test c) at 150mgs a week and blast around 300 test 200 mast.

When I first got on testosterone at the ripe old age of 22, my total t was 96ng/dl, the nurse who took my blood likely had higher test than I did (it was a bodybuilding sort of clinic, she was probably injecting more! Lmao).

200mgs/week of test for 6 months (eating big and lifting 6 days a week) changed my entire body. I just freakin blew up. You don’t need a lot of drugs, you just need time…..and a little drugs haha
Negative. I was born with dick and balls (ironically same size balls as I have now). That means I was born a male. If I decide (by way of mental illness) to chop that dick and tiny balls off I’m still a male. That’s not ignorance nor cruelty. Thats fact. That’s truth. Same goes for someone born with female anatomy. They are a female. If they decide to rearrange any of those organs or remove any they are still what they were born as, a female. Those are the facts. You can believe something else, but the facts remain the same. I’m not gonna live in your make believe world, I stopped doing that when I was 7.
I am in 100% agreement, but that is in no way helpful to the original poster's reason for posting a question here. Hence, I did not offer an unsolicited opinion and simply answered the questions asked.
would be nice if there were some competition here with janoshik. One person having a monopoly on the testing game doesn't make for competitive pricing.

Coming from peptide world, there is no difference in prices in regard to testing. Shipping is just cheaper for domestic testers

There are other companies that do testing some US domestic, the issue is getting vendors to accept results of those tests.

It's not just vendors. There are members who say they only trust Jano testing. If more testing services were accepted by members, vendors would follow.

I don't know how much of Jano's business relies on Meso, but if other testing services became more acceptable here, there may be more competitive pricing in the future.
It's not just vendors. There are members who say they only trust Jano testing. If more testing services were accepted by members, vendors would follow.

I don't know how much of Jano's business relies on Meso, but if other testing services became more acceptable here, there may be more competitive pricing in the future.
The other big tester from what I know is mz biolabs or something like that. They are in the US and I know some legally operating companies that sell research chemicals use them. Jano has made some commentary about them as well I believe, something around their lack of result verification. They seem like the best bet so far though.
The other big tester from what I know is mz biolabs or something like that. They are in the US and I know some legally operating companies that sell research chemicals use them. Jano has made some commentary about them as well I believe, something around their lack of result verification. They seem like the best bet so far though.

Iirc Analiza Bialek butted heads with Jano on a peptide test but otherwise the only dis was that they're not Jano.

People don't like Roid Test because it's qualitative... "is there testosterone in this sample, yes or no?" (doesn't matter how much mg/mL etc)

Seems like Jano, Analiza, and MZ Biolabs have the most potential moving forward for competitive pricing (if the latter 2 were more verified & accepted). I doubt Palumbo will budge on his Roid Tests xD
Uh, so a chick wants a starter cycle. Does meso have female subforum like other forums do? You should start there….

This gotta be a troll job.
Why would a trans man go to the women's subforum? He has entirely different concerns and things to worry about than a woman going on cycle.

Whether or not you accept trans people as being the gender they identify as isn't relevant here since we know that virilization isn't a concern, surgery has been performed to remove some organs, etc.

We take circumstances, stats, biology, etc. into account for non-trans people and allow it to inform our decisions. Why the fuck would we ignore it for someone who has just as significant context here around their circumstances as anything else we ask people about?

Being obtuse about it just makes you look like you want to be a dick.
Putting aside any debate on this what exactly that means, the fact that OP has had a hysterectomy changes things substantially in terms of the hormonal milieu one might expect.

Not bad advice otherwise.
This is true, but with that, it also means the OP never went through male puberty, OP went through female puberty. I’m not a biologist but I would certainly assume that hysterectomy aside, OP will respond to 200mg/wk of testosterone in a bigger way (or, rather, a more noticeable way) than a 35 year old andropause male will. That’s what I meant.

And also, hysterectomy aside, and again, I fully acknowledge I am not a biologist, but I would assume pituitary and thyroid hormones are still going to come into play here.

Because of these things, I stand by my comment, with no offense intended.
This is true, but with that, it also means the OP never went through male puberty, OP went through female puberty. I’m not a biologist but I would certainly assume that hysterectomy aside, OP will respond to 200mg/wk of testosterone in a bigger way (or, rather, a more noticeable way) than a 35 year old andropause male will. That’s what I meant.

