TRT with NPP Primo Ozempic Question


I'm doing a small run for the first time in about a year. My goal was to put on just a little size and strength. I'm on test and Ozempic year round, under the supervision of my PCP. My question is this. While taking Ozempic percribed, should I bother trying to put on size. My reason for taking Ozempic is to curb my urge to eat. I'm diagnosed BED "Binge Eating Disorder" I'm diabetic and I will go on eating benders witch spikes my BG and A1C. Should I bother trying to put on size while I'm on Ozempic as a percribed medication. If so I'm willing to put it on hold until I'm done with my run.

250-500 Test wk
450 NPP wk
450 Primo wk
.05 Ozempic wk
4 iu Slin pre and Post

Have dbol and var raws I can put in suspension if needed.

The Ozempic is very strong. I'm hungry rn but don't feel like eating at all. I'm thinking I should put the Ozempic on hold for when I want to lose weight or "Cut up"...

I need the insulin regardless so that I'm just using to my advantage while training. Should I drop the Ozempic? I'm not gonna put on size if my caloric intake isn't enough. Perhaps go back to .025MCG of the Ozempic. IDK...


I suppose I could eat more food if it's diabetic friendly. Just eat good amounts of ground turkey and chicken and brown rice. Foods like that won't affect my BG or A1C.
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