Trest cycle advice

I've been hesitating and researching ment for quite a while and honestly not sure how to approach this cycle so looking for the expertise here. I'm TRT year round at 150/test. Every 4 months or so I do a smaller cycle from 8-12 weeks. In the past I've run 350/350 test/deca or npp, 300/600 test/primo with a little anavar at the end, and recently a mast/tren/test ran 240-270 a wk (each). Never needed an AI and used basic otc items for liver support etc.

With the ment run, I'm thinking 5-10mg daily alongside test (100mg/wk). I have Arimidex on hand, but from what I've read the way it interacts with E2, I may actually need Aromasin and probably run some Telmisartan to compensate for VP. Would love some advice from those who have run this at relatively lower doses and your experience with AI requirements and BP during your cycle.
5mg is really small amount to worry too much. Probably you won't need any AI if you never needed before.

For me i used extremely high doses before and using primo alongside countered most of estrogen sides. Only when i felt estrogen going high i would take 12.5 mg aromasin and that was maximum 2 / week.
My two cents
5-10 daily sounds totally fine. You can always adjust up later.
I did 25mg e2d, this is all I can tolerate without gyno. If I do 150mg per week, I will develop gynecomastia without using more drugs. Aromasin didn’t change shit about the gyno. but 75mg per week was so strong frankly I don’t even think more would be necessary in my case. Strength was amazing, and it was very good for putting on weight while bulking.
I dont see any benefit whatsoever to running a ment cycle.

worse results and MUCH worse sides than about half a dozen better options.