Tren Rage

Think twice before you slug anyone. Ask yourself if it is really necessary.

I agree. With some AAS (high test and EQ) I take a deep breath if I know I'm getting irritable, which is rare to begin with... Even then it is something where I tell myself to calm down just because I do not look all that natural anyway and if Inwere to lose it somebody could accuse me of using steroids so I'm extra calm. But I had one situation on Tren where I absolutely lost it without any hesitation or time to react. I feel like Tren just brings out the alpha. Like a territorial pack leader/protector. I cannot imagine somebody breaking into the house of a Tren user and leaving unharmed. I read similar things about the alpha prior to trying it and I thought whoever wrote it was an idiot just riding the train a little to much. But man did I lose it on Tren. 2x actually. The only other AAS I can think of now was on Halo but it was somebody smoking cigarettes under a no smoking sign at my gym who ran his mouth after I Confronted him for the smoke hitting my face. The Tren ace was only 30 mg per day. Have never ran ace higher. I know why @brutus79 wants to skull fuck shills and shitfaces when he's on a serious Tren run.
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I agree. With some AAS (high test and EQ) I take a deep breath if I know I'm getting irritable, which is rare to begin with... Even then it is something where I tell myself to calm down just because I do not look all that natural anyway and if Inwere to lose it somebody could accuse me of using steroids so I'm extra calm. But I had one situation on Tren where I absolutely lost it without any hesitation or time to react. I feel like Tren just brings out the alpha. Like a territorial pack leader/protector. I cannot imagine somebody breaking into the house of a Tren user and leaving unharmed. I read similar things about the alpha prior to trying it and I thought whoever wrote it was an idiot just riding the train a little to much. But man did I lose it on Tren. 2x actually. The only other AAS I can think of now was on Halo but it was somebody smoking cigarettes under a no smoking sign at my gym who ran his mouth after I Confronted him for the smoke hitting my face. The Tren ace was only 30 mg per day. Have never ran ace higher. I know why @brutus79 wants to skull fuck shills and shitfaces when he's on a serious Tren run.

Thats what I found on my tren ace "6-week trip" . I reacted without thinking it thru and over-reacted to situations . No shortage of guts either on Ace....:mad::mad:

It was mostly after the 3rd/4th week
Thats what I found on my tren ace "6-week trip" . I reacted without thinking it thru and over-reacted to situations . No shortage of guts either on Ace....:mad::mad:

It was mostly after the 3rd/4th week
Yeah. Tren is one of the few drugs where it can bring the most aggression out of you. Although Halo has some aggressive tendencies and is more androgenic, I still think Tren makes you more aggressive in my opinion. At least in my experience. And I still believe that Tren can make an Alter Boy act like an animal. One can go from docile to raging. Just my opinion. Hormones effect everybody different. I could never run Tren and be a DOC employee.
Yeah. Tren is one of the few drugs where it can bring the most aggression out of you. Although Halo has some aggressive tendencies and is more androgenic, I still think Tren makes you more aggressive in my opinion. At least in my experience. And I still believe that Tren can make an Alter Boy act like an animal. One can go from docile to raging. Just my opinion. Hormones effect everybody different. I could never run Tren and be a DOC employee.

No , and it might not be a great idea for the inmates either , tren ace . Unless your looking to reduce the population and find the alpha males in the group .
I do become furious and angry and ready-to-kill when using tren on cutting! And that's due to lack of carbs, endless cardio... But no one knows about it, since I keep all these in. People around me should't suffer when I do :D
Im 6 weeks in to 10 weeks now on 500mg of tren-e and low test and I can feel it coming.. my overall mood is changing and general apathy towards those around me is creeping in.

