TREN CYCLE ....right on!


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I am on TRT and have 200mg every week of test cyph and I am wanting to add some tren for a cycle! So tren ace 300 mg a week. I take 1 mg of AI a week for TRT. Since i am just adding tren i don't need more AI right ? Just have Caber on hand encase ? or run 10mg of AI a day i am reading a lot of mixed reviews... here is what i am thinking...

TRT- TEST CYPH - 200MG weekly
12week- TREN ACE - 75MG EOD (300MG WEEKLY)
1mg of AI just for the TRT or do i need to run the 10mg ED ?
Caber only if sides show up ? or caber E3D with .25 mg?

Also looking into N2GUARD.... if anyone has tried this let me know your review

Thank you for you input everyone in advance !
Tren doesn't aromatize, so using an aromatising inhibitator (AI) to manage tren sides is useless. You may get prolactin induced issues, which you regulate with compounds such as caber. Don't use it if you don't need it.

N2GUARD lol, been watching Dylan have you? Total bollocks, keep at arm's length

Tren doesn't aromatize, so using an aromatising inhibitator (AI) to manage tren sides is useless. You may get prolactin induced issues, which you regulate with compounds such as caber. Don't use it if you don't need it.

N2GUARD lol, been watching Dylan have you? Total bollocks, keep at arm's length

Actually if you read William Llewelyns steroid research it says that prolactin buildup is caused by heightened estrogen levels, not the trenbolone hormone itself. Therefore keeping e2 in check should be sufficient in fending off gyno induced by prolactin buildup due to TREN. But having a little caber on hand is always safe just to be safe.
Tren doesn't aromatize, so using an aromatising inhibitator (AI) to manage tren sides is useless. You may get prolactin induced issues, which you regulate with compounds such as caber. Don't use it if you don't need it.

N2GUARD lol, been watching Dylan have you? Total bollocks, keep at arm's length

Bro science!
If estrogen is controlled with an AI then there will be no issues with prolactin!
If you don't believe me ask @Dr JIM
He will set you straight.
Lol, I would like to see a poll on how many men have actually lactated while using tren without prolactin control.
I'm sure there are not very many.
Bro science!
If estrogen is controlled with an AI then there will be no issues with prolactin!
If you don't believe me ask @Dr JIM
He will set you straight.

If you agree that tren doesn't aromatize, I am sure you see some logic beyond the bro-one that using an aromatisation inhibitator is useless.

Tren is a progestin and can cause gyno - not by elevated estrogen because it doesnt convert - but through higher prolactin levels.

I just now took a masters degree in clicking on the search button in Google on this topic, and am absolutely sure I have the right answer.

I also have the balls to stand behind my own answers and do not need to stand behind someone else's positions. Because I am the Kong of the Dongs. Wroar.

I am on TRT and have 200mg every week of test cyph and I am wanting to add some tren for a cycle! So tren ace 300 mg a week. I take 1 mg of AI a week for TRT. Since i am just adding tren i don't need more AI right ? Just have Caber on hand encase ? or run 10mg of AI a day i am reading a lot of mixed reviews... here is what i am thinking...

TRT- TEST CYPH - 200MG weekly
12week- TREN ACE - 75MG EOD (300MG WEEKLY)
1mg of AI just for the TRT or do i need to run the 10mg ED ?
Caber only if sides show up ? or caber E3D with .25 mg?

Also looking into N2GUARD.... if anyone has tried this let me know your review

Thank you for you input everyone in advance !
You don't need anything else. Drop the rest of the shit. N2gard really. You obviously have done much research here have you?

This isn't a cycle you will have much of a problem with e2. All you will do with your ai is crash your e2.
Lol, and what does google say is the cause of these"mysterious" raised prolactin levels?
Here I'll give you a hint....
Go figure :rolleyes:
I appreciate the feedback and advice.
So just keep the same AI for my TRT i am running and just have caber on hand if problems arise. I have 4 mg of caber. Is this enough if problems arise just take .25 E3D? or should i get more ?
Thank you.
Lol, and what does google say is the cause of these"mysterious" raised prolactin levels?
Here I'll give you a hint....
Go figure :rolleyes:

I just clicked the magic search button, and the oracle answered: tren in itself does not elevate estrogen because it doesn't convert but may cause estrogen related issues in case of a presence of estrogen. So stick a gram of test in your ham, revv that estrogen way up high, add tren and you have a higher chance of growing them titties.

Speaking of titties, with that attitude of yours, you're about to turn yourself into one, like rolleyes like

Huh, yea alright Google Kong.
Who needs Google when we have our own doctor here at meso to answer these type of questions.
Your wasting your time!
Actually if you read William Llewelyns steroid research it says that prolactin buildup is caused by heightened estrogen levels, not the trenbolone hormone itself.

"Prolactin buildup" what's that exactly, is there a blood test I've missed.

