Triple assurance of quality- Oxandrolex 25mg from


10+ Year Member
Hello Meso members
To make sure that our epic sale products are top quality ,we prepared triple labs testesting

Welcome to checking results and PSL power

L4T 302 23 raport 4 (1) (1).jpg
Test Report #29013.png
Great results from EP/PSL. PSL going the extra mile to get it tested by 3 different 3rd party testing facilities.
Why do I feel you are both associated with OP?
Yeah. Idc personally as I’ve never even used them but it appears that PSL has recruited a few of his reps from another board to comment on posts here. I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Again, I’ve never used them but I always viewed them as high quality from the little that I knew of them from another forum. It appears they don’t have the greatest reputation on this board though. Not sure why honestly because I haven’t even noticed much activity from them here. But maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.
Yeah. Idc personally as I’ve never even used them but it appears that PSL has recruited a few of his reps from another board to comment on posts here. I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Again, I’ve never used them but I always viewed them as high quality from the little that I knew of them from another forum. It appears they don’t have the greatest reputation on this board though. Not sure why honestly because I haven’t even noticed much activity from them here. But maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.
They faked some lab test results in the past is the reason. Then they got called out

This is before my time here though.
Yeah. Idc personally as I’ve never even used them but it appears that PSL has recruited a few of his reps from another board to comment on posts here. I’m not sure how I feel about it.

Again, I’ve never used them but I always viewed them as high quality from the little that I knew of them from another forum. It appears they don’t have the greatest reputation on this board though. Not sure why honestly because I haven’t even noticed much activity from them here. But maybe I just wasn’t paying attention.
There was an intentional mistake done on PSL's part some years ago regarding an HPLC report. PSL owned that mistake publicly on this forum without any sort of suger coating or other bs imo. Just owned it as something that should of never happened. It happened once and it never happened again. PSL and EP have been around for many years. I seriously doubt they would still be thriving with thousands of very satisfied customers if they were scammers. If they was/are legitimate scammers they could of easily changed their name and started up fresh but that didn't happen. They made a mistake and they owned their mistake and continued on. You will see people here saying it was falsified reportS as in more than one report. That is a false accusation. It was 1 report 1 time.

Idk about you but I've sure made my share of mistakes in life. Rather it was cheating on a significant other, cheating on a test, stealing something, driving drunk, etc. Whatever that mistake was it doesn't define who I am today. We are all human and no one is perfect. The key is did we make said mistake and better our self from it or did it become a pattern and we just kept making the same mistake over and over bc we didn't care. That's what defines our character or the lack there of.

For full transparency for my self to this community I am Matt88 on other forums. Matt88 was taken here on Meso which I think was me a long while back with an old email I no longer have access to (stupid mistake on my part). Also, Yes sir I am a PSL Rep on other forums.

Have a good evening
There was an intentional mistake done on PSL's part some years ago regarding an HPLC report. PSL owned that mistake publicly on this forum without any sort of suger coating or other bs imo. Just owned it as something that should of never happened. It happened once and it never happened again. PSL and EP have been around for many years. I seriously doubt they would still be thriving with thousands of very satisfied customers if they were scammers. If they was/are legitimate scammers they could of easily changed their name and started up fresh but that didn't happen. They made a mistake and they owned their mistake and continued on. You will see people here saying it was falsified reportS as in more than one report. That is a false accusation. It was 1 report 1 time.

Idk about you but I've sure made my share of mistakes in life. Rather it was cheating on a significant other, cheating on a test, stealing something, driving drunk, etc. Whatever that mistake was it doesn't define who I am today. We are all human and no one is perfect. The key is did we make said mistake and better our self from it or did it become a pattern and we just kept making the same mistake over and over bc we didn't care. That's what defines our character or the lack there of.

For full transparency for my self to this community I am Matt88 on other forums. Matt88 was taken here on Meso which I think was me a long while back with an old email I no longer have access to (stupid mistake on my part). Also, Yes sir I am a PSL Rep on other forums.

Have a good evening
Bro save us the sob story. Everyone makes mistakes, sure.

Then there are shit bags that deliberately alter their lab tests in an attempt to deceive their customers.

The only reason it’s a “mistake” is because he got caught.

A source and customer relationship is built on trust and once you can’t trust a source they’re of very little value to anyone.
Bro save us the sob story. Everyone makes mistakes, sure.

Then there are shit bags that deliberately alter their lab tests in an attempt to deceive their customers.

The only reason it’s a “mistake” is because he got caught.

A source and customer relationship is built on trust and once you can’t trust a source they’re of very little value to anyone.
I shit the bed once (diarrhea cha cha cha sharts) and I'm pretty sure it was because of MT2, being in the sun all day and eating too much shit err I mean junk.

That's a mistake I sure would like to forget but it makes for a good tea party story. :D
Bro save us the sob story. Everyone makes mistakes, sure.

Then there are shit bags that deliberately alter their lab tests in an attempt to deceive their customers.

The only reason it’s a “mistake” is because he got caught.

A source and customer relationship is built on trust and once you can’t trust a source they’re of very little value to anyone.
I respect your opinion sir. Thank you for your reply :)
I shit the bed once (diarrhea cha cha cha sharts) and I'm pretty sure it was because of MT2, being in the sun all day and eating too much shit err I mean junk.

That's a mistake I sure would like to forget but it makes for a good tea party story. :D
I can totally relate. I shit my self in my car once on the way to work. I stopped at a gas station and left my underwear in their bathroom trash can and worked my shift with no underwear. Shit happens ‍♂️
Same batch delta is a little off but not terrible. Decent result overall.

I will say Im not a fan of reps posting under general member accounts to pump up a thread though.