Tren Ace raw powder life

You may beat this in an oven and put a needle through the rubber so that the moisture can escape.

I don't know any more details.
If it's moisture...I've seen this way suggested.
I see you did well but here's my 2 cents.

With the exception of trenbolone, steroids in general have very ordinary chemical structures: an ester group; often one alkene bond, or sometimes bonds at both the 1 and 3 positions; and a ketone. It really is predictable whether molecules like this are stable or not -- they are.

Trenbolone differs because conjugated double bonds oxidize relatively easily, and trenbolone has a triene structure. The trouble is easily seen even by eye: just leave some trenbolone powder exposed to the air at room temperature for a few months and see what happens! It will brown badly.

Freezing will extend life. For any anabolic steroid except trenbolone, the material should stay good for decades.

For trenbolone, life in the freezer should be at least a year if sealed, probably longer more like 5+ years.

Since laws are always changing quickly getting raws from China relatively easily, as we're doing now may not be possible in the future. So i decided to stack up on a quantity of powders, that will allow me to confortably run a couple cycles a year for the rest of my life.

here's how i store them it worked pretty well for me.

First i put a quantity of powder that one would use for a typical cycle in a small ziplock bag, then i put a short piece of straw into the bag to allow air to be sucked out. After this i thigly roll the bag while leaving the piece of straw come out of the zip, and put it in a small vacuum bag that i make by cutting and welding bigger bags. Finally i vacuum seal it with my vacuum sealer that i got on amazon.

Here's the result:


then i put all the small bags in a bigger ziplock, wrap them with tinfoil to further protect them from light and finally put them in a freezer safe box and freeze them.


i'm not gonna lie weighting, preparing and welding all the small bags is a real pain in the ass, but you can dedicate a couple afternoon to it and be done for many years without having to worry to deal with customs or laws for the rest of your life.

Believe me that TREN A is almost 3 years old and you can see, by it's color that it still looks like fresh tren and we all now how fast it will usually go bad.

Anyway hope this will be useful to someone.
Very detailed and informative man. Ty for this write up. I’ve been toying with the idea of venting all 7 vials and baking the moisture out in the oven for 2hrs at 250f. My only question is, is this safe for the fragile hormone? Don’t want this to oxidize.
Very detailed and informative man. Ty for this write up. I’ve been toying with the idea of venting all 7 vials and baking the moisture out in the oven for 2hrs at 250f. My only question is, is this safe for the fragile hormone? Don’t want this to oxidize.

If it were test or deca it wouldn't be a problem it takes very high temperatures like to actually degrade the hormone we're talking like 600f.

However tren definetly doesn't like heat, as as said before it's chemical structure make it prone to oxidation and heat definetly accelerate the thing.

In fact you can see it darkens up, if you use too high temperatures to brew it that's why people generally let the raws dissolve into solvents over night. So I advise against doing it.
Everything Sidney said is spot on except from the storage method he uses,for which I have no idea.

I read about trenbolone the exact same information from Bill roberts years ago,on meso.

As for the oven...

Veeeery low heat. Because tren doesn't like it and that's true.
Everything Sidney said is spot on except from the storage method he uses,for which I have no idea.

I read about trenbolone the exact same information from Bill roberts years ago,on meso.

As for the oven...

Veeeery low heat. Because tren doesn't like it and that's true.

Generally when storing chemicals you have four enemies light,heat,oxygen and moisture. By using the method I described the freezer takes care of heat and light (I challenge you to find a place cooler and darker than your freezer :p) and the vacuum seal deals with the rest as by removing air you take oxygen and moisture out of the equation.
Generally when storing chemicals you have four enemies light,heat,oxygen and moisture.
I know..
By using the method I described the freezer takes care of heat and light (I challenge you to find a place cooler and darker than your freezer :p) and the vacuum seal deals with the rest as by removing air you take oxygen and moisture out of the equation.
I have stopped looking into it that much because I don't know how many times more I will run tren.

If China stops selling might do me a favor.
If it were test or deca it wouldn't be a problem it takes very high temperatures like to actually degrade the hormone we're talking like 600f.

However tren definetly doesn't like heat, as as said before it's chemical structure make it prone to oxidation and heat definetly accelerate the thing.

In fact you can see it darkens up, if you use too high temperatures to brew it that's why people generally let the raws dissolve into solvents over night. So I advise against doing it.
My source says it should be fine to use in the cloudy state. If I put it on the stove for 5min in clears right up. Should I just do that every time I draw?
I know..

I have stopped looking into it that much because I don't know how many times more I will run tren.

If China stops selling might do me a favor.

