Tren ace lost 20lbs in 2 weeks after stopping?


New Member
I kept my strength but I lost a smidge of a bit of size must of been fatter than I thought or bloated. I thought tren doesn’t bloat you much??? I haven’t ran it in 10+ years so I forgot my results. Was running 50mg a day.

I was taken aromasin and nolvadex frequently
Never experienced that. Of course, the only time I ran tren with no testosterone was into a contest, and I gained weight afterward, like most competitors do.

You were running tren and nothing else?

Why were you taking aromasin and nolvadex with tren and nothing else?
Never experienced that. Of course, the only time I ran tren with no testosterone was into a contest, and I gained weight afterward, like most competitors do.

You were running tren and nothing else?

Why were you taking aromasin and nolvadex with tren and nothing else?
500mg of test split twice a week was taken nolva and aromasin for that. I moved down to 200mg but whenever I blast test firstly I don’t gain 20lbs nor do I lose much

My strength is about the same. I was very hungry on tren. So I know I put on a few lbs but also one day I could lose that with being stricter. It really was week 1-4 until I could control my appetite and not feel like I’m going to faint or get hot flashes from not eating. 5-8 I was much better.
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You lost water weight due to removing the test, which is normal, although 20 pounds seems very excessive.
no chance I just blasted test at 600mg not to long ago and put on 5lbs and didn’t lose it. I take aromasin and nolva to keep the bloat down.

It’s not like I’m shredded either after dropping 20lbs which i think i would be if im keeping the same strength and muscles measure about the same. Honestly feel fatter now
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I quit TRT for a month right after I tried Tren for the first time to see what would happen. I lost about the same amount of weight. I assumed it was all water from the Test. I was taking 250mg a week split into 2 doses of Test and 100mg of Tren a week split in 2 also. I still kept my strength but felt like shit. I did take 400iu of HCG every other day during that month off.
I quit TRT for a month right after I tried Tren for the first time to see what would happen. I lost about the same amount of weight. I assumed it was all water from the Test. I was taking 250mg a week split into 2 doses of Test and 100mg of Tren a week split in 2 also. I still kept my strength but felt like shit. I did take 400iu of HCG every other day during that month off.
I didn’t quit test. If I did that I imagine my strength and weight would be down significantly