Here's my pre cycle bloodwork. Im on trt 150/wk. I pin 2x a week. Blood draw was 48hrs after a pin. Interestingly, I have both estrogen testing methods resulted on here, so maybe someone can gain some insight onto how the different tests result compare to each other.
Would like input on just a few things please.
1. My e2 is a little high. I always thought my nips were a bit puffy, but also thought it could be in my head. What is a good reasonable beginning arimidex dose and dosing schedule to help lower this? I'd love suggestions or insights on this.
2. Do I need to worry about LH and FSH levels? Or are those expected levels since im on trt and to not worry about it?
I donate blood every 8 weeks I think and im due next week, so H&H doesn't bother me.
I'd say my only side effect currently is I feel pretty fatiqued a fair bit of the time. Can my estrogen level be the cause? I also have some other health things going on which could be the culprit of the fatigue, but im curious of the estrogen could do that.
Also, any other general input on my general lab results would be appreciated. Thank you, all.
Would like input on just a few things please.
1. My e2 is a little high. I always thought my nips were a bit puffy, but also thought it could be in my head. What is a good reasonable beginning arimidex dose and dosing schedule to help lower this? I'd love suggestions or insights on this.
2. Do I need to worry about LH and FSH levels? Or are those expected levels since im on trt and to not worry about it?
I donate blood every 8 weeks I think and im due next week, so H&H doesn't bother me.
I'd say my only side effect currently is I feel pretty fatiqued a fair bit of the time. Can my estrogen level be the cause? I also have some other health things going on which could be the culprit of the fatigue, but im curious of the estrogen could do that.
Also, any other general input on my general lab results would be appreciated. Thank you, all.