Research on this topic is sparse, nobody is studying the effects of AAS on biological females that have transitioned. What limited research there is suggests that you are correct, but that the largest difference will have come from a lack of exposure to testosterone in utero and in infancy, which influences AR density and organ development. Lacking testosterone in puberty would likely limit the absolute mass the transitioned person may see.

With reduced AR density, there is a likelihood of being a hyporesponder. In which case, the protocol you suggested is a prudent approach. I'm sure many of us have seen this happen in hyporesponsive young men who get on gear too early. A couple hundred mg/wk and it's all sides.

And also, hysterectomy aside, and again, I fully acknowledge I am not a biologist, but I would assume pituitary and thyroid hormones are still going to come into play here.

You are correct to be concerned about thyroid response. OP should add T3, T4, and TSH to their labs.

Which, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned yet: CBC, CMP, lipids, e2, free and total T, bioavailable T, LH, FSH, SHBG, prolactin, and DHT.

Because of these things, I stand by my comment,

It was well-reasoned and more prudent than my advice.
Research on this topic is sparse, nobody is studying the effects of AAS on biological females that have transitioned. What limited research there is suggests that you are correct, but that the largest difference will have come from a lack of exposure to testosterone in utero and in infancy, which influences AR density and organ development. Lacking testosterone in puberty would likely limit the absolute mass the transitioned person may see.

With reduced AR density, there is a likelihood of being a hyporesponder. In which case, the protocol you suggested is a prudent approach. I'm sure many of us have seen this happen in hyporesponsive young men who get on gear too early. A couple hundred mg/wk and it's all sides.

You are correct to be concerned about thyroid response. OP should add T3, T4, and TSH to their labs.

Which, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned yet: CBC, CMP, lipids, e2, free and total T, bioavailable T, LH, FSH, SHBG, prolactin, and DHT.

It was well-reasoned and more prudent than my advice.

Regarding the first point, the exposure to Test during puberty and the AR density. Do you think thats something that even without puberty but with high doses of AAS could be fixed i.e. the longer you exposure yourself to it the more AR density you get?
I am amused that you espouse your beliefs as facts and reject basic biology. Nobody invited you to share your beliefs nor to debate politics. OP has a very specific set of circumstances and rather than be helpful, you chose the feel threatened and act in a hurtful way.

You could, while preserving your beliefs about what comprises a man or a woman, act with compassion and respect the liberty of this human being and either offer something that aids them or simply offer nothing at all. Instead, you chose to take offense at something that has zero probability of harming you or those you care about and lash out recklessly.
Sounds like you’re offended because I’m certainly not. I didn’t feel anything when I wrote that. I didn’t mention my beliefs or politics. I brought facts. Basic Biology facts. If facts hurt a persons feelings that’s no body’s problem except the person with hurt feelings who can’t accept truth or facts. Right now that’s you.
I am amused that you espouse your beliefs as facts and reject basic biology. Nobody invited you to share your beliefs nor to debate politics. OP has a very specific set of circumstances and rather than be helpful, you chose the feel threatened and act in a hurtful way.

You could, while preserving your beliefs about what comprises a man or a woman, act with compassion and respect the liberty of this human being and either offer something that aids them or simply offer nothing at all. Instead, you chose to take offense at something that has zero probability of harming you or those you care about and lash out recklessly.
Also, if haven’t ever seen it, you should watch Kindergarten Cop; it has an excellent biology lesson in it. Here’s a clip:

Regarding the first point, the exposure to Test during puberty and the AR density. Do you think thats something that even without puberty but with high doses of AAS could be fixed i.e. the longer you exposure yourself to it the more AR density you get?
By AR density I assume we are talking about androgen receptor density? Or did that go over my wee little head?

If so, Tadalafil (cialis) has been shown to increase number of androgen receptors in males, I have no idea if that would work for bio females but I don’t see why not. Though, once again, I am a neither a biologist nor a chemist. However, if the OP still exists (hasn’t chimed in in a hot minute), I can’t imagine any harm coming from giving cialis a try, could help control bp anyway, but likely will not even effect it. Could work for increasing androgen receptors and, idk… make your…whatever hard