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doing slot of reading and research on trestolone. Thinking about cycling it. Anybody have any experiences/advice. I know it's a great compound for the experienced aas user.
Waiting on 4 bottles now. Can't wait! Going 50mg ed with 50 mg T prop and 50 mgs Tren A.
Keep us posted. Just be careful it's know to cause high bp. best have exemestane and letro, and something for prolactin being a 19nor. But I've heard awesome things about it. I want to try it myself just looking to get more knowledge on it cause I heard it can be no joke but if done right it can show monster results!
Keep us posted. Just be careful it's know to cause high bp. best have exemestane and letro, and something for prolactin being a 19nor. But I've heard awesome things about it. I want to try it myself just looking to get more knowledge on it cause I heard it can be no joke but if done right it can show monster results!
Again not for the inexperienced or beginner user.
Thanks for the advice. I'll consider it but the SHBG issue and lower free test is not something that turns my gears. Never had an issue with gyno and not planning on it. If anything I would opt to go letrozol before toremifene. But thanks for the read. Always good to have open dialog and others wisdom from their own mistakes. I'll ll keep you posted!
Thanks for the advice. I'll consider it but the SHBG issue and lower free test is not something that turns my gears. Never had an issue with gyno and not planning on it. If anything I would opt to go letrozol before toremifene. But thanks for the read. Always good to have open dialog and others wisdom from their own mistakes. I'll ll keep you posted!

Torem and Letro are two totally different things.
doing slot of reading and research on trestolone. Thinking about cycling it. Anybody have any experiences/advice. I know it's a great compound for the experienced aas user.
I've run it quite a few times. The aromitization issues aren't as bad as people say... 30-40mg a day is my sweet spot.. Sides start to increase exponentially above 50...had to use letro on a few occasions but exemestane is fine. I've used a few ugl labs finished oils and been brewing Ppl for last 3 or 4 cycles. It's wet for sure... Probably psychologically addictive because makes my shoulders 3D and Traps huge... Brings out my back a lot.. Shirts don't fit right lol... Big broad shoulders... Great while on cycle...Great endurance increase... not too much strength increase... Muscles look full all the time... I have trouble keeping gains from Trestolone so I use it at 30mg or so for feel good effects.. It makes Tren sides more manageable and orals lethargy a lot less of an issue. Some say you can accomplish the same with 100mg anadrol per day but anadrol gives me more strength gain, and I don't run anadrol at 100mg so I can't speak on it. If you want to feel Alpha as heck... This is gonna do it for u...
I've run it quite a few times. The aromitization issues aren't as bad as people say... 30-40mg a day is my sweet spot.. Sides start to increase exponentially above 50...had to use letro on a few occasions but exemestane is fine. I've used a few ugl labs finished oils and been brewing Ppl for last 3 or 4 cycles. It's wet for sure... Probably psychologically addictive because makes my shoulders 3D and Traps huge... Brings out my back a lot.. Shirts don't fit right lol... Big broad shoulders... Great while on cycle...Great endurance increase... not too much strength increase... Muscles look full all the time... I have trouble keeping gains from Trestolone so I use it at 30mg or so for feel good effects.. It makes Tren sides more manageable and orals lethargy a lot less of an issue. Some say you can accomplish the same with 100mg anadrol per day but anadrol gives me more strength gain, and I don't run anadrol at 100mg so I can't speak on it. If you want to feel Alpha as heck... This is gonna do it for u...

I figured the sides were exaggerated. You talked me into trying it.... 25mg a day sounds reasonable.
I figured the sides were exaggerated. You talked me into trying it.... 25mg a day sounds reasonable.
It's a marathon not a sprint... 25mg is great addition to about any cycle... I have to eat so much food to gain weight on 50mg.... It's uncomfortable eating so with your dose.. Increase by 10mg per day if your not satisfied with 25mg ED
I have a bro up in WA who ran it 100mgs ed and letro. Had a lot of water as well as muscle. Said his diet was high carb moderate protein low fat. Im thinking high protein moderate fat low carb. And exemestane or letro. Letro always kept me dry so I may go with that. Going 50mg ed with 50 test prop 50 Tren A and keep the EQ still at 600. Thoughts? Opinions?
I have a bro up in WA who ran it 100mgs ed and letro. Had a lot of water as well as muscle. Said his diet was high carb moderate protein low fat. Im thinking high protein moderate fat low carb. And exemestane or letro. Letro always kept me dry so I may go with that. Going 50mg ed with 50 test prop 50 Tren A and keep the EQ still at 600. Thoughts? Opinions?
Only thing I would personally do is up the Test prop to maybe 75 a day
Test should be kept at a minimum.
There's no need to run high test with trestolone. If anything run a high dose of masteron with it 700-800mg.
Why not stick with the mainstream steroids. They do plenty good for your gains.
I have a bro up in WA who ran it 100mgs ed and letro. Had a lot of water as well as muscle. Said his diet was high carb moderate protein low fat. Im thinking high protein moderate fat low carb. And exemestane or letro. Letro always kept me dry so I may go with that. Going 50mg ed with 50 test prop 50 Tren A and keep the EQ still at 600. Thoughts? Opinions?
50mg is plenty... Low carb and you will look flat. The Tren will help with water a little... You have to eat a decent amount to gain weight on it. If you dose your ai often (I micro dose with exemestane suspension to keep levels in check) I'm running NPP, bold cyp, test e and prop(600mg total), anadrol pwo and 30-40mg trest... All homebrew - happy with progress, but holding extra water.
Trestolone is my favorite compound. Nothing gives me that much size that quickly. I feel like a monster in the gym by day 2 on just 25 mg/day. I don't get any of the sides that come with harsher compounds like tren. It feels about twice as strong as tren for me, mg for mg. I've never gone over 30 mg/day.

I feel like I could lift all day on trest. It gives me seemingly endless stamina in the gym, and it makes me feel outstanding all day long. The sexual benefits are just a bonus. The lack of sides mean I can run longer cycles without impacting my quality of life. I wish I had found out about trest sooner.