tren to test ratio

tren to test ratio?

  • 1:1

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • more tren

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • more test

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters


Assuming you are not using a DHT with it, how do you dose your tren to test? What works better for you?
~300 tren is really all my body can handle for more than a month.

Usually just run TRT test because it's not the primary anabolic in my cycles and I like to jack up my DHB, but I think I've been running DHB too high recently in cycles (~500mg, gets my CRP too high and my body starts to feel fatigued from the PIP) plus I think it caused my e2 to be a bit too low (purely by bloodwork, not by feels), so now running 700test/~300dhb to get a nice e2 ratio.

Basically, what can I fit in a single 1ml syringe after everything else is at their right dosages.
depends on the outcome you are looking for...
you want to grow you will need higher test than tren for the simple fact that you cannot tolerate the tren at high dosages required so maybe 1g test and 300-400tren. also adding a dht deriv. is almost mandatory to maintain sanity so another 500-1000mast or primo

for cutting(and for the driest look)you definetly will need the lowest amount of test that you can tolerate(as in enough e2 to function ) and highest amount of tren you can live with also prob gonna need the dht as well
so you will end up at maybe 200test 300-500tren and 300-500 mast