Hey I'm not shooting the messenger but that's just more BULLSHIT as stated and so is the suggestion those running -9-Nor AAS somehow "need" a D-2 agonist to be "safe".
"Prolactin buildup" what's that exactly, is there a blood test I've missed.

Hey I'm not shooting the messenger but that's just more BULLSHIT as stated and so is the suggestion those running -9-Nor AAS somehow "need" a D-2 agonist to be "safe".
Hello sir,

So what are suggesting I do given the info above ?

Thank you in advance
If you agree that tren doesn't aromatize, I am sure you see some logic beyond the bro-one that using an aromatisation inhibitator is useless.

Tren is a progestin and can cause gyno - not by elevated estrogen because it doesnt convert - but through higher prolactin levels.

I just now took a masters degree in clicking on the search button in Google on this topic, and am absolutely sure I have the right answer.

I also have the balls to stand behind my own answers and do not need to stand behind someone else's positions. Because I am the Kong of the Dongs. Wroar.


OMG DQ :eek:.....its our first fight. I guess it had to happen sooner or later.
I agree 100% with your first and last paragraph.
Paragraph are wrong only due to paragraph 3 and where u got the information.
There is absolutely no medical info or research available that backs up prolactin induced gyno from the use of tren or fina.
There is such a condition as prolactin induced gyno however.
I still love u tho your majesty Kong ....and yes you will forever be KING OF THE DONGS.:cool:
OMG DQ :eek:.....its our first fight. I guess it had to happen sooner or later.
I agree 100% with your first and last paragraph.
Paragraph are wrong only due to paragraph 3 and where u got the information.
There is absolutely no medical info or research available that backs up prolactin induced gyno from the use of tren or fina.
There is such a condition as prolactin induced gyno however.
I still love u tho your majesty Kong ....and yes you will forever be KING OF THE DONGS.:cool:

Oh no! The only way I can win this noble fight is to fart myself on to the winning chair! If I got two out of three, I ain't that bad compared to muppet head though lol.

Prolactin induced gyno....hmm, its definitely not something that would roll naturally off my tongue. I gotta have a source on the google university somewhere. I also did get gyno on tren, but that was in parallell with upping my test to over a gram without increasing the AI.

I'm confused now. Tren increases Prolactine levels, right? That's why we have caber, right? Side effects of high prolactin can be psychosis, lack of wood, dry vagina (wtf) and guess what, breast enlargement. I'm sure I've read with disgust about at least two peeps who were lactating.

Where does that go wrong, though, the google said yes. :confused:

the mis information starts at "tren raises prolactin levels"
Like u i was of same opinion based solely on what i found on forums from guys on cycle etc.
I happen to really like tren and didnt want big titties( well growing on me anyway) rubbing on me, swinging beside me, or hanging in my face are fine. ahhh but i digress,
In 2014 i ran across an article by Bill Roberts and a bunch of threads where he stated my position today....that a 19 nor has no significant impact in the case of prolactin induced gyno.
It appears that back in the day a couple dudes got gyno...high test hi tren cycle...little or no ai. Then were prescibed something like prami or another to control their hi prolactin and wha la.....a legend was born.
If they would have had their e2 under control they would not have had hi prolactin( provided they had no endo system issues) and this bro science legend would not exist.
Really thats pretty much what happened!
Tren is a progestin and can cause gyno - not by elevated estrogen because it doesnt convert - but through higher prolactin levels.
Through studies Dr Jim has posted and Studies I have discovered you're incorrect. The patients with prolactinomas(high levels of prolactin), gyno is very unusual.

Prolactinoma Clinical Presentation: History, Physical
  • Men with prolactinoma have 1 or more features of hypogonadism, which may include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, or infertility. [10] Gynecomastia is very unusual in these men.

Caber is a waste, control your E2 is the main objective. 19nor such as Tren have some effect on the breast tissue that can cause gyno even when the E2 is in check. Either by being a progestin or attaching to the receptors in the breast tissue. There isn't enough studies on steroids such as Tren and how it causes gyno. Obviously it's an individual basis. The best way to combat this is block the gateways through a SERM, either tamoxifen or raloxifene while using these compounds if you're prone to 19nor gyno.
Cliff notes: keep your estrogen in check

OP: if you came from Eco or elite or any of the sites that promote n2guard or any of the bullshit products, start forgetting EVERYTHING they told you as it was an attempt to separate you from your cash.
Actually, youre the one wasting my time. Why don't you go suck on my kong while we wait for your daddy to come tell you you've misunderstood a very simple basic, you fucking moron.
Lol, you will eat your words soon.
Similar to how you eat your own shit off your boyfriends dick every day.
Hence the info that comes out your mouth being complete SHIT!
Ha, that makes you a shit talking/eating Batty Bwoy!! Lmfao