Tren Rage

My transformation was surly noticed by Quest, where I got a year supply of quest bars. My gains was surly noticed because now im a mutant ambassador.

thanks for coming out

I'm sure if anyone of us whored ourselves out on social media to an extent that I can guarantee you do, you would be lost in the pile of other not so impressive people.

Not too long ago you posted "like this of you worked out today" on this board. A fucking AAS board. This isn't your instatweet bullshit.

Congrats on getting a year free of protein bars who blatantly and admittedly lied about the nutrition facts on their bars.
And congrats on becoming an ambassador for the next multi-level marketing ponzi scheme. Best of luck to you.
Hopefully you can hold on to your "bodybuilding career" a bit longer than your hairline.

Thanks for coming out
How does it feel to have to buy your supps. I get them all for free. hard work;)

hairline is in the family so im not blaming that on steroids. but i love my 19 inch arms at 13% bf 5foot10 thanks kid

ill be a ifbb pro before you know it punk
How does it feel to have to buy your supps. I get them all for free. hard work;)

hairline is in the family so im not blaming that on steroids. but i love my 19 inch arms at 13% bf 5foot10 thanks kid

ill be a ifbb pro before you know it punk

You aren't 13% bodyfat.
19 inch arms?
I'll take my athleticism and skill set over a pair of fatceps any day.

And I get free supps as well, I helped my friend build his business. You aren't special.

How's it feel knowing you spent a shit ton of money on a worthless 4 year degree?

Hows it feel having to pay for that shit? Cause guses what, I get to go to school for free. Between supplements and a free degree I would choose a degree, just so the next time I have explosive diarrhea I can wipe my ass with how ever many $10,000's and then some of money I got to save.

I got it for free through hard work. Hard work you will never understand. So kindly, go sit on a spiked bat.
I'm finished talking with you.
I never experienced anything like tren rage at any dose. I have blamed tren for my actions once or twice, but never really believed it.

I do get less sleep, like 5-6 hours compared to 8-9 hours. I get what I think of as tren fatigue, where I'm tired but not able to stay asleep. Not speaking for anyone else, but I would suspect any increased agitation levels would be more a result of my lack of sleep than hormones affecting my emotions.
I never experienced anything like tren rage at any dose. I have blamed tren for my actions once or twice, but never really believed it.

I do get less sleep, like 5-6 hours compared to 8-9 hours. I get what I think of as tren fatigue, where I'm tired but not able to stay asleep. Not speaking for anyone else, but I would suspect any increased agitation levels would be more a result of my lack of sleep than hormones affecting my emotions.

Hey have you ever read into tren and it's effects on adrenal glands??
I was reading a write up a while back stating correlations between adrenal fatigue being the culprit for a lot of the fatigue and insomnia experienced while on tren.
5-6 hours is still pretty good tho!!
If you think youre on tren, youll get tren results? I said tren does not cause someone to roid rage. NO steroid alters the brain or chemical balance. So that tren rage you get, its probably because youre already an asshole and the hormone makes you more aggressive.

So no steroid alters the brain or chemical balance yet in the very next sentence you contradict yourself and say it's the hormones that make you more aggressive. University taught you that trick?
So no steroid alters the brain or chemical balance yet in the very next sentence you contradict yourself and say it's the hormones that make you more aggressive. University taught you that trick?

Hey Doc, he's an ambassador now too!
Uni was just child's play compared to the knowledge he'll learn shilling all his free supps
I've made my Fina long time ago and it is one compound I respect. Ran it at 75mg ED and the strength increase was mind blowing. Never experienced anything like it.

Fast forward many years now talking with my trt doc who is "lenient" in what else I do. Straight from his mouth, he said, careful with Tren as it will make you aggressive. Told me some of his MMA clients use it. He only prescribes T but states what you do on your own is your business, I just monitor your health.
Hey have you ever read into tren and it's effects on adrenal glands??
I was reading a write up a while back stating correlations between adrenal fatigue being the culprit for a lot of the fatigue and insomnia experienced while on tren.
5-6 hours is still pretty good tho!!

I only ever saw rat studies, and figured it was a stretch to make assumptions based on that. I wasn't even aware my insomnia was tren related until very recently, but the association is undeniable at this point. I've been taking Ketotifen before bed which probably gives me an extra hour or two of sleep.
I've made my Fina long time ago and it is one compound I respect. Ran it at 75mg ED and the strength increase was mind blowing. Never experienced anything like it.

Fast forward many years now talking with my trt doc who is "lenient" in what else I do. Straight from his mouth, he said, careful with Tren as it will make you aggressive. Told me some of his MMA clients use it. He only prescribes T but states what you do on your own is your business, I just monitor your health.

More doctors should be like this