Tren Rage

Ace . Eod. I take melatonin some times. I sweat like crazy I'm not giving up tren I will give up people before I give that up . Imo
Pinning every day day 15 today notice around day 12 my anger n metal state is changing quickly. Was doing 60 mg just bumped it to 100 mg a day. First run with tren. I can be an short fuse normally so I'm sure it's gonna progress and make it a lot worst but. This aggression is the shit in the gym want to talk about killing weights. Fk. Hope I don't fk shit up with my girl lol she the type to try to push you over the line. Told her before I started need to back off me n bite your tongue. Don't try to take it there with me cuz it can get ugly. So far been holding my shit together. Not gonna lie tho I either feel extremely pissed or on top of the world
I can walk through walls on tren! Funny thing is roid rage was made up pre-tren days and was a myth.... Except now with tren.... It's real... That shit makes a strong man immortally dangerous! (with a hard on)
Lmao.... exactly
IMO, it all depends on the person.. If you're a cool layback type during a Tren cycle it will make you "heat" you up a little (shorter fuse, etc).. but not to the point you're going rip their heads! But if your that "asshole" off or on cycle guess what--with Tren it's going to make you a major asshole- period!

I've also notice that if you play around with the dosage (mine is higher tren and lower test) and find a happy medium that gives good gains with minimum sides..I can pretty much walk away from most situation and keep remaining myself that I am on work for me! :)
Last run at 700/wk I was a kitten. This run, same dosing and I've come unglued repeatedly, enough to stop it altogether. Lots of external things going on affecting me, so at least for me it depends on the relative degree of calm in the rest of my life.
I never noticed it before. But im Starting to get so irritated with anything and everything. Hopefully it will subside
This run I was pretty cool, only lost my temper once. However, being off for a week or so now I feel a lot more reasonable. It's random.
I have a short fuse at the best of times, this is why i have been reluctant to use it... My gf didnt really want me using it, im 11 or 12 days into my first run (tren ace) so time will tell i guess.. Stsrting to get very warm, sleeping fine tho. My missus made a bet with me that i lose my job on this shit lol