Tren Acetate 150 mg/ml recipe


First time i brewed tren acetate, wasn't sure how it would turn out because i've read many reports of acetate becoming cloudy. It got not cloudy, no pip, all good. I've used latest qsc batch from june 2024.

150 mg/ml
1% BA
25% BB

how many shots have you taken so far? asking because higher concentration might increase the chance of a bad tren cough...
at least this was the theory some time ago
how many shots have you taken so far? asking because higher concentration might increase the chance of a bad tren cough...
at least this was the theory some time ago

Took 3 shots, two delts and one glute. No problems so far.

I wrote about "tren cough" in another thread, in my opinion you shouldn't worry about it.

Tren cough is a parroted meme

Just hit a vein with any oil and you will cough, sweat and feel like dying for a few minutes
the parrot is real not a meme buddy.

It's a meme, even chatgpt agrees. :D

Tren cough is a real phenomenon, but it's not exclusive to trenbolone and can occur with other injectable anabolic steroids as well. The cough is primarily caused by oil entering the bloodstream, rather than being a unique property of trenbolone itself. Key points about tren cough:

Mechanism: The cough occurs when a small amount of oil-based solution enters a blood vessel during injection. This oil then travels to the lungs, causing irritation and triggering a coughing fit

Not exclusive to trenbolone: While commonly associated with trenbolone, this reaction can happen with other oil-based injectable steroids, including testosterone

Solvent role: The solvents used in steroid preparations, such as benzyl alcohol, may contribute to the cough reaction when they enter the bloodstream

Frequency: The occurrence of the cough is inconsistent. Some users experience it frequently, while others rarely or never encounter it, even when using the same compound

Immediacy: The cough typically occurs very quickly after injection if it's going to happen at all

Prevention: While aspiration (pulling back on the plunger to check for blood before injecting) is often recommended, it doesn't guarantee prevention of the cough

Severity: The intensity of the cough can vary from mild to severe, with some users reporting very intense experiences

While trenbolone is often associated with this side effect, it's important to note that the cough is primarily a result of oil entering the bloodstream rather than a unique property of trenbolone. The higher frequency of reports with trenbolone may be due to its popularity and potency, leading to more overall use and discussion among steroid users.
Give it a week, it will probably get a little cloudy. It’s still good but tends to oxidize

I will update if it gets cloudy, but honestly i can't imagine how it would change besides crashing.

I think they possibly just improved the raws because there were many reports about cloudy tren ace (finished and from raws)