No concern over the impact on the liver with both tren and dbol?
Not really. If you have a healthy liver it's an incredibly resilient organ. It will recover pretty quickly as soon as you drop whatever compounds are effecting it. I'm way more concerned about lipids. Liver values only take about a week to get back in range for me.
Not really. If you have a healthy liver it's an incredibly resilient organ. It will recover pretty quickly as soon as you drop whatever compounds are effecting it. I'm way more concerned about lipids. Liver values only take about a week to get back in range for me.

My lipids are ridiculously good while on basic TRT and only go to what an "average" person has while I'm on tren etc. No real worries there for me. And I did a coronary CAT scan earlier this year - allegedly I have ZERO coronary plaque buildup.

I do notice myself pissing Earl Grey in the morning while on tren (despite drinking lots of water) so something's going on.
I have been lookin at doing around 25mg a day on the dbol, do you think the reduction is mg's per day would reduce the sides as well as the water retention.. I know it's technically the BULK season. But I don't wanna look in the mirror and feel like i have a tire around my waist.

My Stats are-
Age 30
Height 5'8
Weight 178
BF% 10
Try 25 for a week man, and then bump if it you're dissatisfied.You can always add more. Do your 25 2 hours pre workout.

Good luck!
My lipids are ridiculously good while on basic TRT and only go to what an "average" person has while I'm on tren etc. No real worries there for me. And I did a coronary CAT scan earlier this year - allegedly I have ZERO coronary plaque buildup.

I do notice myself pissing Earl Grey in the morning while on tren (despite drinking lots of water) so something's going on.
That's just tren, man. I am healthy as can be, too. But, with tren, it comes out almost a gold color... Not entirely sure why...
Tough to say, everyone is different, so I can't properly answer that. I'd have one, in case.
Ok hmmmm I might just go for it and see how it goes.. now running the AI it will help reduce water retention because the AI is not letting the steroid aromatase correct?
Ok hmmmm I might just go for it and see how it goes.. now running the AI it will help reduce water retention because the AI is not letting the steroid aromatase correct?
At least that's my understanding of the science behind it... by preventing aromatase you prevent the side effects