Tren Rage

Well i think i have to abort my tren run, im just to hot lol had today off work cause i was to hot in bed last night and mixed with a teething baby... Im sitting on the couch right now and its 11degrees celius.. The missus is wrapped up in a doona and im in my jocks with nothing else... Still have a bead of sweat coming down my forehead lol mite make the switch to NPP
Yeah, and my retarded ass is waiting till June for my tren blast. What the hell am I thinking!!!!
But I did good sir.

Ok clearly not a single thing you post is credible.
I looked through your log a while back and thought your strength was pretty impressive, stronger than me anyways, but I'm sure those are lies too.

You've had ample time to prove us wrong and give back some credibility, but between your bullshit nutritional advice, your wishy-washy cycle claims, and your flat out lies about your physique has pretty much diminished any chance of you having credibility here.

Who cares man? I don't care if your biceps are striated and 19 inches... I don't care if they are watery and 15 inches. But if you start making wild claims of it, and then talk shit to me about how awesome your life is from your sponsorships you scooped along thru your mad "gains", I'm gonna ask for some evidence to back it up, but you have none, because those 19 inch striated biceps don't exist.
Yeah, and my retarded ass is waiting till June for my tren blast. What the hell am I thinking!!!!

Mate we are different and i dare say if i was unemployed and didnt need to be at work everyday i would prob ride these sides out and deal with it, some times it takes a bigger man to admit that its not worth,.

For you tho it may be a different story.. Some times u can learn from others but when there is so many different reviews both positive and negative, you just gota try for yourself

Sorry to hear it brother. Hope the NPP does you well!

I love NPP and how it makes me feel, so its a no brainer for me
Mate we are different and i dare say if i was unemployed and didnt need to be at work everyday i would prob ride these sides out and deal with it, some times it takes a bigger man to admit that its not worth,.

For you tho it may be a different story.. Some times u can learn from others but when there is so many different reviews both positive and negative, you just gota try for yourself

I love NPP and how it makes me feel, so its a no brainer for me

I've heard nothing but positive about NPP.... good thing I've chose to include it in my winter bulk :)
Im in school full time and work 40hrs a week. no time, I dont need to prove to someone across the continent how big my arms are. my lifts are real. I hit 4 plates on bench,dead,squat. but that dont mean shit. i apologize for talking shit to you.
Thanks for all the positive compliments. And for those wondering, more recent pics were also posted in the same thread.

Really don't know what else to say...
Your physique is definitely a reflection of your dedication and love for what you do.

I scrolled through a few pages to find your latest pic, and I've got to say.... lots of highly impressive physiques here!
I appreciate your feedback. Doing one 8 week cycle of tren wont transform someone into a beast. I have before tren and after tren pics and there is so much separation. Ive only been on since september(blast and cruise) and packed on over 25lbs while staying at the same bf. arms went up 2 inches. so i think my gear is great, as my blood works proves. i think im doing fine, but i deff can do better.
No problem man, just be more humble. And I do respectfully disagree with you on the Tren. 8 weeks and a proper diet and people that see you ever day notice you're changes daily by the fifth week. After not seeing somebody for a month they know you're on Tren. Just my opinion and experience.
Tren is such a fucked up drug and even though this is only my second time running it not sure if there will be a third. I'm on week 6 @ 560 mg week stacked with mast p @ 500 mg week.
Also running a blend of test e and p
at around 500-600 mg week.
The Tren sides have been hitting hard lately. Considered ending the Tren yesterday after taking to much caffeine after my shot think it was around 6oo mg. I fucking lost my shit at work and had to leave. I thought it would help with the lethargy but I definitely over did it. Holy shit!!
I lOve NPP and it will be apart of my next lean bulk with Tpp and EQ.
No problem man, just be more humble. And I do respectfully disagree with you on the Tren. 8 weeks and a proper diet and people that see you ever day notice you're changes daily by the fifth week. After not seeing somebody for a month they know you're on Tren. Just my opinion and experience.

Prople in person, did notice a huge change. i have poor pictures. im running it again and we'll see how it goes this time. Ill post before and after pic of this one. its hard for me to eat on tren, so i use it to cut. ill be in a deficit prepping for my show. so we'll see how she goes.
Prople in person, did notice a huge change. i have poor pictures. im running it again and we'll see how it goes this time. Ill post before and after pic of this one. its hard for me to eat on tren, so i use it to cut. ill be in a deficit prepping for my show. so we'll see how she goes.
I think your tren is laced with meth... If it's to hard just give up . No one will care I promise .
Tried Tren-A for the first time, 6 week run not long ago, first 2 weeks pinning, aside from getting fucking hot like crazy, I had this mesmerizing calmness about me, no one could piss me off no matter how stupid they were, it was really bizzare feeling.
Later started getting the sweats and the insomnia but never at any point lost control, I always felt in charge and above everyone else in the room. Keep in mind I was only doing 300mg/wk so a beginner dose I guess.
Tren is such a fucked up drug and even though this is only my second time running it not sure if there will be a third. I'm on week 6 @ 560 mg week stacked with mast p @ 500 mg week.
Also running a blend of test e and p
at around 500-600 mg week.
The Tren sides have been hitting hard lately. Considered ending the Tren yesterday after taking to much caffeine after my shot think it was around 6oo mg. I fucking lost my shit at work and had to leave. I thought it would help with the lethargy but I definitely over did it. Holy shit!!
I lOve NPP and it will be apart of my next lean bulk with Tpp and EQ.

maybe you should lower your test to 200-300mg.. I know it helped me!
maybe you should lower your test to 200-300mg.. I know it helped me!
I tried but the lethargy was pretty heavy and was clouding my brain. I actually am running a lose dose of test e but I added about 40 mg test p ed starting a few weeks ago and it has really made a difference.