Tren Rage

When I cut hard, my waist shrinks, arms loose about 1/2 inch but I look like I gained 10 pounds. Amazing.

I just saw a post from @Millard Baker in the transformation thread saying something along the lines of "when you lose 10lbs everyone asks if you've gained 10lbs"

Also... that was the first time I've ever seen @Millard Baker and I've got to say... amazing physique! Impressive set of wheels too, especially coming from his long distance running background.
Just goes to show hard work and knowledge trumps everything
Holy shit. My arms are ONLY 16.5 PUMPED and they make his look small... Lol and what striations? Man.. I'm all for support and everyone bettering themselves.. But fucking punks like this dude just get me going.

Your pretty low bodyfat so your 16.5" arm looks over 18" . I think the best my arms look is when they are barely 17" .
I just saw a post from @Millard Baker in the transformation thread saying something along the lines of "when you lose 10lbs everyone asks if you've gained 10lbs"

Also... that was the first time I've ever seen @Millard Baker and I've got to say... amazing physique! Impressive set of wheels too, especially coming from his long distance running background.
Just goes to show hard work and knowledge trumps everything
Millard has a very hard earned physique. Extremely impressive to say the least. You ought to check Doc Scally's out from when he was a top bodybuilding competitor.
Thanks! And yeah man, the illusion wins every time! Let's see a ripped up OGH!

I feel like the term ripped up isn't going to do @Oregongearhead justice...
He's more into the diced, maybe even minced, area of shredded-ness.

And yeah I actually Google millard a while back to see what he looked like. Couldn't find anything, but I really just stumbled upon a few photos in an old thread that blew my expectations out of the water haha....
Very impressive
I appreciate your feedback. Doing one 8 week cycle of tren wont transform someone into a beast. I have before tren and after tren pics and there is so much separation. Ive only been on since september(blast and cruise) and packed on over 25lbs while staying at the same bf. arms went up 2 inches. so i think my gear is great, as my blood works proves. i think im doing fine, but i deff can do better.

You did not put two inches of muscle on your arms in one cycle.
I just saw a post from @Millard Baker in the transformation thread saying something along the lines of "when you lose 10lbs everyone asks if you've gained 10lbs"

Also... that was the first time I've ever seen @Millard Baker and I've got to say... amazing physique! Impressive set of wheels too, especially coming from his long distance running background.
Just goes to show hard work and knowledge trumps everything
Link i was always curious of seen Millard :D

@Agrex110 - you see his vastus medialis? (the lower, inner portion of the quad, in case uni didn't teach you)
THOSE are striations.
Well i think i have to abort my tren run, im just to hot lol had today off work cause i was to hot in bed last night and mixed with a teething baby... Im sitting on the couch right now and its 11degrees celius.. The missus is wrapped up in a doona and im in my jocks with nothing else... Still have a bead of sweat coming down my forehead lol mite make the switch to NPP