Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

HANOI, Vietnam — U.S. negotiators are no longer demanding that North Korea agree to disclose a full accounting of its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs as part of talks this week between President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un, according to current and former senior U.S. officials.

The decision to drop, for now, a significant component of a potential nuclear deal suggests a reality that U.S. intelligence assessments have stressed for months is shaping talks as they progress: North Korea does not intend to fully denuclearize, which is the goal Trump set for his talks with Kim.
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No, Cohen’s Big Reveal was as simple as this: Donald Trump, our 45th president, thinks that you’re a sucker – and he got elected anyway.

“I am ashamed, because I know what Mr. Trump is,” said his former right-hand man in words that will be forever burnished in the newsreel of American history. “He is a racist. He is a con man. He is a liar.”


But he thinks that you’re an easy mark. How else to explain Trump’s frequent boasting to Cohen that his 2016 campaign was going to be the "greatest infomercial in political history” — that he never expected to win, but thought it would boost the personal brand he’d already ridiculously claimed to Deutsche Bank was worth $4 billion of thin air.

I guess Trump was actually right, because how else to explain that three years later, we’re trying to figure out how we can send back this busted, worthless Veg-o-Matic we ordered over the phone at 3 a.m.


How did the American political system get so broken that a con man bragging about his “infomercial” while grossly inflating his wealth could win the 62 million votes he needed to leverage the Electoral College? Or get those votes when the racism that Cohen saw on a daily basis was so obvious to many of the rest of us? What is the body politic supposed to do about a president so fundamentally unfit for the job?

"I want to warn you,” Cohen testified. “The more people who follow Mr. Trump blindly are going to suffer the same consequences I have." His words were likely intended for the president’s inner circle, but it also felt like a warning for America.

Cohen is off to prison in May, hoping to come out in a couple of years as “an average nobody” who’ll “get to live the rest of [his] life like a schnook." But how on Earth will we ever repair the nation of schnooks that so easily bought into a fraud like Donald Trump?

The US-North Korea nuclear summit in Hanoi ended abruptly without a deal Thursday, with President Donald Trump saying he had decided to "walk" in the face of Kim Jong Un's demands to drop sanctions.

The much-anticipated second meeting between the two leaders was supposed to build on their historic first summit in Singapore, but they failed to sign a joint statement as initially scheduled and the talks ended in deadlock.