Why does my gear keep crashing?

Alias Chosen

New Member
Hey everyone, I'm new here and I'm hoping to get some insights on dealing with crashed gear. I've already checked out the forum and picked up some tips on getting it back into liquid form, but I'm still curious why it keeps crashing after three or four days. I recently got three vials of test c 250 from Dragon Pharma. One vial doesn't crash at all, but the other two I've had to reheat because I'm unsure if it's safe to leave them in that state. Apologies for the newbie question, I'm still learning the ropes. I attempted to upload a picture, but the reforming crystals are barely visible in it. Just to clarify, I'm not here to criticize DP; they've been reliable for me. I'm simply seeking clarification on whether this occurrence is typical.


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Because these big companies such as naps , British dragon , hire Chinese slaves to make their oil in a factory and mass produce without regard to quality. Like puppy mills.

Naps doesn't make anything.

In my experience the quality of brands like Dragon or Pharmaqo is consistently good from year to year. When you have a brand that makes tons of money with thousands of customers it gets protected with quality control.

Meanwhile it's the tiny labs, like Axle, where crazy mistakes like guiacol contamination, gear with the wrong compounds mixed in, or wild misdosing occur.

There is almost never an advantage to tiny "boutique". one man labs in someone's backyard shed or basement with mediocre equipment over a factory that pumps out legit pharma during the day and contract gear by the thousands of vials at night.
Naps doesn't make anything.

In my experience the quality of brands like Dragon or Pharmaqo is consistently good from year to year. When you have a brand that makes tons of money with thousands of customers it gets protected with quality control.

Meanwhile it's the tiny labs, like Axle, where crazy mistakes like guiacol contamination, gear with the wrong compounds mixed in, or wild misdosing occur.

There is almost never an advantage to tiny "boutique". one man labs in someone's backyard shed or basement with mediocre equipment over a factory that pumps out legit pharma during the day and contract gear by the thousands of vials at night.
Oh sorry I didn't know naps didn't make their own gear. My mistake.Though I partially agree.

Tiny labs don't have the money to consistently test their products.

But Big labs are to busy and don't have time to constantly test. Products fly in and out of shelf because they get the test results back

Those big labs they have all that money but where is the test results if they have such strict quality control . There was a guy on this forum that posted bad pharmacom test results on the aromasin. I think pharmacom website has test results from years ago . What a joke they are obviously not using the same raws from several years ago.

Then another guy who violated probation because the nolva had amp in it(traces) he said was taking from pharmacom had amphetamines in it... Failed drug test and tested his nolva and posted results of the amp showing up on test
Oh sorry I didn't know naps didn't make their own gear. My mistake.Though I partially agree.

Tiny labs don't have the money to consistently test their products.

But Big labs are to busy and don't have time to constantly test. Products fly in and out of shelf because they get the test results back

Those big labs they have all that money but where is the test results if they have such strict quality control . There was a guy on this forum that posted bad pharmacom test results on the aromasin. I think pharmacom website has test results from years ago . What a joke they are obviously not using the same raws from several years ago.

Then another guy who violated probation because the nolva had amp in it(traces) he said was taking from pharmacom had amphetamines in it... Failed drug test and tested his nolva and posted results of the amp showing up on test

In the case of Dragon and Pharmaqo, as well as many others, test results for every batch of every product is posted on their company sites, as well in in the "Lab Tests" section of Naps.

When someone has built a business over many years, with large amounts of money involved, that can all be brought down from a handful of mistakes, a $120 lab test is nothing, vs Kentucky Ken for whom $120 is a week's profit.

Show me the tests demonstrating Naps and the other distributors are selling bunk gear from the likes if Dragon, Pharmaqo, Ultima, etc, and I'll show you the test results that confirm the contaminated, mislabeled, or severely underdosed gear sold from labs here. I don't have to look hard.

Like I said, it's not "bunk gear" that's the problem from Naps and OSGear, and the other "retailers", it's low value because of high prices. But if price isn't an issue, there's nothing wrong with going with those places, and I'd argue a better choice than a one man lab (with the notable exception of Stanford).
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Oh sorry I didn't know naps didn't make their own gear. My mistake.Though I partially agree.

Tiny labs don't have the money to consistently test their products.

But Big labs are to busy and don't have time to constantly test. Products fly in and out of shelf because they get the test results back

Those big labs they have all that money but where is the test results if they have such strict quality control . There was a guy on this forum that posted bad pharmacom test results on the aromasin. I think pharmacom website has test results from years ago . What a joke they are obviously not using the same raws from several years ago.

Then another guy who violated probation because the nolva had amp in it(traces) he said was taking from pharmacom had amphetamines in it... Failed drug test and tested his nolva and posted results of the amp showing up on test
Ummm huh ?!

