Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

A few days ago, someone in my mentions suggested I put together a thread of all the *other* historians who've debunked @DineshDSouza on Twitter.

I can't find the tweet that suggested it for the life of me, but it's a terrific idea.

As I've noted before, D'Souza likes to pretend this is some sort of personal feud between him and me, when it's pretty much the entire historical profession lined up against him.

Again, in the interest of fairness, let me note for the record that there is *one* historian -- A. James Gregor, the infamous head of a eugenics foundation created with segregationist money -- who apparently likes D'Souza's work, and D'Souza has praised him in return.

That said, outside the circle of segregationist-funded, eugenics-promoting historians, there have been countless historians here on Twitter who have taken issue with D'Souza's facts, arguments and conclusions.

Here's a list [45+]. I'll add to this as they roll in. ...


The Marine Corps is opening an investigation into another lance corporal who seems to be a big fan of Nazis.

This time, the Corps is looking into "derogatory online comments" from Lance Cpl. Mason Mead, an infantry assault-man with 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines in Hawaii, after it was brought to their attention that he had tweeted in praise of Nazis and posted a picture of himself in black face.

Mead — who wrote on his now-deactivated Twitter account, @Jacobite_Edward, that he was a 20-year-old infantryman from Alabama — is being "thoroughly investigated" by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, according to a statement from a Corps spokesman.

Though his account has been deactivated, screenshots and cached versions of his tweets viewed by Task & Purpose show his apparent praise of Nazis and their collaborators during World War II. In one tweet, for example, Mead shared a photo of Spanish dictator General Francisco Franco and a Catholic official putting up a fascist salute, to which he remarked, "I look at this image before sleep and smile."


Mead is not the first alleged white supremacist to be outed among the Corps' ranks in recent years. was found to be a member of a neo-Nazi group who bragged about attacking a woman at "Unite The Right" rally in Charlottesville, North Carolina in 2017. He was later found guilty at court-martial, served time in the brig, and was kicked

Two other Marines were arrested in May 2017 for supremacist banner in North Carolina; both were

During his acceptance speech for winning an Oscar Sunday night, director Spike Lee said, “The 2020 presidential election is around the corner. Let’s all mobilize. Let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate.”

Mobilize? Be on the right side of history? Make the moral choice between love and hate? That’s a very uplifting message only a righteous douchebag could get upset over. So…Donald Trump got upset over it and sent out a 6:50 am hate tweet.

Trump tweeted, “Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!”

Firstly, how is what Spike Lee said in any way racist toward Trump or anyone else? It’s not like he said he hates Oompa Loompas and doesn’t want any to move into his neighborhood. Second, all the positive numbers for African-Americans since Trump came into office is a continuance of an upward trend started during Obama’s presidency. Trump is continuing his trend of taking credit for “my” president’s accomplishments. Third, if criticizing someone of a different race is racist, then Trump’s tweet was racist. And fourth, Trump’s going to criticize someone else’s reading skills? Seriously?

Lee capped off his statement with, “Do the right thing,” the title of his 1989 movie. Lee is right in that we need to do the right thing and end this nightmare of a president who strives to always do the wrong thing. This is a president who chooses hate over love. He uses hate to feed his base and maintain his dwindling support.

BlackKklansman spoiler in the next paragraph: Lee won his first competitive Oscar, for best adapted screenplay for his great movie BlackKklansman. In the film set in the early 1970s, two of the characters debate whether this nation will ever elect a person like David Duke as president. One of the characters explains that Duke was working to make his hate and racist agenda mainstream. The film ends showing the hate march of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville which killed counter protester Heather Heyer. David Duke endorsed Donald Trump. Trump endorsed the Nazis march in Charlottesville. We elected a man like David Duke.

In 2020. we have to correct this. When we vote in 2020, you and I have to do the right thing.

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Spike Lee is a racist piece of shit. What a fucking scumbag. you quote him and then millard likes your post. wow. you two like racist people? that’s disturbing.....

Twitter banned notorious Trump supporter Jacob Wohl from its platform on Tuesday, alleging that Wohl broke the site’s rules against creating fake accounts.

Wohl’s ban came hours after he boasted in a USA Today interview about his plans to create fake accounts on Twitter and Facebook, which he said would be used to manipulate the 2020 election.

“The account was suspended for multiple violations of the Twitter Rules, specifically creating and operating fake accounts,” a Twitter spokesperson told The Daily Beast.

Wohl had already created several fake accounts before he was banned, according to a source familiar with Wohl’s activities on Twitter. Wohl told USA Today that he intended to use the accounts to help Trump in the 2020 election, pushing Democratic primary voters to back weaker candidates who would be easier for Trump to defeat in the general election.

Wohl didn’t respond to requests for comment. His Facebook and Instagram accounts are still online.

I must have made a sound. Someone came running. Then I was in a bed and people flooded the room, tending to my bleeding and assessing the situation. Obstetrically, it was a nightmare. Although maybe, just maybe, they could do something to prevent me from delivering my other two, so I wouldn’t lose three children on one day.

A nurse tended to Aidan. I saw him through the forest of people and intravenous poles.

And then a nurse parted everyone and brought him to me wrapped in a blanket. He was dying, she said. Did I want to hold him?

I was being poked and prodded. Needles piercing my skin. Drugs for sedation. I was being held down (I don’t resent that; I just couldn’t cooperate, and I know it was an emergency and everyone was really trying). A speculum was also in my vagina, opened wide so a doctor — a friend of mine trying not to cry — trimmed Aidan’s umbilical cord dangling from his placenta that was still inside my uterus.

I tell myself it was all those things that prevented me from holding him, but I know the truth.

I wasn’t brave enough.

If I held him and saw him die, then I would know exactly what I was going to face if the other two delivered (ultimately, my other two sons survived).

As Aidan’s parents we had decided that invasive procedures, like intravenous lines and a breathing tube in one-pound body would be pointless medical care. And so, as we planned, Aidan died.

And that is the reality for so many parents. Some have known for weeks or even months that there will be no life after birth. With that knowledge some choose an abortion and others the blanket and embrace. Both are brave decisions.

And then there are others, like me, who have a day or less to prepare for that unwelcome reality. A brief life. Comfort. And then death.

It's unclear if the bill the Senate was considering would have affected me at 22 1/2 weeks. But whether an extremely premature delivery at the cusp of viability or an abortion, it's a situation that the government shouldn't insert itself into.
A tentative deal between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to be finalized over the next two days at their summit in Vietnam has emerged — and while it may still change, the current agreement looks like a huge win for Kim.

For the US? Not so much.
