Tren Ace raw powder life


Well-known Member
Anyone have experience with long term storage of Tren Ace powder. I have some that coming up on the one year mark of purchase. Still not ready to brew anymore at the moment so hopefully it willl last another year or so. It’s still bright and light yellow in appearance. I have my raws stored in mason jars with silica packs wrapped in a shirt in a box in the top of the closet.
tren ace is unstable / insane / lunatic.. one day you could brew it easily the other it clumps and it’s a hell...the sooner you brew it after you receive it the better... otherwise it gets ruined and you ll lose the old good Astonishing Tren gainz
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Well I guess I need to order some more vials brew and get it HPLCed or just grab 10more grams which would be cheaper. But honesty it’s still, as light yellow and powdery as it was 10 months ago.
tren ace is unstable / insane / lunatic.. one day you could brew it easily the other it clumps and it’s a hell...the sooner you brew it after you receive it the better... otherwise it gets ruined and you ll lose the old good Astonishing Tren gainz
Does the same go for tren e?
If it's vacuum sealed and no air inside sealed bag and stored between 2-8 degree Celsius in refrigerator it can last up-to 5 years with just 2-5% potency loss. Oxygen in bag and high temperature make Raws loose it's potency fast. Specially tren. I have clen raw 500 gram and it was produced by factory in November 2019 and still it tested out 96%+ purity. When stored at room temperature
Ok so after about an hour they turned a bit cloudy. Not much but but it’s noticeable. I got a pan put heat on low and placed vial with a vent needle for about 5 min. It cleared back up but went back semi cloudy an hour later. I’m guessing a small amount of moisture got in the powder over the months. I read it should be fine I’ll just heat up vial before every injection. Unless someone has a sure fire way of turning it clear indefinitely.
I might also mention when I left it overnight all raws were dissolved clearly. It was only when I added the MCT oil did it cloud up but 100f for 15min cleared it up. Filtered clear like in pic. Then an hour later.....hazy. I also used 9g powder for 80ml. That equates to like 110-115mg. Not sure if that is overdosed too much. Used 2% 20%