TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast

It's the RIP @danieltx thread over on PM. His "How To Eat Over 7,000 Mostly Clean Calories In A Day" thread is extremely revealing. I have zero intentions of speaking ill of the dead but folks can learn literal life-saving lessons from these events.
I am not trying to be insulting, but he did not look like 315 pounds.

38 is awfully young.

Nobody seems to be commenting on cause of death. He could have blown his brains out for all we know, or died in a car wreck.
This is very off topic but this thread feels like a pretty safe space. Need to vent somewhere.

CaRDiO KiLlS Ur LeG gAiNs. Bodybuilders are just lazy and ignorant.

I saw a "triggering" thread on PM today about a guy dying of a heart attack recently and it's just so tiring. There's always so much bullshit cope about "he was at peace with his choices" and I can fucking guarantee you that when you're in the process of drawing your last breath under the age of 40 you're not feeling at peace with your bodybuilding choices.

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Brother, this is the safest space on the internet. Please bring more vents like this.

100% agree with you. I can’t spend majority of my time on PM because it’s 100% laser focused tunnel vision bodybuilding and that’s just not interesting to me.

I’m with you. No way you’re at peace with anything dying under 40 due in large part as a result of the consequences for your actions.
How to eat 7000 calories

215 grams of fat daily.

Luki chimed in and told him it was not a very good diet at all, post #3.
I remember this… and I remember that diet.

Do we have a sense for the doses he ran? I recall he had ran upwards of 30iu of GH daily at one point, maybe more. Not looking for conjecture but I just never saw any posts about his AAS doses.
I don't feel like making an account to see what he looked like but I'm very curious... Maybe someone is willing to reshare his pics?
Well, to be fair, nobody can actually pinpoint what exactly caused his death here unless they saw the autopsy report that is interpreted by a medical professional.

It could be the combination of his diet, ped use and genetics or it could be something else not even related to bodybuilding. However, there is an obvious lesson we can always learn to avoid such situation from his demise.

Let’s be honest, we push the dangers too many times and we’re bound to get burnt in the end.
Well, to be fair, nobody can actually pinpoint what exactly caused his death here unless they saw the autopsy report that is interpreted by a medical professional.

It could be the combination of his diet, ped use and genetics or it could be something else not even related to bodybuilding. However, there is an obvious lesson we can always learn to avoid such situation from his demise.

Let’s be honest, we push the dangers too many times and we’re bound to get burnt in the end.
When a 300 lb bodybuilder, red as a tomato, and juiced to the gills and eating the diet he outlines, dies of a heart attack, we can use our own logic and reasoning.
I remember this… and I remember that diet.

Do we have a sense for the doses he ran? I recall he had ran upwards of 30iu of GH daily at one point, maybe more. Not looking for conjecture but I just never saw any posts about his AAS doses.
There was another guy on PM who died with the handle of "contreter." He was known to smoke, abuse huge amounts of steroids, and eat garbage. He was also a huge guy.

Daniel looked up to him and even claimed "I like to think of myself carrying on for him as our lifestyles are similar"

The thread is "milk icecream and cookies" and it's just a tragedy. Lots of "ha ha lol" in there from people with blinders on.