Test prop for trt?


New Member
Whats up everyone, so im currently on trt 240mg a week test c.
I do daily injections and thinking about switching to test prop since im already doing the injections every day.

Also looking for less water retention.

Any reason i shouldn't switch to test prop? Was going to start at 30mg a day ?
I would just stick to a long ester. I ran prop twice and got the most insane pip from it.

Ester shouldnt matter a whole lot if you're doing daily injections but if I were you I would keep the long ester and just do eod. Dont want to be a pin cushion more than you have to
I've used Prop a long time for TRT. 25mg/day. The original intent of using Prop was to try and more closely mimic the rhythm of natural Test production. Not really sure I actually did that, but I feel good. TT is kept in the 800's. Never had PIP with it, so I'm lucky.
Whats up everyone, so im currently on trt 240mg a week test c.
I do daily injections and thinking about switching to test prop since im already doing the injections every day.

Also looking for less water retention.

Any reason i shouldn't switch to test prop? Was going to start at 30mg a day ?
Is water retention really that big a deal at those doses? Really? This is probably classic over thinking. (Much like injecting Cyp daily)
long esters are sheeeiiit
Definitely switch to prop
Will give you a decent daily drop as opposed to unnatural consistently steady levels you get with c/e
Don’t forget that C will stay elevated for 2/3 weeks so you need to add the test p slowly
Something like 10mg week 1 20mg week2 and 30mg starting week 3
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