Yeah I'm definetly with you on this one, in fact I only stock 25 or so grams of the stuff and I think I'll never use it, I tried it once it is indeed amazing but I cannot justify the risks it poses on your health if you don't compete at high levels.
My source says it should be fine to use in the cloudy state. If I put it on the stove for 5min in clears right up. Should I just do that every time I draw?
It’s only slightly cloudy
I only did 1 tren cycle and mine went cloudy too, I used it without issues after clearing it up heating it very gently on a USB cup heater (I inject all my gear warm anyway as I find it helps with pip).
I only did 1 tren cycle and mine went cloudy too, I used it without issues after clearing it up heating it very gently on a USB cup heater (I inject all my gear warm anyway as I find it helps with pip).
I read this issue is pretty common with Ace but doesn’t affect potency at all. I made a blend with Ace TestP and MastP and it’s still clear. I also read that adding compounds keeps it clear.
I know..

I have stopped looking into it that much because I don't know how many times more I will run tren.

If China stops selling might do me a favor.
You can't stop what was made for you. I'm at the beginning of the second week of trenE, lol already got the tren cough last Thursday and it was fucking awful, thought I was dying. Once I got some cough and thought it was the famous tren cough, but the one that i got this Thursday was fucking worse, couldn't breath lol 110% will want to experience it again.
You can't stop what was made for you. I'm at the beginning of the second week of trenE, lol already got the tren cough last Thursday and it was fucking awful, thought I was dying. Once I got some cough and thought it was the famous tren cough, but the one that i got this Thursday was fucking worse, couldn't breath lol 110% will want to experience it again.
It is only lthe start of it.

Your demise.
I read this issue is pretty common with Ace but doesn’t affect potency at all. I made a blend with Ace TestP and MastP and it’s still clear. I also read that adding compounds keeps it clear.
The cloudiness is from left over tren base from being synthesized. Mine get a thin layer at the bottom after sitting. If it bothers you you can just got it with a hair dryer for 60sec and it will bring it back into solution temporarily.
I might also mention when I left it overnight all raws were dissolved clearly. It was only when I added the MCT oil did it cloud up but 100f for 15min cleared it up. Filtered clear like in pic. Then an hour later.....hazy. I also used 9g powder for 80ml. That equates to like 110-115mg. Not sure if that is overdosed too much. Used 2% 20%
I brewed my tren a at 133 with mct 18/2 bb to ba. It stayed clear.

you said everytime you heat it up it goes clear? But then will get cloudy?
I see you did well but here's my 2 cents.

With the exception of trenbolone, steroids in general have very ordinary chemical structures: an ester group; often one alkene bond, or sometimes bonds at both the 1 and 3 positions; and a ketone. It really is predictable whether molecules like this are stable or not -- they are.

Trenbolone differs because conjugated double bonds oxidize relatively easily, and trenbolone has a triene structure. The trouble is easily seen even by eye: just leave some trenbolone powder exposed to the air at room temperature for a few months and see what happens! It will brown badly.

Freezing will extend life. For any anabolic steroid except trenbolone, the material should stay good for decades.

For trenbolone, life in the freezer should be at least a year if sealed, probably longer more like 5+ years.

Since laws are always changing quickly getting raws from China relatively easily, as we're doing now may not be possible in the future. So i decided to stack up on a quantity of powders, that will allow me to confortably run a couple cycles a year for the rest of my life.

here's how i store them it worked pretty well for me.

First i put a quantity of powder that one would use for a typical cycle in a small ziplock bag, then i put a short piece of straw into the bag to allow air to be sucked out. After this i thigly roll the bag while leaving the piece of straw come out of the zip, and put it in a small vacuum bag that i make by cutting and welding bigger bags. Finally i vacuum seal it with my vacuum sealer that i got on amazon.

Here's the result:

View attachment 143403

then i put all the small bags in a bigger ziplock, wrap them with tinfoil to further protect them from light and finally put them in a freezer safe box and freeze them.

View attachment 143405

i'm not gonna lie weighting, preparing and welding all the small bags is a real pain in the ass, but you can dedicate a couple afternoon to it and be done for many years without having to worry to deal with customs or laws for the rest of your life.

Believe me that TREN A is almost 3 years old and you can see, by it's color that it still looks like fresh tren and we all now how fast it will usually go bad.

Anyway hope this will be useful to someone.
So is this a warning that we should be worried about the situation in China? If so, is there any other country that will pick up process that China is doing?
I brewed my tren a at 133 with mct 18/2 bb to ba. It stayed clear.

you said everytime you heat it up it goes clear? But then will get cloudy?
Yes that is correct. If I heat it it goes clear. I made a blend when I first received the Tren raws that stayed clear. It was TP-TrA-MP. But these were 10 months old so prob some moisture build up over time. Even though I had silica packs in mason jars.