“Big labs don’t have time to test, but then you say, products fly in and out when they get the test results back”

And plenty of smaller labs test their products, you have no clue what you’re talking about and just spewing nonsense.

And some wonder why I tell people they’re dumber than a box of rocks …. Example above.
Axle is a sketchy lab. His prices are so low, why is he taking all this risk . He can open a legit business with those profit margins. Just doesn't add up. So h
In the case of Dragon and Pharmaqo, as well as many others, test results for every batch of every product is posted on their company sites, as well in in the "Lab Tests" section of Naps.

When someone has built a business over many years, with large amounts of money involved, that can all be brought down from a handful of mistakes, a $120 lab test is nothing, vs Kentucky Ken for whom $120 is a week's profit.

Show me the tests demonstrating Naps and the other distributors are selling bunk gear from the likes if Dragon, Pharmaqo, Ultima, etc, and I'll show you the test results that confirm the contaminated, mislabeled, or severely underdosed gear sold from labs here. I don't have to look hard.

Like I said, it's not "bunk gear" that's the problem from Naps and OSGear, and the other "retailers", it's low value because of high prices. But if price isn't an issue, there's nothing wrong with going with those places, and I'd argue a better choice than a one man lab (with the notable exception of Stanford).

Picture of the test kit is in his attachment . Shows contaminated gear by British dragon. Poor guy got violated on probation because of cross contamination from British dragon.
8596257E-479B-4554-B1F5-5C851AC65C1E.jpegJust a heads up to anyone on probation, parole etc....
I recently failed a drug test for amphetamine and have never used amphetamine in my life. I am however using a few different ancillaries from a few different labs. JP arimidex.JP Accutane DP Nolvadex. I ran at home substance screens on the arimidex and Nolvadex. The Dragon Pharma Nolvadex tested positive for Amphetamine on two different tests. Now I’m not here to bash the source I got these from because it was actually winnings from a football contest last year, and the company is one of the biggest resellers of products out there and I believe no longer carries DP, so not their fault. And I am also not trying to hurt this resellers business because this may have very well been one batch or an isolated instance. But I also will feel horrible not saying what I have found and someone losing their freedom.. so maybe it’s best to stay away from DP Nolvadex or other orals unless the possibility doesn’t affect you or you can test them prior to ingestion. On the left is DP Nolvadex (positive color indicated) On the right JP arimidex (negative
Axle is a sketchy lab. His prices are so low, why is he taking all this risk . He can open a legit business with those profit margins. Just doesn't add up. So h

Picture of the test kit is in his attachment . Shows contaminated gear by British dragon. Poor guy got violated on probation because of cross contamination from British dragon.

Naps doesn't sell "British Dragon"(which isn't a brand any more, just a name from decades ago lots of UGLs use to market their crap). I'm talking about Dragon Pharma, You can click on the BIG BANNER AD they pay for here on Meso to support the site, and view their Jano tests at the company website it links to.

The suggestion buying gear from Naps has some high risk getting garbage gear is an absurd reddit myth that newbies wear like a badge of honor. "Look at me, Naps is bunk! I know what I'm doing now!".

I'll say it again, very overpriced, yes, bunk? Less likely than finding problematic gear here.
Ummm huh ?!

“Big labs don’t have time to test, but then you say, products fly in and out when they get the test results back”

And plenty of smaller labs test their products, you have no clue what you’re talking about and just spewing nonsense.

And some wonder why I tell people they’re dumber than a box of rocks …. Example above.
I have yet to see any small lab that tests their products consistently.

And big labs lol. A kilo of testosterone makes what 300-350 vials. Big labs sell that within a week. They
should have test results of test multiple times a month . But they don't because they feel it's a waste of time to test

Big lab orders test e powders from China. Gets it makes it. If he sends for testing he won't get test results back for another 2 weeks. By then he would sell his test out (they sell their test e before they get the results back , so it's pointless to test for them)

How many big labs tell you we waiting for test results back before they release their vials for sale .. where are the multiple test results ???? Labs have same test results posted every couple months .. you really think that test result from months ago is the same batch of test you got ? Please.

I already posted the guy with bad test results from dragon pharma . Good job paying for overpriced garbage

Wher is the test e test result? They should have 30 test e results with a lab this size from this year 2024 alone. What are they buying 100000 kilo shipments where they use the same batch for years? You really think that goes through the mail? They don't test every batch.

What about the link I posted showing dragon pharma contaminated product
I had some older DHB bottles that half would crash, and the other half wouldn't (don't recall if it arrived that way - doubt it, but it was stored room temp in a drawer the entire time)...... Some of Pristine's old stuff...
Oh sorry I didn't know naps didn't make their own gear. My mistake.Though I partially agree.

