
New Member
Looking to get some quality gains out of this next cycle, I have been seeing a lot of talk about Tren with a 4 week Dbol cycle.. My main questions are how are the side effects? I know that Tren makes it pretty much impossible to retain water but dbol is the exact opposite.. so does the Tren counter act the water rentention from dbol? Would this stack be ok taken all at the same time or should the dbol be taken first then the Tren after? I have experience with Tren E and Test E looking to keep it the same, prefer pinning less and it's done me well so far but just looking for a little extra mass without a ton of sides or problems. Any info helps.. thanks guys!
Yeah I understand what your saying, im sure there will be some of the well known members that have done this cycle that will give you some good feed back.
Ran it my last cycle but I didn't start the tren (ace) until about two weeks in. Dbol at 50 mg for 5 weeks. I didn't care for it. Pumps were actuall too much and I couldn't complete my workouts. Lost a lot of vascualrity and just didn't look good. Put on over 30 lbs. I was coming off of a hard cut so probably 10 of that was just normal glycogen replenishment.

2 weeks after dropping the dbol, I looked great though. Dropped 12 lbs and dried out nicely. Not sure how much of it was tren and how much was just dropping the Dbol.

No real sides at other other than major sweating. Pure speculation but I'm pretty my tren was underdosed. 500 mg of tren ace's effects were similar to 90mg or trenavar a day.
tren e + test e + dbol = i like it a lot. test anything below 500mg/week and i dont hold much water, nor gyno etc. if you are prone to that then maybe with dbol in you hold some water depending on dosages. then just take a bit AI.
Im in week 6...
40mg dbol week 1-4
500mg test e week 1-11
600mg tren e week 2-10
The results so far have been my best cycle ever besides my first one.
I would start the tren e week one next takes alot longer to hit than tren a.
By week 5 the tren sides that i experience are kicking in hard like insomnia and the ndigestion fro wk 2.
Horny as hell and really running hot body temp...Strength has been up since week 3 and although vascularity seems to have suffered I am up right at 16 lbs of which 10 is easily water.
The bulk seems to be working but i have had to adjust calories upward twice now.
It will be interesting to see bloods on this run...hopefully get blood drawn the 4th if i can get to labcorps....3hr drive one way.
I can see the results but would really like a tt number along with e2 cuz i have not run much for an ai and its a ugl i have not previously used.

Edit...i would also try this out to 16 weeks next time. This one i knew was gonna be short cuz i have to travel beginning the end of january for a few weeks so this blast is shorter than i would prefer.
Ran it my last cycle but I didn't start the tren (ace) until about two weeks in. Dbol at 50 mg for 5 weeks. I didn't care for it. Pumps were actuall too much and I couldn't complete my workouts. Lost a lot of vascualrity and just didn't look good. Put on over 30 lbs. I was coming off of a hard cut so probably 10 of that was just normal glycogen replenishment.

2 weeks after dropping the dbol, I looked great though. Dropped 12 lbs and dried out nicely. Not sure how much of it was tren and how much was just dropping the Dbol.

No real sides at other other than major sweating. Pure speculation but I'm pretty my tren was underdosed. 500 mg of tren ace's effects were similar to 90mg or trenavar a day.
So reguardless of the Tren there will still be water retention from the Dbol? How much of it those is actual lean gains from the dbol would you say?
Looking to get some quality gains out of this next cycle, I have been seeing a lot of talk about Tren with a 4 week Dbol cycle.. My main questions are how are the side effects? I know that Tren makes it pretty much impossible to retain water but dbol is the exact opposite.. so does the Tren counter act the water rentention from dbol? Would this stack be ok taken all at the same time or should the dbol be taken first then the Tren after? I have experience with Tren E and Test E looking to keep it the same, prefer pinning less and it's done me well so far but just looking for a little extra mass without a ton of sides or problems. Any info helps.. thanks guys!
Yeah yeah, my kinda cycle!

They go very well together in my experience. Some people get gyno, but I think it's due to the dbol alone, not tren. Tren doesn't aromatize, however some seem to have prolactin related sides... I have not even at 2100mg's a week (don't ask, it was an expirement).

If you're doing tren e and test e, I'd wait to throw in the dbol until week 4, when the other boys are out to play and you'll have an insane synergy.

As far as sides, you're gonna get 'em. You're mixing two aromatizing compounds, dbol and test with an oftentimes side-ridden drug like tren. So, yes, you will experience them, I promise. Mitigate with an AI and have nolvadex ready in case shit gets bad. Drop the dbol at ANY sign of gyno.
Yeah yeah, my kinda cycle!

They go very well together in my experience. Some people get gyno, but I think it's due to the dbol alone, not tren. Tren doesn't aromatize, however some seem to have prolactin related sides... I have not even at 2100mg's a week (don't ask, it was an expirement).

If you're doing tren e and test e, I'd wait to throw in the dbol until week 4, when the other boys are out to play and you'll have an insane synergy.

As far as sides, you're gonna get 'em. You're mixing two aromatizing compounds, dbol and test with an oftentimes side-ridden drug like tren. So, yes, you will experience them, I promise. Mitigate with an AI and have nolvadex ready in case shit gets bad. Drop the dbol at ANY sign of gyno.
I have been lookin at doing around 25mg a day on the dbol, do you think the reduction is mg's per day would reduce the sides as well as the water retention.. I know it's technically the BULK season. But I don't wanna look in the mirror and feel like i have a tire around my waist.

My Stats are-
Age 30
Height 5'8
Weight 178
BF% 10
Hmm I'm not a tall guy.. so a little bit of water rentention on me makes me look fat as fuck hahaha...
I'm the same way bro. Lol I'm 5'4" so when the water retention shows its ugly face it makes me look all kinds of fat smh. Gotta keep that shit undercontrol.....
What is another stack that would be a good mass building stack without the water rentention? I already have the Tren E and Test E on hand.. getting ready to start on the first of the Month.. and trying to see if there is something I could add for a short period for that extra bang..
Ran it my last cycle but I didn't start the tren (ace) until about two weeks in. Dbol at 50 mg for 5 weeks. I didn't care for it. Pumps were actuall too much and I couldn't complete my workouts. Lost a lot of vascualrity and just didn't look good. Put on over 30 lbs. I was coming off of a hard cut so probably 10 of that was just normal glycogen replenishment.

2 weeks after dropping the dbol, I looked great though. Dropped 12 lbs and dried out nicely. Not sure how much of it was tren and how much was just dropping the Dbol.

No real sides at other other than major sweating. Pure speculation but I'm pretty my tren was underdosed. 500 mg of tren ace's effects were similar to 90mg or trenavar a day.

I got bad enough backpumps as it was on just test + tren. Had to almost calculate the number of total reps in a squat session because after a certain number of reps my lower back muscles would start to lock up. Just ridiculous, had to switch to something not involving the back for the rest of that workout.

No concern over the impact on the liver with both tren and dbol?
just run the Tren and Test, you wont get the fast bump in strength that Dbol will give you but if you don't want the sides than don't run the oral.