Tren Ace 1st Run

The idea that we’re saturating receptors to the point of competition has been disproven, IIRC. Could be wrong, but that’s my recollection.

also, 20 weeks on tren? That’s a fuck load man.
Sorry I I initially thought you were talking to me before I was called out on it. I’m obviously not doing Tren for 20 weeks. I also appreciate you advice. Thank you very much.
Personally I don't "feel" it lower than 300.

High or low dosage you're gonna have high prolactin so I can't understand. Why to run something so low if you're going to increase your prolactin one way or another?
There's a lot fear mongering for tren. Yeah y may have harsh sides but the chances are probably not most guys do very well on 300 400. And actually is more side free than other compounds. Also is acetate so you can drop it and the next day be back to normal.

If you juicing and you got some muscle on your frame you're not gonna notice shit or very minor changes. Definitely you won't notice the effects tren is known for you won't even get nutrient partitioning to the 100%.

I also do the same with slin pins lol.

Just start with half ml a day 3 weeks in and reevaluate you can finish with 50mg ed or maybe you're the lucky ones and can raise the dosage without too much hassle.
From week 5 and then you're gonna have high prolactin on tren no other way around it I haven't seen a person on my life with normal prolactin past week 5 on tren even the lower dosages.
I know you weren't talking to me, but no, I hate pinning everyday. But I hate even more getting sides from unstable blood hormone levels.

So for me personally, pinning ED is the lesser of two evils. I also use exclusively insulin syringes, which really helps a lot.

Not a knock, just a thought
I here ya. I was just sharing my perspective. I've been pinning for ten years. I hate it. I damn sure don't want to pin everyday and deal with all the scar tissue. Lots of people run ace eod and have good results. Of course, everyone is free to run there own schedule!
High or low dosage you're gonna have high prolactin so I can't understand. Why to run something so low if you're going to increase your prolactin one way or another?
There's a lot fear mongering for tren. Yeah y may have harsh sides but the chances are probably not most guys do very well on 300 400. And actually is more side free than other compounds. Also is acetate so you can drop it and the next day be back to normal.

If you juicing and you got some muscle on your frame you're not gonna notice shit or very minor changes. Definitely you won't notice the effects tren is known for you won't even get nutrient partitioning to the 100%.

I also do the same with slin pins lol.

Just start with half ml a day 3 weeks in and reevaluate you can finish with 50mg ed or maybe you're the lucky ones and can raise the dosage without too much hassle.
From week 5 and then you're gonna have high prolactin on tren no other way around it I haven't seen a person on my life with normal prolactin past week 5 on tren even the lower dosages.
That's some weird logic. There are worse things than high prolactin. Insomnia, anger issues, acne etc. If you don't know how you react to a compound it's smart to start small and 200mg is plenty to see effects.

Tren doesn't affect my prolactin levels. Currently on 600mg tren ace and have been for several months. Zero issues. I regret listening to the advice that you need caber/prami/b6 when I started. I ended up crashing my prolactin every time. Caber is some powerful stuff.
Personally I don't "feel" it lower than 300.

High or low dosage you're gonna have high prolactin so I can't understand. Why to run something so low if you're going to increase your prolactin one way or another?
There's a lot fear mongering for tren. Yeah y may have harsh sides but the chances are probably not most guys do very well on 300 400. And actually is more side free than other compounds. Also is acetate so you can drop it and the next day be back to normal.

If you juicing and you got some muscle on your frame you're not gonna notice shit or very minor changes. Definitely you won't notice the effects tren is known for you won't even get nutrient partitioning to the 100%.

I also do the same with slin pins lol.

