TRT+ Journey to....?

9 weeks. I've been on the Arimidex 0.5mg/wk for about a week and a half now. I take it EOD with my T injections. Don't have any symptoms of low estrogen at that dose. ED symptoms are improved but not resolved. Erections are about 80%. Definitely want to get back to 100% with my sex drive being the highest that it's ever been. Haven't been able to redraw the Estridol yet but I've got it scheduled for the 11th.
Looking for clarification on this though. My prior research said that a slightly "high" estrogen was acceptable when T levels are high. Is that not accurate? What should my target max estrogen be?
General progress update: Diet is going great. I'm down 13lbs. Nearly at my base weight before my low T symptoms started 2 years ago. Hard to tell from the pics but waist is down 1.5 inches. Bigger delts and traps, wider biceps. It's a great feeling. Progress on muscle development has been delayed due to a preexisting shoulder injury but I'm working on PT. Looking forward to being able to really up my weights.

Drinking less caffeine because my energy is improved. Drinking less alcohol because my mood is improved. Relationship with my wife is as good as it was when we first started dating because my self confidence is high and my sex drive is the best it's ever been. Like I said, I still need to get erections back to 100% because it still gets into my head a bit when we're doing the deed.


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Looking for clarification on this though. My prior research said that a slightly "high" estrogen was acceptable when T levels are high. Is that not accurate? What should my target max estrogen be?
The most common opinion I see here is that e2 should be kept in range regardless of your total T. There are some studies to support that. There are also some that suggest you should have your e2 slightly above range for better sexual functioning.

I would say get your e2 around 110pmol/l, and then titrate your AI dose down slightly and see how you feel. If you feel better, have your e2 a little higher.

I’m doing the same thing right now. I need 3.5mg of anastrozole per week to get my e2 in range, so I’ve switched to exemestane and I’m going to retest. I’m aiming for 100pmol/l, and then I’m going to titrate the exemestane down and assess the feelz
The most common opinion I see here is that e2 should be kept in range regardless of your total T. There are some studies to support that. There are also some that suggest you should have your e2 slightly above range for better sexual functioning.

I would say get your e2 around 110pmol/l, and then titrate your AI dose down slightly and see how you feel. If you feel better, have your e2 a little higher.

I’m doing the same thing right now. I need 3.5mg of anastrozole per week to get my e2 in range, so I’ve switched to exemestane and I’m going to retest. I’m aiming for 100pmol/l, and then I’m going to titrate the exemestane down and assess the feelz
Ya I'm still a little confused on e2. I've decided to just let my body figure it out and if I get symptoms of high e2 I will get blood work and then deal with it. Then I will know the ratio my body breaks at.
Well, estrogen levels are just about perfect. Still having some ED issues. Doc prescribed Viagra which works for now, but isn't as convenient as Cialis would be.
Being that my levels are looking good I'm going to go ahead and try increasing T to 300/wk. Continue cutting fat. Then 500 for a clean bulk. I anticipate that having me at my fitness/physique goal. From there, decrease to a true TRT dose and maintain.
I'll also be prepared to drop to TRT levels if the ED worsens. The aesthetics aren't important enough to ruin my sex life to achieve them.


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Well, estrogen levels are just about perfect. Still having some ED issues. Doc prescribed Viagra which works for now, but isn't as convenient as Cialis would be.
Being that my levels are looking good I'm going to go ahead and try increasing T to 300/wk. Continue cutting fat. Then 500 for a clean bulk. I anticipate that having me at my fitness/physique goal. From there, decrease to a true TRT dose and maintain.
I'll also be prepared to drop to TRT levels if the ED worsens. The aesthetics aren't important enough to ruin my sex life to achieve them.
Prolactin okay?
That's one that apparently didn't get drawn with my labs last time. I had looked into that. I'll have to look at the options for the company I use and see what I need to add for next draw.
3 weeks into the 300 dose. Coming up on 14 weeks total. Starting an aggressive cut through the end of the year. Down 17lbs overall, definitely with some muscle added. My wife is a tad disappointed that my tits are mostly muscle when she goes to grab them now. She enjoyed some parts of the fluffier me.

Looking to drop another 11 before a clean bulk and 500T. Tossing around the idea of 20mg Anavar/day when I get to that point.

ED is nearly entirely resolved. Been working on my mental health which seems to have been a big part of it. I'm at 90-95% baseline erections. Sometimes 100%.

