tren sweats

Also, for me adding masteron to my cycles has been nothing but beneficial. Zero test sides and no night sweats with tren a at 30mg a day. I usually do a 1:2 ratio with test and mast. I just started 800mg sustanon and 1g masteron e per wk. 2 shots, one on Sunday other on Thursday. I brewed my sustanon at 400mg per ml and mast e at 250 per ml so everything fits nicely in a 3cc syringe. 12.5mg aromasin twice a week. As well as 1000mcg of hcg (for 6 week spurts). All blood work is gtg
My blood pressure stays around 135 / 75 with resting heart rate of 70. It has never been this good until I brought mast into the equation. I also give blood every 2 months.
Masteron has been amazing at keeping the water retention and bloat down to nothing.
I'm doing a very slow cut. Have dropped from 253 to 238lbs with zero loss of mass. Just sitting at 13% bf right now. I'm in no hurry but soon to be 10% then I'll be happy. No more bulking for me so this plan works. 5'9" 238 this morning.
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