A search analysis provided a list of somewhat venomous words President Trump included in his State of the Union speech that https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/politics/trump-state-of-the-union/?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTUdZek1HRTNPV0poTURaayIsInQiOiIyTjlycFREYW9XOW4yVkxvRXFDc2hrN3NpeTJlUm5XUk5mWWRjaXYyTkI4SkNkYkRicjJzM1RITUtoNmFmb3IySlJhMGdjWWFyalZCQlVLK2Z4UU1uNkxIOXl6QVJZajRaWkcrb0NYOGY1Nzg2YUpoMjZEQlRLY0VmRm1LcFwvakkifQ%3D%3D&utm_term=.e5a5b9a2cf0c (no president has used before). In fact “venomous” was one of those words. Also making their debut appearances were “sadistic” and “bloodthirsty.” These acrid words somehow found their way into a speech billed as a call to unity.
And yet in his exhausting hour-plus droning on about our state of affairs, he somehow didn’t get to ALL the things we need to be thinking about. Somehow he managed to go that entire time without once mentioning the most urgent and most dire issue facing us. That’s right: His thesaurus failed him when it came time to even discuss the
climate crisis at all.
Actually, he did manage to introduce a couple of new words that could have been applied to this crisis. “Hurtling” could easily have described the speed at which we are entering the planetary death spiral, and “freeloading” would have been a vividly precise way of describing those who profit from fossil fuel use without recompense to solving the disaster they are bringing down on us.
But words or the lack of them don’t change the facts in the air, or on the ground beneath it. Or the oceans around us. The
relentless march of heating continues whether we continue our historically stupid innovation of deciding scientific facts by public opinion, in a debate that has been loaded with misinformation just as the atmosphere has been overloaded with greenhouse gases.
The deniers, led hand in hand by the deliberate misinformers, have done their damage. The debate has been poisoned, and possibly beyond repair. IS it beyond repair? You tell me. We have been warned that our time is up and that if we don’t start serious action now, our goose, and climate, is cooked. And? And so where is the determination to act? Where are the proposals? I’ll tell you where. There is
one and only one serious proposal on offer, to be released on Thursday. The Green New Deal.
And how will we respond to it? Already it is being described in
this story as “lacking … a political path to becoming policy.” Oh. No path. No alternative. I know, how about we throw away our last best chance by declaring that the Green New Deal is not up to our lofty standards of responsibility, and politically impractical too! Let us ignore, marginalize and bury it and in its place offer … that’s right … nothing. Or maybe something something that also has no “political path.”
Our alternative policy is like carbon dioxide itself. Invisible. Who could that hurt?