Tren Rage

If you think youre on tren, youll get tren results? I said tren does not cause someone to roid rage. NO steroid alters the brain or chemical balance. So that tren rage you get, its probably because youre already an asshole and the hormone makes you more aggressive.
I responded to you the other day, went back to edit it and realized the window for doing so had closed. In the edit included multiple studies showing that higher androgens equate to aggression. Consider that TRT doctors prescribe 200 mg of cyp to get a patient to "high normal." On the scale (300 ng/dL - 1050ng/dL) is the range for males. Then consider Tren is 5x more androgenic than test mg per mg. do you really need peer-reviewed research linking androgens to aggression? Is roid rage really a myth? Meh, mostly. Roid rage from trenbolone? Mostly not.

Your before and after pics? I've seen them. But they aren't anything that warrant declaring thyself an expert. No offense but I've seen people look much better and without AAS too and they, like you, came from humble beginnings. I've also seen your pos-AAS pics and have seen people who've never touched them look much much better. In my mind, if your goal is to "look good" and you've used Tren, I should be able to look at your pictures and say "no way that motherfucker is natty." With you, if you told me you were on juice I would be curious if you got bunk gear. Tren? I'd call bullshyte. But Keep up the good work, because you definitely made improvements. However, make sure you have facts to back up your claims next time.

For your viewing pleasure:
The influence of testosterone on human aggression. - PubMed - NCBI
Testosterone and the brain. - PubMed - NCBI

^^^^^All three mention that men who supplement high doses of testosterone are prone to aggression.

Is roid rage occurrence a myth in terms of TRT? Mostly. Is roid rage a myth when taking large quantities of AAS? No, especially one that is largely one of the most androgenic of all popular AAS, if not the most androgenic of popular AAS.

You're on here preaching to guys who are probably much more jacked and educated than you.
I think tren just amplify your personality (more toward aggression and I don't give a flying F). Someone cool and collected can be aggressive if put in a situation they would normally walk away. Just like someone's whom you though was cool and level headed.. but after couple of beers and shots.. guess what, they think they can fight the whole world!
Holy shit. My arms are ONLY 16.5 PUMPED and they make his look small... Lol and what striations? Man.. I'm all for support and everyone bettering themselves.. But fucking punks like this dude just get me going.

I agree. I actually have told him goodluck on his quest to being an IFBB, but he just lies 24/7 and gives the worst, dumbest broscience advice ever.

I wasn't going to say anything, because I am horrible with measurements, especially when it comes to guessing peoples height on pictures..... but my arms look huge compared to his as well. I have done maybe 10 sets of bicep curls in the past 2 years too.

And @Thenewera you make me look like a fricken preteen girl... fuckin beast.
I agree. I actually have told him goodluck on his quest to being an IFBB, but he just lies 24/7 and gives the worst, dumbest broscience advice ever.

I wasn't going to say anything, because I am horrible with measurements, especially when it comes to guessing peoples height on pictures..... but my arms look huge compared to his as well. I have done maybe 10 sets of bicep curls in the past 2 years too.

And @Thenewera you make me look like a fricken preteen girl... fuckin beast.
No, he lied completely. It's sad.

and really do appreciate that, but man. I'm not big honestly. I mean think I'm only 195-197.. Illusion and bodyfat
No, he lied completely. It's sad.

and really do appreciate that, but man. I'm not big honestly. I mean think I'm only 195-197.. Illusion and bodyfat
shit man I'm not big either but I'm the same. Lower bodyfat levels. Not as shredded as you. Not yet!!!
I responded to you the other day, went back to edit it and realized the window for doing so had closed. In the edit included multiple studies showing that higher androgens equate to aggression. Consider that TRT doctors prescribe 200 mg of cyp to get a patient to "high normal." On the scale (300 ng/dL - 1050ng/dL) is the range for males. Then consider Tren is 5x more androgenic than test mg per mg. do you really need peer-reviewed research linking androgens to aggression? Is roid rage really a myth? Meh, mostly. Roid rage from trenbolone? Mostly not.

Your before and after pics? I've seen them. But they aren't anything that warrant declaring thyself an expert. No offense but I've seen people look much better and without AAS too and they, like you, came from humble beginnings. I've also seen your pos-AAS pics and have seen people who've never touched them look much much better. In my mind, if your goal is to "look good" and you've used Tren, I should be able to look at your pictures and say "no way that motherfucker is natty." With you, if you told me you were on juice I would be curious if you got bunk gear. Tren? I'd call bullshyte. But Keep up the good work, because you definitely made improvements. However, make sure you have facts to back up your claims next time.

For your viewing pleasure:
The influence of testosterone on human aggression. - PubMed - NCBI
Testosterone and the brain. - PubMed - NCBI

^^^^^All three mention that men who supplement high doses of testosterone are prone to aggression.

Is roid rage occurrence a myth in terms of TRT? Mostly. Is roid rage a myth when taking large quantities of AAS? No, especially one that is largely one of the most androgenic of all popular AAS, if not the most androgenic of popular AAS.

You're on here preaching to guys who are probably much more jacked and educated than you.

I appreciate your feedback. Doing one 8 week cycle of tren wont transform someone into a beast. I have before tren and after tren pics and there is so much separation. Ive only been on since september(blast and cruise) and packed on over 25lbs while staying at the same bf. arms went up 2 inches. so i think my gear is great, as my blood works proves. i think im doing fine, but i deff can do better.
[QUOTE="Agrex110, post: 1580574, I have before tren and after tren pics and there is so much seperation[/QUOTE]

Hope you aren't talking about muscle seperation, because I see none.


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I see 4 right now:) prep season is doing me wonders. morning cardio everyday for 45min. quit being a dick
Then post them.. What's so hard about that..
No one was being a dick until you thought you were a god damn scientist. It would be different if you didn't look like the average gym bro
Holy shit. My arms are ONLY 16.5 PUMPED and they make his look small... Lol and what striations? Man.. I'm all for support and everyone bettering themselves.. But fucking punks like this dude just get me going.
16.5 pumped??? What the Fuck ever TNE!! I just got my 20's back last week after almost eating myself to death! It's ALMOST cutting time... ALMOST. LOL
16.5 pumped??? What the Fuck ever TNE!! I just got my 20's back last week after almost eating myself to death! It's ALMOST cutting time... ALMOST. LOL
Haha I swear man!! I got these baby arms, always been a hard point for me. It's just the body fat and posing makes them look nicer. 16.5" arms with my bodyfat can make some think 18". Which 18" at 8% bf is my goal.
I see 4 right now:) prep season is doing me wonders. morning cardio everyday for 45min. quit being a dick

4 pack and striated biceps huh?
You've had ample time to prove us all wrong but yet you just continue to shit out your mouth.
You can dehydrate yourself and push this off as long as you want man, do all the little tricks and find the right lighting to give the illusion of some definition. Idc what you say you look like, we all know what you actually look like.