Just start with half ml a day 3 weeks in and reevaluate you can finish with 50mg ed or maybe you're the lucky ones and can raise the dosage without too much hassle.
From week 5 and then you're gonna have high prolactin on tren no other way around it I haven't seen a person on my life with normal prolactin past week 5 on tren even the lower dosages.
I totally get what you are saying but reading your post I would bet you are an f’ing monster. Just my take. Myself personally when I run test at above trt doses I get a little on the aggressive side. That’s my reason for being cautious.
I totally get what you are saying but reading your post I would bet you are an f’ing monster. Just my take. Myself personally when I run test at above trt doses I get a little on the aggressive side. That’s my reason for being cautious.
Yeah if test makes you aggressive then be really cautious on tren, seriously
Hmm I get what you're saying. And it's fine I actually said it for your own benefit to notice the trenbolone and see what's all the rave about it. However yeah you can run this vial and if it's side effect free you can always blast higher another time.

As far as insomnia and anger issues are worst than high prolactin I disagree.
Insomnia is knows to subside after 15 days.
Anger issues yeah you will be on "edge" so must be careful with your love ones especially if kids are involved in your life.
For me personally there isn't worst thing than high prolactin. My cock goes completely numb completely !! I have some lack of sex drive but not much !
And this is the worst to have high sex drive and a numb cock that y can't even masturbate yourself !! With those issues depression and performance anxiety are not far away!
So I'll take insomnia and acne and anger issues and whatever side is. But I can't stand high prolactin it drives me crazy !!!

Crashes prolactin however it hasn't any noticeable side effects.
I'm having a hard time to believe that your prolactin is normal on 600 tren ace and even then for how long is it normal?
Maybe it's high and you're asymptomatic or you haven't checked the right time.
But I believe you were all different.
Me I don't get any noticeable side effect from anything except high prolactin or crashed e2. I have bloods came back all in range while on 700+ tren ace.
I bought one bottle with intentions of running only that amount. I didn’t just find a bottle and say or let me try this. I’d rather start too low that have crazy sides. If I run 210mg week it will actually be .3 daily. I pop the top off a slim pin, inject a drawing syringe and backfill the slim pin.
You’re wasting a ton of oil doing it this way daily. Depending on the brand of syringe/needle you’re using to draw you’re throwing away .7ml/w. After three weeks you’ve wasted a full weeks worth of doses by doing it this way. Zero upside, lots of downside. Just draw and pin with the same insulin syringe.
Or just buy 1ml Luer Loks. I use them for my TRT and they’re money. They cost a bit more but it’s worth it.

23G to draw, 27G to inject. Good stuff.
That works too. With low doses it’s pretty important to use low or no dead space syringes/needles. I almost never hear anyone discuss it though.
How are you doing this? I have tried this but I think I’m doing something wrong
Draw in oil. Then draw in some air once you’ve removed the needle from the vial. Flick the bottom of the barrel with your finger a few times to loosen up the bubble and to get it to move from the needle to the inside of the barrel. (That might not even be necessary, but I do it anyway each time) Then turn the whole thing over (needle pointing down). The bubble should travel all the way to the top of where the oil is and sit between the plunger and the oil. From there it’s a matter of keeping it level as you pin. Do it right and the last thing that comes out is the air that pushes the last of the oil in front of it. No wasted gear for the low cost of like nine seconds of your time.
I always 'air lock' my shots. I pin SubQ daily. Would def waste a lot of oil if I didn't have air behind the last of the oil!
Or you can buy a bottle or two
And run a proper dosage 300-400 to actually feel and see something.
Don't be cheap because you have a bottle doesn't mean you should run it.
Those are some neurotic moves just stick to your test or buy a bottle more.
How you can even draw 0.2 lol
This guy knows the deal
I just read a thread on a different board about someone who added 100mg a week of tren to his 100mg a week TRT, long term. He loved it! I'm going to attempt something similar soon. It affected his HDL and LDL levels, but tightening up his diet helped keep him in range and he got a lot of benefit from the tren, even at that dosage.
I completely agree with less is more with Tren. I had 2 veterans tell me that 150mg/week would be very noticeable. I tried it.. sure as shit... I looked different in the mirror after 1 week and my wife noticed it as well.. I had to tap out at week 5 though... it started getting to me bad..