Pharmacom labs BAD

Impressive first post. Did you miss all those large street signs when you joined?

Pharmacom labs has been an awful experience with little to know response for information and taking their stuff has me only in pain not even wanting to move out of bed. I have a lot of inflammation and discomfort. Wasted money. I’m going to try QSC I hear good things ps I order test p with tren ace stack idk if the stuff was even legit
first post reverseshilling, what a cunt
first post reverseshilling, what a cunt
pharmacom is a scam
this is a rightfully angry customer posting in the wrong place
since they arent actually brewing, i doubt they sterilize the oil

the problem is there are 3-4 shill accounts in the pharmacom thread that post specifically to bury all the complaints and increase the posts to make the source seem more reputable
this has been going on for a long time and it effectively censors customers and members of this forum

there are a few posts going back more than 1 year ago of well known members making the same point i am

Read this and dig through the thousands of spam replies in the pharmacom thread in order to find the complaints by real members instead of shills

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