Tren gyno and other estrogenic side effects


New Member
I can't find accurate information about my worries, so I'm posting this thread, hoping someone will give me the answer.

I know trenbolone doesn't aromatize into estrogen, meaning it won't further elevate my e2. My current e2 level is 500 pmol/L, a significant elevation, due to testosterone (currently, I'm only on testosterone).

Trenbolone, according to information I have found online, always causes elevated prolactin and progesterone, and the degree of elevation depends on the dose used. By "always", I meant it's an inherited property of tren and isn't related to individual responses. It's not like some people will experience the side effect, while others won't. Everyone will.

As far as I know, prolactin and progesterone can supercharge estrogen receptors, making them feel the 500 pmol/L as 1,000 pmol/L or something like that (the exact exaggeration of e2 is supposed to depend on the tren dose).

At 500 pmol/L, I'm not experiencing even a single e2 side effect, not even a slight water retention. Literally nothing.

I'm planning to use 100 to 200 mg tren a week to test the waters. Can such a dose increase prolactin and progesterone significantly?

Can tren actually induce gyno and other e2 side effects or it's just a myth?
Tren can induce gyno through prolactin signaling. you want to do a sensitive E2 test to know where your levels are at more accurately
Tren can induce gyno through prolactin signaling. you want to do a sensitive E2 test to know where your levels are at more accurately
I'm doing ordinary e2 blood tests, the results always show about 500 pmol/L. I'm not experiencing even a single side effect related to high e2, does that mean I'm not sensitive to e2?
I'm doing ordinary e2 blood tests, the results always show about 500 pmol/L. I'm not experiencing even a single side effect related to high e2, does that mean I'm not sensitive to e2?
the tren is reading as E2 since youre not doing a sensitive test and thus you test high. your actual E2 might not be high you dont know unless you do a sensitive test also we dont know what else is in your cycle that could have influence on E2 levels