Tiny labs don't have the money to consistently test their products.

But Big labs are to busy and don't have time to constantly test. Products fly in and out of shelf because they get the test results back

Those big labs they have all that money but where is the test results if they have such strict quality control . There was a guy on this forum that posted bad pharmacom test results on the aromasin. I think pharmacom website has test results from years ago . What a joke they are obviously not using the same raws from several years ago.

Then another guy who violated probation because the nolva had amp in it(traces) he said was taking from pharmacom had amphetamines in it... Failed drug test and tested his nolva and posted results of the amp showing up on test
So Testing has very little, if anything, to do with gear crashing
Gear crashes because the amount of raw hormone is greater than the amount of solvent (BB) required to keep it in solution.
This is exasperated by cold and with high concentrations
Pharma Test C can crash in the cold. Does that mean it’s not quality?
I’ve had pharma Test C crash on me in the cold many times.
The OP has Test C. 250 that crashed. 250 mg/mL with standard 2/20 can crash pretty easily because that concentration is higher than cpy likes to hold
I brew all my gear. My Test C will crash in cold on occasion because I brew at 250 and keep BB low and I don’t mind reheating on occasion. Crashing does not determine the quality.
That being said OP’s source sucks and I don’t know why people use it. Uneducated is the reason really. Other sources mentioned also suck but crashed gear is not why.
When you push up the concentrations expect that your gear can crash
Doing some research so you understand processes and know what sources to use.
And don’t order high dosed gear and ask why it’s crashing
It’s crashing because it’s high dosed.
I have yet to see any small lab that tests their products consistently.

And big labs lol. A kilo of testosterone makes what 300-350 vials. Big labs sell that within a week. They
should have test results of test multiple times a month . But they don't because they feel it's a waste of time to test

Big lab orders test e powders from China. Gets it makes it. If he sends for testing he won't get test results back for another 2 weeks. By then he would sell his test out (they sell their test e before they get the results back , so it's pointless to test for them)

How many big labs tell you we waiting for test results back before they release their vials for sale .. where are the multiple test results ???? Labs have same test results posted every couple months .. you really think that test result from months ago is the same batch of test you got ? Please.

I already posted the guy with bad test results from dragon pharma . Good job paying for overpriced garbage

You're trying to apply your reasoning without a basis of understanding how they work.

All the "big labs" have their product made on contract with factories in China. Those factories don't make batches of 300 vials from 1kg of raws. They're making 5,000 or 10,000 vials in a single run, from a cardboard drum of 20kg raws, in one day.

That's why high volume "small big UGLs" like QSC still have gear with floaters, or under filled, from months ago, despite the problem being resolved going forward and no longer seen in newer produced products.

"Boutique" carefully crafted "artisanal" gear is a myth with just a couple of exceptions.
PPL liked his stuff back in the days.... One of the first guys to carry DHB when it got super popular a few years back.
Yeah I don’t use DHB anymore because of how it reacts in the body but I’ve found in the past anything of the concentration of 80-90 mg/mL (without harsh solvents) can crash pretty easily
A good Meso source has been carrying it for about 3 years. I think he does 90 but I’m not positive
You haven’t looked.

Rido - actually tested some pharm stuff
Many more here before them too …

Almost everyone tests anymore, if they don’t they wont be on Meso or they won’t survive financially.

Stanford, sure. The rest? Who knows. When you're microbrewing that's a lot more tests and expense, a much bigger proportion of profits, than a test from an industrial sized batch.

That batch of Cyp 250 from DP has been crashing over cold weather delivery months. The "low quality" thing to do would be to load it up with lots of BB to keep it in solution if it was airdropped into the arctic in January. I appreciate the minimal solvent use and zero PIP I consistently get from DP gear.
Stanford, sure. The rest? Who knows. When you're microbrewing that's a lot more tests and expense, a much bigger proportion of profits, than a test from an industrial sized batch.

That batch of Cyp 250 from DP has been crashing over cold weather delivery months. The "low quality" thing to do would be to load it up with lots of BB to keep it in solution if it was airdropped into the arctic in January. I appreciate the minimal solvent use and zero PIP I consistently get from DP gear.
I know… because I’ve been here for a while, not a measly 4 months and want to comment on everything like you !! I’ve witnessed it, dealt with most of them, researched, seen the tests and results.

10 tests is approx $1200, that’s one order for these so called “small labs” the rest is profit. Again you have no idea what you’re talking about. Stick with your Naps, while the rest of the intelligent members know they are liars and product is junk.