Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


New Member
Always bin interested in American politics.Curious to hear American members thoughts or views on Trump? Yes he is a smart business man and great at self promoting. But can he run your country? Or is he outta his league? I'm neither for or against Trump just interested...
Trump really is rattling the cages...but can he rattle the big cage that's Russia?

@CdnGuy how's things going with Canada's government? There might be a time I may move to Canada myself...
Trump is a piece of shit.
Not to mention he is out of his fucking mind!! His whole campaign is a huge waste of money.
Money that could be used in a positive way, and not for preaching fear and hate!

I actually pity the poor ignorant people that support him.
Although if your in the kkk or your a nazi your probably stoked.
Trump really is rattling the cages...but can he rattle the big cage that's Russia?

@CdnGuy how's things going with Canada's government? There might be a time I may move to Canada myself...
Well we just had our national elections. The Conservatives got bumped out. Justin Trudeau of the Liberal party is now our Prime minister. Only time will tell, how it goes. His father was also our PM.
Well we just had our national elections. The Conservatives got bumped out. Justin Trudeau of the Liberal party is now our Prime minister. Only time will tell, how it goes. His father was also our PM.
So you think things are better up there?
Trump is a piece of shit.
Not to mention he is out of his fucking mind!! His whole campaign is a huge waste of money.
Money that could be used in a positive way, and not for preaching fear and hate!

I actually pity the poor ignorant people that support him.
Although if your in the kkk or your a nazi your probably stoked.
I see what your saying man. But a POS ? That's potentially your nxt prez....
Well this new prime minister is for legalizing pot. So things are gonna get real mellow soon up here. :D
Nice...wish the USA is just as mellow, but alas that isn't going to happen anytime soon
I see what your saying man. But a POS ? That's potentially your nxt prez....
He's a joke and a bully!
That has not held a political position at any level. He is nothing more than a corrupt business man with a reality tv show.
Are those the kind of candidates your seeing in Canada?
I know you have the crack smoking mayor somewhere up there and we had one too and he was the mayor of WASHINGTON DC. He even got reelected after the crack scandal, lol..
He's a joke and a bully!
That has not held a political position at any level. He is nothing more than a corrupt business man with a reality tv show.
Are those the kind of candidates your seeing in Canada?
I know you have the crack smoking mayor somewhere up there and we had one too and he was the mayor of WASHINGTON DC. He even got reelected after the crack scandal, lol..
Yes we did have Rob Ford the drunk, crack smoking mayor of TO :oops: I not disagreeing with you , he doesn't have any political experience. Except for taking pot shots at your current prez :confused: But people seem to like him down there.
Trump is a piece of shit.
Not to mention he is out of his fucking mind!! His whole campaign is a huge waste of money.
Money that could be used in a positive way, and not for preaching fear and hate!

I actually pity the poor ignorant people that support him.
Although if your in the kkk or your a nazi your probably stoked.

Trump is the only candidate using his own money for his campaign and isn't just a puppet controlled by wealthy contributors.

All these empty promises coming from politicians are getting old real fast. They say what they need to in order to get elected and then nothing changes. Or in the case of Obama it gets much worse.

You may not like what Trump says but at least you're getting the real deal.
More like the media loves a story and trump is giving them just what they want, and he is feeding off of it like the egomaniac that he is.
It's honestly impossible to take anything he says serious.

It takes a "special" kind of person to be a trump supporter.
im watching debate rt now as entertaining as he is trump is a joke .people love it eat his stupid ideas up cause we really need change but hes not the answer. Obama is the biggest pussy ever I love my country and having him represent us is a disgrace i laugh when i think of trump trying to having a conversation with putin
Either that or we can elect someone that's feeding us a line of b.s. to get elected and gonna do what the rich fucks who bought them out want them to once they get in office.

Truth is we're damned either way but I'd rather have a president who we know isn't being paid to say things for once