
Does trestolone cause a lot of bloat compared to test?
Yes mg for mg a lot more, but it's manageable with ai.. And you can use 30mg every day and sides are minimal... Above 50...its really a balancing act... Too much hassle for me personally and I feel the law of deminishing returns comes into play.
The amount of bloat also depends on your diet and body fat. It will add some water weight no matter what. If you're lean you'll have more water in the muscles without it looking like bloat.
Yes mg for mg a lot more, but it's manageable with ai.. And you can use 30mg every day and sides are minimal... Above 50...its really a balancing act... Too much hassle for me personally and I feel the law of deminishing returns comes into play.
Alright. Do you know if it's currently a scheduled drug in the USA? I was looking into it a few months ago and I had read it was not a scheduled drug
50mg is plenty... Low carb and you will look flat. The Tren will help with water a little... You have to eat a decent amount to gain weight on it. If you dose your ai often (I micro dose with exemestane suspension to keep levels in check) I'm running NPP, bold cyp, test e and prop(600mg total), anadrol pwo and 30-40mg trest... All homebrew - happy with progress, but holding extra water.
50mg is plenty... Low carb and you will look flat. The Tren will help with water a little... You have to eat a decent amount to gain weight on it. If you dose your ai often (I micro dose with exemestane suspension to keep levels in check) I'm running NPP, bold cyp, test e and prop(600mg total), anadrol pwo and 30-40mg trest... All homebrew - happy with progress, but holding extra water.

What's your method of creating a suspension?
Alright. Do you know if it's currently a scheduled drug in the USA? I was looking into it a few months ago and I had read it was not a scheduled drug
As far as being scheduled... I can't say.. Used to be able to get it easily sold as a research chemical. My source in the US stopped selling it in the US because of a reinterpretation of a previous law. You can get raws and brew it or UGL's sell it.
It has not been specifically mentioned in any legislation. It's definitely grey market though. I've read that one interpretation of DASCA is that it is a "blanket ban" and compounds like trestolone are included, despite not being mentioned specifically.
50% water 50% Ora plus or flavor plus.. Raws to desired concentration... (subtract the raw displacement if your trying to be exact)
Thanks a lot. I've only ever seen the alcohol method, never heard of ora plus until now. It serves the same purpose I assume? This should work for turning pharma pills, such as anastrozole, into a suspension?
Thanks a lot. I've only ever seen the alcohol method, never heard of ora plus until now. It serves the same purpose I assume? This should work for turning pharma pills, such as anastrozole, into a suspension?
Ora plus is used by compounding pharmacies to create suspensions... Flavor plus is a generic version that I am currently using and it's cheaper. Yeah, I didn't want any alcohol in mine... You could use a small amount for sterility... But I don't and have went through quite a few bottles... I get raws but u can use a mortar and pestle and crush the pills... Remove coating before crushing if there is a coating. For ai dosing this is the best way to micro dose as needed...
As far as being scheduled... I can't say.. Used to be able to get it easily sold as a research chemical. My source in the US stopped selling it in the US because of a reinterpretation of a previous law. You can get raws and brew it or UGL's sell it.
Alright. Do you know if it causes shedding like tren or mast? I know it has a massive androgenic rating, but winny, mast, etc are supposedly have a lower androgenic than test, and they still cause hair loss. If I don't shed on test alone what can I expect from trest?
Alright. Do you know if it causes shedding like tren or mast? I know it has a massive androgenic rating, but winny, mast, etc are supposedly have a lower androgenic than test, and they still cause hair loss. If I don't shed on test alone what can I expect from trest?
I lose tons of hair on masteron and proviron... Hair loss isn't too bad on trestolone for me.
I saw this big fat kid today with bald spots so hes on gear lol. His hair wasnt always like that. Must be on shedding gear lol.
I saw this big fat kid today with bald spots so hes on gear lol. His hair wasnt always like that. Must be on shedding gear lol.
I'm probably that's a contributing factor... But last two cycles... With masteron... We're talking the soap after taking a shower tons of hair on it... Hairs all over my pillow... Hairs on my shirts...DHT steroids (masteron and proviron) are the worst for me...