Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


Ever since the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade made abortion legal in 1973, wingnuts have been doing everything they can to turn the clock back to 1873.

Kentucky and Mississippi have recently passed six-week abortion bans. Republican lawmakers in Tennessee, South Carolina, Ohio, and Florida are considering similar bills. Instead of mandating no abortions after six weeks, Georgian troglodytes have passed a ban outlawing abortion if a heartbeat can be detected. They’re calling it the “fetal heartbeat” bill.

The governor, who recently won election after he removed thousands of black Georgians off the voter rolls and oversaw the election from his position as Secretary of State, will sign the bill after the legislative session ends, which is today. The law will take effect in 2020.

The exceptions to the law are cases that involve rape or incest on the condition that a police report is filed. There is also an exception when a doctor determines the pregnancy would cause death or bodily harm to the mother or the fetus would not be able to live after birth.

The law will be challenged in court by the ACLU, and celebrities along with the Writers Guild of America are encouraging Hollywood to cease all productions in the state, such as The Walking Dead. There’s a joke in there somewhere. Georgia had 455 TV or film productions shot in the state in 2018, representing $2.7 billion in direct spending.

This law will become one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation as a heartbeat can often be detected as early as six weeks, which is often earlier than many women even know they’re pregnant. For now, abortion is legal in Georgia within the first 20 weeks. And, if the woman is pregnant from rape, it puts additional pressure on her to file a police report. The next step will be a law mandating that the raped, pregnant woman wear a scarlet letter.

The AP reports that the measure was approved by 92 votes, just one vote more than the majority needed to pass out of the 180-member House. Republicans don’t care about having a consensus when it comes to abortion. They don’t really care about anything when it comes to the issue as long as they can ban it and force their fundamental religious beliefs on the rest of the nation.

They don’t care that they stole a Supreme Court seat in their effort to ban it. They don’t care that they had to change the rules of Senate confirmation for SCOTUS justices because Donald Trump isn’t going to nominate consensus candidates. They don’t care that they put an accused sexual abuser on the court. They don’t care that they have to sacrifice their ethics and morals for Trump in order to ban abortion. They don’t care about facts as they still use the debunked “gotcha” videos from Project Veritas that attempted to frame Planned Parenthood for selling aborted baby body parts. They don’t care that a terrorist shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic, killing three people based on the Project Veritas hoax. They don’t care that this will increase the maternal mortality rates in Georgia, where it’s already one of the worst in the country.

They also don’t care about the actual babies because after they’re born, they do everything in their power to deny them welfare, school lunches, medication, health insurance, education, etc. They only care about their religious morality, when it fits, and legislating what women can do with their bodies.

If men could give birth then abortion would have been the very first Amendment in our Constitution…unless Viagra had been invented at that time, then maybe the second. Today, this nation wouldn’t have a “pro-choice” movement. People would be shot for merely suggesting a man carry a child to term. Abortion protesters would be banned from clinics. Nobody would be bombing or shooting clinics. The first abortion doctor would be on Mt. Rushmore and replace Lincoln on the five dollar bill. Sure, Lincoln freed the slaves, but Doctor Everythingsgonnabealright got me out of shooting a six-pound human out of my pee hole. “You detected a heartbeat?” Are you insane?

If men could give birth, no woman would be allowed to legislate abortion. go legislate your own nether regions.

Republicans believe abortion shouldn’t be performed if a heartbeat is detected. I have a similar belief. Abortion should not be legislated or decided by anyone who doesn’t have a uterus.


Six months ago today, a man on the brink of his greatest happiness walked into Saudi Arabia’s Consulate in Istanbul while his (wife-to-be watched) from the gate. He went there at the direction of Saudi officials to retrieve documents needed for his upcoming marriage. But it was a carefully set trap. Lying in wait were more than a dozen trained Saudi agents, who murdered him and then brutally dismembered his body.

Post contributing columnist Jamal Khashoggi did nothing to deserve this gruesome fate. He was (attacked on orders) of Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, simply for doing a journalist’s job: telling the truth.

Now, half a year after this heinous act shocked the world, it is worth taking stock of what has been done in response — and what has not.

The Saudis have adopted a strategy of evasion. They still have not produced Khashoggi’s body, preventing his family from holding a proper Islamic funeral. The regime has scapegoated expendable officials, seeking to quell international furor by staging a sham trial. The coordinator of the operation that killed Khashoggi, Saud al-Qahtani, remains free — and is (actively advising) the crown prince. Meanwhile, Mohammed bin Salman has jetted around the world, high-fiving Russian President Vladimir Putin, getting chummy with China, and rubbing elbows with other world leaders as part of a global tour to rehabilitate his reputation.


This is why, six months later, Jamal Khashoggi’s story is not fading. Instead, each day that justice goes undone, the consequences of his murder grow more troubling. Each day that Trump allows the Saudis to avoid accountability, the more tyrants around the world come to believe that they, too, can kill with impunity. Each day, the reputational value that past generations of Americans have built up is squandered.

As Trump once observed, “The world is a very dangerous place.” This is why the United States must always stand tall and never surrender its values. Congress must continue to do everything in its power to hold Khashoggi’s killers responsible. Administration officials should look at shocking evidence that reinforces the conclusions of our intelligence agencies. And Trump must, at minimum, obey the law — and produce the findings that the Magnitsky Act requires.

Another six months cannot pass without accountability for this abhorrent crime. Justice for an innocent journalist — and America’s most crucial interests — require nothing less.

Sixteen of the last 19 US presidents have played golf — and now, in Donald John Trump, the nation can finally boast the very best of them all.

