TRT Guys: What is your weekly dose of HCG?


New Member
I’ve seen huge variances of HCG doses on forums all over the place. I’m taking 600iu/week. I’ve seen many people say they don’t take it at all, and some say they take much more than that. Im curious what you all do for your regiment.

If you’re on a cycle feel free to comment but please clarify if you’re taking more than a therapeutic dose of test.
2x a week 250-500iu

Hcg isn’t only good for fertility, it’s also had a beneficial role for keeping nerosteriods at an adequate level. DHEA-S and pregnenolone can become sub clinical with long term androgen use in some guys.
1,250 per week. That with 105mg test c pinned EOD keeps my total at 1600, free at top of normal. SHBG stays in higher range which I prefer and DHEA and pregnenolone stay in good range as well. Pretty sure that high dose keeps my balls producing on top of the test c as it seems unlikely 105mg test would fetch those #'s by itself. I like to keep my balls online as well.
1,250 per week. That with 105mg test c pinned EOD keeps my total at 1600, free at top of normal. SHBG stays in higher range which I prefer and DHEA and pregnenolone stay in good range as well. Pretty sure that high dose keeps my balls producing on top of the test c as it seems unlikely 105mg test would fetch those #'s by itself. I like to keep my balls online as well.
Are you blasting at this dose? Or do you aim to maintain 1600?
I sit at that level. Health markers are great. 1600 total is high but so is my SHBG so free is top of high normal. Works for me.
Good for you bro. Working on dialing it in myself, waiting on my latest set of bloods. Might come back here for follow ups when they come through if you don’t mind
250iu 3 times a week. Once I get my first round of bloods done might drop to 250iu twice weekly. My current amount was definitely enough to flip the nut switch back on.
I've tried as low as 125iu every day, and that keeps side effects down but there's less of a cosmetic benefit. I think there's a minimum effective dose, I've read something about it before but can't remember where so maybe I'm hallucinating. I do know 250iu EOD keeps the boys and loads bigger
500 twice a week,

Google hcg study, one showed that 250 eod kept intratesticar testosterone normal…
Below is the best thread I've read about dosage protocols of HCG to maintain testicular function. It's based on clinic's small study that measured different HCG dosage levels, serum consentrations over time, and half life. To summarize, somewhere between 250iu to 350iu every other day seems to be the best protocol for keeping the nuts working consistently.

What is the best dose of HCG? Dr Saya presents two case studies.
It depends on the type of cycle you have done and the duration. For example, ff you were using primo, masteron and testosterone por 12 weeks, the protocol could be 1000 UI each 2 days during 3 weeks and other week with only 500UI monday and thursday. With this protocol, you could restore testicular function.
500x2 per week. Every few weeks I'll give myself an extra bump to make sure the balls are working because you never know exactly how much you are pinning due to HCG being so fragile.
800 IU a week here. I have considered stopping because of all the life skills one could have I seem to be amazing at aromatizing