
New Member
Whatsup bros. Pazloe here. This is my intro post. It is long but will be very beneficial to new lifters and cyclists. There is substance here so stick it out and it will definitely be worth the time you put in reading it. I’ve been lurking in the bushes across the street, stalking you all for several months. Never felt like I had anything to add so I played the role of fly on the wall, there are many pros on here, good people that help out the newbs on a daily basis.

A lot of the threads here on the boards have to do with PIP (Post Injection Pain) and there are countless posts of dudes scared and crying about abscess, infections, fever, etc. Figured I would share with you my pinning “ritual” to minimize any potential PIP and in some cases avoid it altogether. You vets and tough guys who don’t give a shit about a little soreness can ignore this one or chime in to help the newbies out.

I’ve got 6 or 7 test only cycles under my belt. I’ve been lifting seriously for 3 years, but before that I was your typical ‘lift for a few months then slack for a few months’..repeat kind of guy. I played a little Div 1 football in college (a million years ago). I’m 5’10 and currently 180 pounds and roughly 10 percent BF. I’m 35 and recently decided to go on permanent TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) because the doctor tells me I’m getting old and my levels are lower than average :)

Cycle History

My first two cycles were Test Cyp 250mg per week, pussy cycles for sure, but I gained a solid 20 pounds of muscle when it was all said and done. Ran each cycle for 10 weeks with Aromasin(Exemestane) 12.5 mg e2d which I started halfway through the cycles. The rest of the cycles were 500mg Test Cyp for 12 weeks with the usual PCT afterwords. I always pin twice a week to keep levels somewhat steady and always felt some soreness in the glutes for a couple of days after pinning, no big deal. I use UGLs from that really popular site overseas. With the exception of one underdosed cycle the others worked pretty well. Ran blood work on 4 of them and was happy with the levels.

So, there’s my history. I’m not Ronnie Coleman and shit but definitely not a rookie. Now, onto the good shit.

Doc gave me some high grade Test Cyp a few weeks back. You all know that feeling when we get our grubby hands on some fresh gear. Mmm, I was Giddy like a schoolgirl, I go home and take out the cotton swabs, alcohol, one inch 25g pins, swab the vial and swab my right buttcheek, pull out 1ml… then pin. Easy breezy, right? WRONG! My ass was fuC*ing destroyed bros! First a burning, then the pain..With every passing hour the pain got worse. I dug through my closets and found a heating pad the wife used way back when she was pregz with our son. Sat on the pad and hated life for a while. Next day was even worse. Now, Im usually a little sore from pinning but nothing like this.

Thursday comes around and its time to pin another mL in the other cheek. Repeat the same steps from monday’s pin and…FARKK!! Even worse this time. Now I have two useless asscheeks! Wifey is disappointed she can’t slap that ass like a boss- which she very much likes to do. I’m beginning to think the Doc gave me some garbage. So, I stop by his office to find out what’s up. I tell him my harrowing tale and he laughs for a while. When he finally stops he looks at me and says, “this isn’t the underground stuff, it’s extremely high grade, there will probably be some hormone left outside the muscle which will cause some soreness.” He then offered to pin me from now on, which I politely declined on my way out the door. Two pins and two horrible cases of good bro.

Why we get PIP

There are many reasons why we get PIP. Search right here on these boards and you will find tons of great info on the subject. The main reasons are 1. you’re not pinning correctly and 2. The shit is potent bro, which is a good thing!

I started researching PIP and learned all about BA and EO.. shit like carrier oils and grape seed oil..a bunch of shit I never knew or bothered to look up since pins were usually painless.

I decided to get serious about my pinning and develop a “ritual” of sorts. But most importantly, it was time I took the whole process seriously! We often become complacent and sloppy when we feel there is no danger to what we are doing. We ALL need to take our pinning seriously. Be cautious, be sterile, be diligent..and be PIP free!

Here’s the ritual I developed:

Supplies needed:

*Grapeseed Oil, cooking type-NOT the cosmetic makeup stuff

*Coffee filters, preferably non-bleached. So, brown filters good- white filters, bad

*.45 sterile syringe filters(google this)

*empty SEALED vials- sized 10ml or greater

*Cotton swabs

*Isopropyl Alcohol

*New Unopened needles and syringe- I use one inch 25g, you may use bigger needles

*Pot, pan or something to heat up some water

*Cup, pot or pan to filter the oil

*Food thermometer


*Gear (test,tren,sus, etc)

Easy NO-PIP Checklist:

Step 1:

My PIP was due to the product being very potent AND me being an idiot while pinning. So, I decided to cut the Test with some grape seed oil.

Go to your local grocery store and buy a small bottle of grape seed oil, the cooking type. If you don’t have .22 sterile syringe filters (google it) then order some.

Step 2: (This will be the only real work you need to do)

Now, its time to prep the grape seed oil. You can also use cotton seed oil. I chose GSO for its supposed health benefits (google them if you’d like)

I decided to use a 2 to 1 ratio of Test to GSO.. So basically, if I’m pinning 1ml of Test I will add .5ml of GSO and mix them IN THE SYRINGE.

Note: Don’t go home and put straight supermarket grape seed oil into your body, the shit is NOT ready to pin in this state. It needs to be USP grade first, and I will show you how to do this.

Get a pan deep enough to hold as much grape seed oil as you need to last your entire cycle. My cycle is 30 ml of Test so I will need 15ml of GSO. Pour the oil into a pan on top of the stove and put the heat on LOW. You can also heat the oil in the oven at 300 FAHRENHEIT.

