Transgender Doses

And 20mg here is posted as not too far off female hormone treatment?
My dr prescribed 20mg as a single injx/wkly dose. After hanging out awhile on the r/TRT_females sub, I knew that wasn’t the best idea, even though it seems to be common practice. The thought process comes from prescribing gel at 1/10th of the male starting dose, but I suppose they’re not taking absorption into account.

The gen recommendation there is to start around 10-12mg split 2-3x wk, assuming cyp. I’m currently holding at 14mg propionate, pinning daily.
Frankly they should prescribe tren acetate for trans people so they can not just slowly become men over several months, but metamorphose into ALPHA MALES over the course of several weeks.

Society doesn’t need more betas. We have enough. Might as well stay women if that’s the plan. We need men’s men manning around, and it doesn’t matter how they got started. Nobody is born a man. A boy BECOMES a man. A girl or woman CAN BECOME a man.

Also some ment so they can get hairy as hell.

This 100-200 test stuff is bologna.
Hrt and Trt definitely more prevalent in the US vs EU, hrt especially. Female BB definitely take more than 200mg depending on which class of competition. Bikini many take anavar and low dose test 10-20mg. The higher the weight class the more gear. I have a friend who is an ifbb pro and she ups her doses of her stack to push the mg higher each cycle until she sees virility then pulls back. She’s currently in a tough spot because to place higher than 5th in her level she needs to take more and get bigger but then virility is unavoidable so she decided to just go longer bulks, cut more than she was and compete fewer times because she’s not willing to make that trade off.

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Hrt was mentioned in a post and so I replied to that.
But yes, the 20mg they start at for female to male would be a high amount of test supplementation for a woman, in general, imo.

Malfeasance's thread is about doses for female to male transitioning and where they start from, which is an interesting topic, especially considering what one reads here about "regular" hrt for women, once they get into peri/menopause.

But yes, within the realms you discuss, it all goes out of the window in pursuit of the stage, not for health nor transitioning.
Some of the stuff one comes across or hears those women take is mad.

For you guys, things are way easier, quite straightforward and you can have all the fun and experimentation that is precluded to women.
I wouldn't recommend being one. It's a pita.
No wonder some want to turn themselves into men.

Back to transgender issues...
Hi, thanks for the reply.

Hrt was mentioned in a post and so I replied to that.
But yes, the 20mg they start at for female to male would be a high amount of test supplementation for a woman, in general, imo.

Malfeasance's thread is about doses for female to male transitioning and where they start from, which is an interesting topic, especially considering what one reads here about "regular" hrt for women, once they get into peri/menopause.

But yes, within the realms you discuss, it all goes out of the window in pursuit of the stage, not for health nor transitioning.
Some of the stuff one comes across or hears those women take is mad.

For you guys, things are way easier, quite straightforward and you can have all the fun and experimentation that is precluded to women.
I wouldn't recommend being one. It's a pita.
No wonder some want to turn themselves into men.

Back to transgender issues...
For sure. When I heard about the online abuse she gets for her muscular appearance and stuff too it’s just sad, she is either too big and masculine or too small to win. For transitioning and hrt/trt RFK taking over the FDA will be interesting to see how it changes access or process.
I've got a feeling that some female competitors take doses higher than those.
Or other anabolics in doses equivalent to higher than those test levels (adjusted by the anabolic/androgenic ratio assuming that is accurate).
I have no data though, so my comment brings no value as usual.
You’re right, there is a subculture of female bodybuilders in porn, for men (and surely women too) who love the clitomegaly and man, some things you cannot unsee
The low dose is for those who feel they're in between genders and want to get minimal masculinizing effects from the testosterone. This is new territory in gender affirming care. When I started (decades ago) this was unheard of. The endo told me inject 100mg/week then get a blood level after a few months. Even with that much it was a good long while before I noticed any real masculinizing and my levels were never very high. I don't see what 20mg is going to do in terms of masculinization. Maybe a placebo effect at best.
So what happened, and what did you do about it? What were your levels that were not very high when injecting 100mg a week?

I mean, I spent more than a year doing less than 100mg a week, and I am male and kind of large and strong.
I can't imagine if I had started at 200 but that was my physiology. I have tried to become less judgemental. Everyone has to find out for themselves.
I started at 200mg/wk coming from a natural level of 720 (I was very cognizant of the fact I wasn't coming at it for TRT purposes, just basically dipping the toes in the water to make sure the wheels didn't fall off before getting after it).

Turns out that 200mg/wk puts me at 1850 even after endogenous production shuts down, that was quite a rollercoaster for a little bit. Dropped back after doing that for a few months, now I'm on 300mg/wk which puts me well over 2000 and interestingly the sides are much less than they ever were the first time at 200mg/wk. Barely notice anything other than the benefits and maybe a slight antsyness/anxiety. I'm blessed by low aromatization though (under 45 with no AI at 2250 total T), so I'm sure that plays a factor.
And the results show up in their voices, faces, and bodies.

To be fair, a lot of that is from other steroids like Winstrol. The weird flinty voice is 100% from Winnie. My girlfriend has been on anywhere from 10-75mg Test Cyp a week over the last few years and had zero masculinizing effects whatsoever except when she was on 75mg/week for several months she got a slightly swollen clitoris but it went back to normal within a couple weeks when she dropped back down to 50mg. Of course everyone's experiences are going to be slightly different.
To be fair, a lot of that is from other steroids like Winstrol. The weird flinty voice is 100% from Winnie. My girlfriend has been on anywhere from 10-75mg Test Cyp a week over the last few years and had zero masculinizing effects whatsoever except when she was on 75mg/week for several months she got a slightly swollen clitoris but it went back to normal within a couple weeks when she dropped back down to 50mg. Of course everyone's experiences are going to be slightly different.
10-75 mg a week is a wide range.

What does she normally run when not pushing hormones high to add muscle?