Strength in my day to day life is up significantly. Before T 100lbs was feeling like 200. Now 200 feels like 100. The callouses on my hands, or lack there of, haven't gotten the memo though .

Overall, I'm very pleased. Need to step up the gym frequency. Life's been getting in the way. Probably up my cardio to reach the weight goal.

Here's to new beginnings!


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3 weeks into the 300 dose. Coming up on 14 weeks total. Starting an aggressive cut through the end of the year. Down 17lbs overall, definitely with some muscle added. My wife is a tad disappointed that my tits are mostly muscle when she goes to grab them now. She enjoyed some parts of the fluffier me.

Looking to drop another 11 before a clean bulk and 500T. Tossing around the idea of 20mg Anavar/day when I get to that point.

ED is nearly entirely resolved. Been working on my mental health which seems to have been a big part of it. I'm at 90-95% baseline erections. Sometimes 100%.

Strength in my day to day life is up significantly. Before T 100lbs was feeling like 200. Now 200 feels like 100. The callouses on my hands, or lack there of, haven't gotten the memo though .

Overall, I'm very pleased. Need to step up the gym frequency. Life's been getting in the way. Probably up my cardio to reach the weight goal.

Here's to new beginnings!
What do you think resolved the ED for you?
5 weeks into the 300 dose. 2 weeks into my high deficit diet. Everything is doing what it should. Down 5lbs. Most of it seems to be coming off my core which is where I need the most help. I'm down another inch off my waistline. Hungry and tired, but still very motivated.

The 300T dose is a game changer in the gym. Absolutely crushing through every PB I have. No side effects to speak of.

I may end up pushing the diet to 6 weeks total to overshoot my body fat goal before I try putting on weight. We'll see how everything goes over the next couple weeks though. Plan after that is still 500T and 20 Anavar.

Drawing labs next week. Anything else that might be worth adding to this list while I'm at it?


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Latest lab results are in. As a reminder, this in on 300mg Test E/wk and 0.5mg Arimidex. Both administered EOD. At 200 I was at 8.5x response. Here I'm at 8x, so a mild decrease. Estrogen has crept up slightly. Hematocrit is well controlled after a single 1 pint donation back in November. Prolactin is fine as well. My LDL is slightly out of range, but that represents a decrease from previous levels. Could be due to the cutting phase. I'll keep an eye on that during the bulk, but I plan to continue eating very clean. Overall looking good.

Now, into the negative. I was lazy in December and I'm not where I need to be to start a bulk. I wanted to be down at least 10lbs and only lost 4. So, the cut continues. Anticipating another 4 weeks. I'm testing out a low dose of Anavar for the duration to see how I respond. I'll do the same for 4 weeks once fully in bulk stage to compare. The deep deficit is mentally and physically taxing me but I'm still seeing results. Onward we go.

I have also started Cialis daily. Too new to know how that compares to Viagra for intermittent ED. Immediately, I do not feel the same side effects I did with Viagra. We'll see how the wife is feeling later.


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Gotcha. I think so. It's going well on my cut phase. I'm curious to see how my body will take it with bulking. No side effects, though I wasn't really expecting any at only 20mg.

I'm definitely new to all this so if anyone disagrees with something I'm doing I'm more than open to hear why.
Been a while since I updated. I have ended the diet portion and am now going to be focusing on a clean bulk. In total I dropped down from a high of 198 to 175. Lost 4 pants sizes. End goal is 220lb but I anticipate another cut before then.
Dropping my T down to 150 for a few weeks to reset so to speak. Holding at maintenance calories. Plan from there is about a 500 calorie surplus. Upping the T to 500 to jump start it. We'll see how that goes for 8 weeks and make a decision on how to continue.

My last lab draw(not posted) was a bit disappointing. Used a new source for T and my total was substantially lower than it should be. I realized though that I ordered the wrong test. Didn't select the MS. Redoing that tomorrow and hoping for better results. If not I'll be going back to the first one I used. Need to get that figured out before I make any changes.
Well. Repeat lab results are in. I need to switch back to my original source. I went from 2386 at 300/wk down to 1363 at the same dose from another well known source.

Anyhow... Here's where we ended up almost 25lbs lighter


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Well. Repeat lab results are in. I need to switch back to my original source. I went from 2386 at 300/wk down to 1363 at the same dose from another well known source.

Anyhow... Here's where we ended up almost 25lbs lighter

Great progress!

Name the before/after sources please. One is potentially over or under dosing. A reputable source will pay for testing to prove their product is legit.