Tren Rage

It definitely can push a volatile person over the edge.. Trust me I've had my moments haha.. The wife doesn't care if I'm using test DECA a drol dbol slin etc but if I go to run tren its the third degree about what a cunt I can be haha
@Agrex110 hey I'm running a test/mast cycle, but if I THINK I'm on tren, will I get tren like results?

Let me guess, you learned that in uni?

Please stop posting things based off your stupid bro science and overpriced degree.

And before you say your nutritional knowledge is too far above ours for us to even understand.... look at you, and look at me. Who do you think knows more about nutrition?
His logic is flawed and must be relative to his own experience. Ive run tren before. No over the top douchebaggery.

The only tren rage i have ever had was in my pants.

All of his logic is flawed. Check out anything he's ever posted before. He kind of looks like that kid who was super fat all through elementary school, them when they hit puberty they just grew taller so they are still fat, just not as fat. But yet his knowledge surpasses all of ours.

And his hairline is receding by the day.
I'm his #1 fan, can ya tell?
Hello guys,
In reference to the tren thing....I was taking 200 mg eod and yes my fuse was a lot shorter and trust me in my profession that's bad if someone notices. I just reminded myself of what I was on and just made that extra effort to not blow a gasket then I'd just take it out on the gym later.
I have not had it like this before maybe it's just all the shit going on around me . But just hear it a lot about people and irritability when on Tren . But I never had it this bad where i just want to get away from people
its not the tren. its you. you just make yourself angry because youre like "im on tren, im gonna get tren rage now"

no. doesnt work like that
Look man I'm a very peaceful person and can take a lot of shit but I just got in a big fight of leave car head lights on and all most knocked out my brother-in-law. Yeah definitely some shit is off
Look man I'm a very peaceful person and can take a lot of shit but I just got in a big fight of leave car head lights on and all most knocked out my brother-in-law. Yeah definitely some shit is off
Tren is notorious for havinf eradic responses to it. Some people cannot run Tren. It is important for you to decide if that is you or not. How are you sleeping? Ace or Enanthate? Are you pinning ED or EOD?