Trans guy

Sounds like you’re offended because I’m certainly not. I didn’t feel anything when I wrote that. I didn’t mention my beliefs or politics. I brought facts. Basic Biology facts. If facts hurt a persons feelings that’s no body’s problem except the person with hurt feelings who can’t accept truth or facts. Right now that’s you.

Sounds like? You’re imagining a tone that doesn’t exist. As for your facts. Nobody is interested in the debate about what you think is a man or a woman. That’s not the topic of discussion. Further, nobody suggested that their feelings were hurt in spite of your obvious efforts to do so which includes your childish insults. The only thing you’re accomplishing is making yourself look foolish.

Let me help you. The topic, specifically is about OP’s potential use of AAS. OP was born biologically female, has had uterus and presumably ovaries removed as well as breasts. From that, and their stated desire to appear more masculine, we can surmise many things about their AAS use that is distinct from a typical woman.

And so, I offer that you can either be helpful, specifically with regard to the topic being discussed, or you can remain silent. Anything else represents malicious intent on your part.

A willful desire to be malicious causes me to wonder about the kind of life you must have led to be so bereft of basic morality.
Sounds like? You’re imagining a tone that doesn’t exist. As for your facts. Nobody is interested in the debate about what you think is a man or a woman. That’s not the topic of discussion. Further, nobody suggested that their feelings were hurt in spite of your obvious efforts to do so which includes your childish insults. The only thing you’re accomplishing is making yourself look foolish.

Let me help you. The topic, specifically is about OP’s potential use of AAS. OP was born biologically female, has had uterus and presumably ovaries removed as well as breasts. From that, and their stated desire to appear more masculine, we can surmise many things about their AAS use that is distinct from a typical woman.

And so, I offer that you can either be helpful, specifically with regard to the topic being discussed, or you can remain silent. Anything else represents malicious intent on your part.

A willful desire to be malicious causes me to wonder about the kind of life you must have led to be so bereft of basic morality.
Why do you get butt hurt with facts? Or does your butt hurt for other reasons?
Why do you get butt hurt with facts? Or does your butt hurt for other reasons?

I am astounded by the childishness and malicious behavior you seem willing to demonstrate. If I am upset, it is because I wasted my time engaging with someone as obstinate as yourself. The only solace that I have is in the fact that you have clearly demonstrated your character and the value of your contributions to this community.
Most topics are covered here. The Nebido every 12 weeks is a garbage protocol. 3 weeks of feeling amazing, and a slow crash for another 9...

I use regular test u in MCT which has a shorter half life. 125mg/wk has me feeling amazing and gaining strength. I highly suggest the similar for you.

On test u, even two week dosing schedule brings on extra side effects, estrogen conversion, acne, etc. Everyone is different, but that's an easy first thing to change to feel better. Steady is best.

I dont know what exactly is available through your doc. You can probably get away with every 2 weeks on Nibido. If it's test c, 2x per week. Talk to your doctor first to get the schedule changed. After the new protocol settles in, and you're lifting free weights, come back in a few months to change things around. All the cable lift are trash.

If you just want to cycle, hit 300mg/week of test around your lab test for the doc.