Low test takes away the anger aspect for me, but its still clearly having an impact... Just gotta be aware of it and not do anything stupid.
do meditation, i will help a lot bro and dont drink and if u use stimulants use less.
I'm using low test and 350mg a week of tren a and u gotta use your brain even though u feel ruthless, unstoppable and ready for the cruelest of the bloodbath.
I'll use it for 6 weeks in total and even though is amazing in the gym i have to go out of the room when i discuss with someone otherwise im gonna end up screaming angry for bullshit or knocking somebody out and i cant afford it because im foreign in aus
do meditation, i will help a lot bro and dont drink and if u use stimulants use less.
I'm using low test and 350mg a week of tren a and u gotta use your brain even though u feel ruthless, unstoppable and ready for the cruelest of the bloodbath.
I'll use it for 6 weeks in total and even though is amazing in the gym i have to go out of the room when i discuss with someone otherwise im gonna end up screaming angry for bullshit or knocking somebody out and i cant afford it because im foreign in aus
Drinking is a big #^@&@ no no for me . I lost it one night and have not drank since then I think I know the cause then multiply that even more for me after a long week of work and lack of sleep . I think the lack of sleep can trigger outburst
@Agrex110 hey I'm running a test/mast cycle, but if I THINK I'm on tren, will I get tren like results?

Let me guess, you learned that in uni?

Please stop posting things based off your stupid bro science and overpriced degree.

And before you say your nutritional knowledge is too far above ours for us to even understand.... look at you, and look at me. Who do you think knows more about nutrition?
youve been running gear for how long? ive only been training for 3 years and using gear for 8 months. youre nothing to write home about

look at my transformation pic. did it natty. yup i know nothing about nutrition
If you think youre on tren, youll get tren results? I said tren does not cause someone to roid rage. NO steroid alters the brain or chemical balance. So that tren rage you get, its probably because youre already an asshole and the hormone makes you more aggressive.
If you think youre on tren, youll get tren results? I said tren does not cause someone to roid rage. NO steroid alters the brain or chemical balance. So that tren rage you get, its probably because youre already an asshole and the hormone makes you more aggressive.
You got a study to prove that sir? Emotions are signals sent from the brain to tell us how we feel, correct? Hormones cause our emotions to fluctuate, correct? Endorphins are a feel good chemical releases in the brain. Many drugs including AAS release endorphins. Dbol gives the user an overall sense of well being. Testosterone gives users a "God like" feeling in the gym. Endorphins? So to say NO AAS causes chemical imbalances or changes without proof when logic says otherwise is simply broscience.
If you think youre on tren, youll get tren results? I said tren does not cause someone to roid rage. NO steroid alters the brain or chemical balance. So that tren rage you get, its probably because youre already an asshole and the hormone makes you more aggressive.
Fail.. look so when your test levels are high you can experience the need to fuck a little more then usual. So that can effect the mood if you don't release this energy you can become a little pissed if your girl don't want to give it up so the feeling would originate from the brain. I don't know the science behind it just know when on AAS shit changes not only with body but mind to . Not say that test will cause changes to your brain chemistry but I think it can influence it
youve been running gear for how long? ive only been training for 3 years and using gear for 8 months. youre nothing to write home about

look at my transformation pic. did it natty. yup i know nothing about nutrition

Lol... look at how lean I got naturally.
Your transformation is nothing to even notice? Whoop dee... you lost weight. You and every other middle class house wife has done that. Oh cool, you gained muscle off adrol... hats off to you.
Total, in my entire life, I've ran gear for 14 weeks.
We can get into dick measuring contests all day, but the advice you give to people is so stupid!
My transformation was surly noticed by Quest, where I got a year supply of quest bars. My gains was surly noticed because now im a mutant ambassador.

thanks for coming out
If you think youre on tren, youll get tren results? I said tren does not cause someone to roid rage. NO steroid alters the brain or chemical balance. So that tren rage you get, its probably because youre already an asshole and the hormone makes you more aggressive.

Just stop while you're ahead.


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testosterone is less a perpetrator and more an accomplice—one that's sometimes not too far from the scene of the crime.