TRT and the affect on the swimmers?



I finally got my spe*m test back and it was worse than I had thought. I've been on TRT constantly for I believe
3 years now at 35 with some cycles in-between, and according to test I had not a single swimmer, non.
Currently at 2100 total T (560 weekly) with 30mg dbol a day.
All other bodily tests came back healthy and good.

However, that is not what surprised me. I also had 2.5 m/ml wbc (white blood cells) and a PH of 9.5.
That indicates high alkaline and infection if I understand it correctly, but I have no symptoms and no
STI/ STD/ UTI tests came back positive.
Any idea what that can be?

I do believe I might have an obstruction/ blockage as I can feel somewhat of a wound inside, but has never
caused issues other than that I don't shoot anymore (had it for years).
Reading on it gives me hundreds of potentials and it will take a week before I can see the doc again.

Wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences?

I do believe I might have an obstruction/ blockage as I can feel somewhat of a wound inside, but has never
caused issues other than that I don't shoot anymore (had it for years).


Good morning, what do you mean that it hasn't caused any issues other than you don't shoot anymore?

I guess the white blood cell count sounds like an infection or a recent infection. Your doctor might order some additional tests.

Why did you do a sperm analysis in the first place? Did you expect any swimmers without HCG?
Good morning, what do you mean that it hasn't caused any issues other than you don't shoot anymore?

I guess the white blood cell count sounds like an infection or a recent infection. Your doctor might order some additional tests.

Why did you do a sperm analysis in the first place? Did you expect any swimmers without HCG?
The potential blockage feels like one or two depending on day sensitive spots in urethra (always same spots). It's not painful or irritated, but I can feel it. Kinda like if you take a supplement and the tab get stuck in your throat, just odd, not sure how to describe it.

The force of ejac is way lower compared to a few years ago, but while blockage can be a reason, it may also be just age. Urinate is no issue at all though.

I wonder if I have a wound somewhere along the line that re-opens. Urine test came back clean last time as well, just semen with wbc.

Point is that we want a baby and have started the process of testing what will be needed of us. She is ready to go, though at the age of 40, but seems I may have some work to do.

Luckily I got a time with doc tomorrow, but not sure if they will do the full spectrum check on first day.
I'm in my early 40s and some of my sperm parameters keep coming back subpar. No one understands why.

I have something that feels like a lump close to my left testicle and two doctors have checked this already telling me that I'm fine. Ejaculation pressure just goes below Olympic levels with age.

I'm sure your urologist will check the 'mechanical' issues tomorrow. Good luck with that and keep us updated.
Got back from the doctor and it ended with more question than when I arrived. This was a large modern chain hospital and the doctor said x-ray and camera incertion doesn't exist, that it's not something being done on patients, which I know is bs.
So I will have to go to another hospital if I want that, found many who specialize in just that.

However, he did say that if WBC is present in semen it's definitely an infection. Many men believe that after they have received treatment for e.g. STD or UTI, and been cleared by their physician, they are indeed free of the bacteria. However, according to this doctor, a e.g. treatment for the Urethra in say a week or two (antibiotics) might clear the bacteria there and give you the green signal, but won't necessarily clear it in e.g. the prostate area. That might need a 4 or 6 week course and has to be tested specifically there with PCR bacteria culture testing.

In other words as I understand it, anyone being cleared of an STD or UTI might still carry it, just not seen in the traditional blood, urine or swab test. That was superfun to hear, that means if I indeed have something, it means I have been carrying it for years while me and partner believed I was clear since past docs said we were. It also raises question why it doesn't spread, why my partner is also green, and why it hasn't been seen in any other test.

So another week for bacteria culture to be made and then we see again, and another 3 weeks for potential x-ray to be able to be done.
That's completely new to me that the bacteria would stay in some parts of your body and not show on a STD test.

However, since my sperm parameters come back subpar and no one knows why I will have also a bacteria culture made with my next SA. Not every infection is STD related if I understood the last urologist I talked to.

Waiting for stuff like that sucks.
Would be great to hear what your doc has to say as it sounds possible, but very strange. It would mean theoretically that infections are all over, and that traditional testing is not accurate enough, or temporarily accurate if said bacteria can reproduce and spread.

It's also scary if true as some bacteria can kill sperm or potentially damage them, in really bad cases make you sterile. I might be overthinking, but it sounds bad and I didn't like the information haha...

He also said that if I indeed had a blockage I would have much more pain and in worst case the semen could lead into the bladder. A much more common issue was prostate enlargement which feels similar, but during my checkup it was not enlarged enough to cause issues and I had no pain. In his expertise I had most likely an inflammation due to an infection that "comes and goes". Which needs of course be resolved.

Definitely a complicated area with tons of "potentials". Let me know if you get any information on your side, would be interesting to know what can cause our odd situations.
I will know more next week Thursday it seems.
I had a pre-vasectomy sperm analysis, and I'm shootin blanks too, yay!!
Whenever I feel like spraying her face instead of unloading inside her, I tell her it's just to be safe.
500mg/week of test (standard cycle) had my swimmers at 15 million per ml. Really low.

I'm at nearly 400 million 3 months after my PCT with 4 days of wait time.
Got wife pregnant on tren. Tried again 3 years later after trt 0 sperm. 6 months off everything hcg for 8 weeks and 6 weeks of enclomiphene got everything g back to normal
That's the moment I'm not waiting when it's time for kids..

Hopefully, I can continue cruising on 200mg Testosterone undec and fix fertility. As for now I don't care, maybe I'm gonna be fine without treatment in the end will see.
If you wanna have kids don’t be afraid to come off everything Atleast for 6 months. A lot of people underestimate the power of muscle memory. I became a fat slob and not even jumping back on gear yet and doing a little cardio and body weight my body’s starting to change back and this is only having 280ng total test
Finally got back the results! So yes it seems you can be infected even though being cleared to a degree, and usually they see that by WBC somewhere. In other words, if no WBC in urine, then no need to check other areas as in my case.

I was cleared of all common STDs, UTIs etc, but I did have "staphylococcus epidermidis" which is common on the skin for all. For most, that bacteria gets washed out by urine or other means by men, but if you are unlucky as I am it can find ways inside and hide, having their own little frat-party. No worries however in regards to kids or the wife, but can cause irritation for men and yellowish swimmers.

2-4 weeks of antibiotics and I should be A OK.
Damn, had to let the doc talk to my girl and ensure her there was no cheating going on, so happy I got permission to live another day.
Finally got back the results! So yes it seems you can be infected even though being cleared to a degree, and usually they see that by WBC somewhere. In other words, if no WBC in urine, then no need to check other areas as in my case.

I was cleared of all common STDs, UTIs etc, but I did have "staphylococcus epidermidis" which is common on the skin for all. For most, that bacteria gets washed out by urine or other means by men, but if you are unlucky as I am it can find ways inside and hide, having their own little frat-party. No worries however in regards to kids or the wife, but can cause irritation for men and yellowish swimmers.

2-4 weeks of antibiotics and I should be A OK.
Damn, had to let the doc talk to my girl and ensure her there was no cheating going on, so happy I got permission to live another day.
I've never heard of that until you came around.
I'll have my culture in two month with my next SA but I had my urine checked already.

However, good that it's nothing serious and that your girl is not freaking out.