TRT-esque cycle: Just got out of military and seeking advice


New Member
Hey all,

Here's the deal - just got out of the Navy and trying to stay in shape. I still work out every day but I have a corporate job now and my training is limited to about an hour / day. I want to hop on some kind of moderate dosage cycle/cruise to maintain lean composition and retain/build muscle. Have done this in the past but it's been years so wanted to get some opinions on how to set this up and do it intelligently.

Figure I would do:
-long ester compound like Test C or E about 200mg/week
-have AI stuff on hand in case gyno or similar issues arise
-get some PCT like arimidex or nolvadex for when/if I decide to taper off

It seems like this is the most basic regiment i have seen on here but again I am still in pretty good shape and don't think I need to do anything crazy - however I am seeing my body fat % creep up as I spend more time at a desk and less time outdoors doing manual labor. I am unwilling to go quietly into the night.

I do my bloodwork fairly frequently (3-6 months) and am predisposed to hair loss and have a 'Hey Arnold' sized head so would prefer not to lose hair any quicker than I already am (on finasteride which keeps the wolves away for now)

If there is a link to a similar post please send it my way I have done a basic search but didn't see anything pop up that is highly relevant to me.

Thanks team
I forgot to add the final part - could someone look at this and tell me if they think this is a good start or if i am overlooking anything?