It should take 10-15 minutes for the oil to reach 300 deg F, use your food thermometer. Or just waive your hand over the oil to guess the temp. (kidding, don’t do that shit, you ‘ll burn yourself and grossly miscalculate the temp)

While the oil is heating up, take ANOTHER pot, pan or cup and boil water for several minutes. This will kill any germs. Dump the water and cook off the droplets that remain. Don’t dry the cup/pan with a paper towel! Remember germs are everywhere and on everything. Next, grab your rubber band and coffee filter. Use the rubber band to secure the filter over your sterile cup, pot or pan.

Now, When the temp on the oil gets to 300 deg F you need to keep it at this temp for 10 minutes, then take out of the heat and allow it to cool. Use common sense while the oil cools. Don’t place food or breathe anywhere near the oil. Think Sterile!

After the oil cools, slowly pour it onto the coffee filter. The oil will go through the filter and into your sterile cup/pot. Keep going until you have transferred all the oil into the cup, pot or pan. You now have somewhat filtered GSO.

Step 3:

Now, grab your syringe and filter plus empty vial. Draw the oil out of the cup and squeeze it through the filter and into your rubber top SEALED empty vial. Keep going until you have enough GSO in your vial(s) to last your entire cycle. You now have sterile grape seed oil to mix with your gear. Congrats bro, you’re on your way.

Step 4:

Run a warm bath, cupcake. Not to celebrate, but to loosen up and relax your muscles and open your pores. Now, while the bath is running, heat up some water in a cup, pot or pan. Place your vial of gear and your vial of GSO in the water. Remember, you don’t want boiling water but it does need to be hot enough to warm up the oil and gear. Let the vials sit in the hot water a couple of minutes. Then, take the gear and oil out of the water. Turn the heat off so you don’t burn the house down. Set your gear next to your fresh needles, 2 cotton balls, alcohol and get in the bath. Stew your ass in the bath for 5 minutes or so.

Step 5:

Get out of the bath and wash your hands with soap and water. Next, put some alcohol onto both cotton balls. Use one of the cotton balls to clean the rubber top of your vials. Throw this cotton ball away when you’re done cleaning the top of the vials.

Step 6:

Grab a new needle and put it on the syringe. Pull the green cap off, being careful NOT to touch the needle with your fingers.

Step 7:

Use this syringe and needle to draw your gear out of the vial. In my case I draw out 1mL of Test. Pull the needle out and with the needle sticking up- pull a bit of air into your syringe.

Step 8:

With the needle still pointing up, stick the needle into your grape seed oil vial and pull out desired amount. Again, in my case I draw out .5mL of GSO and put the green cap back on the needle. Gently mix the gear and oil in the syringe. Note: you may need to pull a bit of air into the syringe to make the mixing easier.

Step 9:

Twist the needle off and set it aside or throw it into your sharps container.

Step 10:

Grab the other cotton ball and rub your injection site in a circular motion, preferably from the center on out.

Step 11:

While waiting for the alcohol to dry on your skin, go ahead and put a fresh needle onto your syringe and pull the cap off with the needle facing up.

Step 12:

Flick the syringe a couple of times and then push the remaining air out. You will see a couple of drops leak out from the tip of the needle.

Step 13:

You are ready to pin, young grasshopper. Relax your muscle. Pull the skin taught (like you’re zooming in the screen on your phone)

Step 14:

While keeping the skin taught, insert the needle slowly and straight on (90 degree angle). Keep the skin taught the entire time the needle is inside you. Don’t go all the way in with the needle. Many guys stick the needle all the way in to make sure they reach muscle. The reason it’s a good idea to leave a little bit of needle out is so you can have something to grab if it breaks off in your body!

Step 15:

Pull back on the plunger a little bit and check to see if any blood is being pulled into the syringe. If there’s no blood, you’re good to go. If you pull back on the plunger and see blood, stop and pull the needle out. Change to a NEW needle and change the location of your injection.

Step 16:

Here is where a lot of guys mess up- myself included! Take your time injecting the gear! The muscle needs plenty of time to absorb the gear. I injected 1.5mL total (gear plus GSO) and took about 45 seconds. So, take about 15 seconds per .5mL. It’s not a race, you want all the gear to be absorbed. PIP, lumps and bubbles happen when hormones from the gear are left outside of the muscle so..take your time with this. And remember, your skin should still be pulled taught.

Step 17:

When all the gear is in go ahead and pull the needle out quickly and with the same angle you went in. Release the skin that you have been pulling taught. Cover the injection site with a DRY cotton ball, toilet paper, or bandaid.

This is a very smooth way to pin and gives you the best chance to avoid PIP, infections, abscess and all that other nasty shit. You can put a little pressure on the site, but don’t massage it!! By massaging the site you risk pushing gear back up the injection hole where it will sit and harden (crystallize). This WILL be painful!

Also, DO NOT ice the site. The ice will drop your temperature at the site which may harden (crystallize) any gear left outside of the muscle. This WILL be painful!

You can do a heating pad. Heat is good at this point…Cold is bad..

So, the first two pins of this cycle were painful AF! My last 4 pins have been completely painLESS using the process above. Not only have they been painless, but I can’t even tell the muscle was injected! No soreness, no pain, no bruising..

There you go bros, NO PIP PINNING. Print this out and use it as a guide until the steps become second nature. The GSO filtering part sucks but you will only have to do it once per cycle. The rest of the steps are just best practices to keep things clean, safe and pain-free. If this long ass post helps just one person avoid bubbles and PIP then it will all be worth it.
Bro, I drink my coffee black. I drop the amp In my mug while the k cup is brewing. I inject 1ml air, draw 1ml , dont aspirate and stick it. No probs. You guys make way more out of this than you think.