Well, that’s what he’d like you to believe.

“To say ‘Donald Trump cheats’ is like saying ‘Michael Phelps swims,'” writes Rick Reilly in the new book “ (Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump)” (Hachette Book Group), out Tuesday. “He cheats at the highest level. He cheats when people are watching and he cheats when they aren’t. He cheats whether you like it or not. He cheats because that’s how he plays golf … if you’re playing golf with him, he’s going to cheat.”

Reilly, a former Sports Illustrated columnist who has played with Trump in the past, spoke to dozens of players — both amateur and professional — to recount some of the president’s worst cons on the course, starting with his declared handicap of 2.8.

In layman’s terms, the lower the handicap, the better the player. Jack Nicklaus, winner of a record 18 major golf titles and generally considered the greatest golfer in the history of the game, has a handicap of 3.4.

Nicklaus’ handicap is listed on the same Golf Handicap and Information Network website used by Trump, where players post their scores.

“If Trump is a 2.8,” writes Reilly, “Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter.”

Shortly after he became president, Trump played with Tiger Woods, the current world No. 1 Dustin Johnson and the veteran PGA Tour pro Brad Faxon. Given the quality and profile of his companions, you might have thought Trump would have been on his best behavior. Not so.

On one hole, Trump dunked a shot into the lake, but as his opponents weren’t looking he simply dropped another ball — and then hit that into the water, too.

“So he drives up and drops where he should’ve dropped the first time and hits it on the green,” recalls Faxon.

The actor Samuel L. Jackson has also witnessed the underhanded methods Trump employs, according to Reilly.

“We clearly saw him hook a ball into a lake at Trump National [Bedminster, New Jersey],” he says, “and his caddy told him he found it!”


Even Trump’s golf courses lie. As the owner of 14 golf clubs and with his name on another five, Trump has, according to Reilly, been known to wildly exaggerate their standing in course rankings, overvalue them and even play fast and loose with their locations.

At Trump Washington at Lowes Island, there’s a Civil War monument (bearing Trump’s name, obviously) between the 14th and 15th holes, reminding golfers of how many soldiers, from North and South, died at that very spot.

It’s a nice touch, even though several Civil War historians have confirmed that no battle took place anywhere near the memorial.


Of all the odd, counterfactual and conspiratorial claims President Trump has made over the past four years or so, this one may take the cake: He said Tuesday that his father was born in Germany, even though he wasn’t.

It is at least the third time he has said this.

“My father is German -- was German,” Trump said. “Born in a very wonderful place in Germany, so I have a great feeling for Germany.”

This is not true. Fred Trump is of German descent and his father was a German immigrant. But Fred Trump was born in New York. As (The Post’s Philip Bump detailed) shortly after Trump’s election:

Donald Trump’s grandfather, Friedrich Trump, emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1885. He landed in New York City but eventually made his way west, settling in Seattle. In November 1891, he bought a restaurant at 208 Washington Street in the city for $600. (This history is from Gwenda Blair’s “The Trumps,” a history of the family.) It was in Seattle that Friedrich became a citizen — on Oct. 27, 1892, just in time to register to vote in the 1892 presidential election, the first for which Washington was eligible to cast its ballots. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer listed Trump as a registered voter shortly before the November election.

Friedrich Trump was expelled from Germany in 1905, apparently because he had emigrated illegally. He and his wife, Elisabeth Trump, returned to the United States when she was pregnant with Fred Trump, the president’s father, according to (The Post’s reporting) and (Blair’s book). So about the only way you could say Trump’s father has claim to the German homeland is that he may have been conceived there.

The crashes were brutal. With no warning, the front wheel on the three-wheeled BOB jogging strollers fell off, causing the carriages to careen and even flip over. Adults shattered bones. They tore ligaments. Children smashed their teeth. They gashed their faces. One child bled from his ear canal.

Staff members at the Consumer Product Safety Commission collected 200 consumer-submitted reports from 2012 to 2018 of spontaneous failure of the stroller wheel, which is secured to a front fork by a quick-release lever, like on a bicycle. Nearly 100 adults and children were injured, according to the commission. The agency’s staff members investigated for months before deciding in 2017 that one of the most popular jogging strollers on the market was unsafe and needed to be recalled.

“The danger that was there was just so obvious,” said Marietta Robinson, a former Democratic commissioner who was still at the agency when the injury reports surfaced. “It was appalling.”

But BOB’s maker, Britax Child Safety, refused the agency’s request in 2017 for a voluntary recall of nearly 500,000 strollers. The company said the strollers were safe when used as instructed and met industry standards for safety.

The agency didn’t back down. It sued to force a recall in February 2018. Britax kept fighting. That was unusual. Companies normally want to avoid public clashes with safety regulators, according to past and current agency staff members.

But the leadership of the safety agency was about to change.

And that meant Britax might not have to recall the BOB after all.

The untold story of the Britax case shows how changes in the safety agency’s leadership under President Trump influenced the handling of a product that the commission believed had injured consumers. The case was even more striking because it unfolded as Republicans assumed day-to-day control of the agency, eventually earning a majority on the agency’s oversight commission for the first time in more than a decade.

According to a review of documents by The Washington Post and interviews with eight current and former senior agency officials, the agency’s Republican chairwoman kept Democratic commissioners in the dark about the stroller investigation and then helped end the case in court. Some spoke on the condition of anonymity because of agency rules against discussing cases.

These events occurred with little notice amid other, higher-profile deregulatory moves by the Trump administration. But consumer advocates said changes at the Consumer Product Safety Commission could be a worrisome sign of regulators pulling back at an agency that oversees safety in 15,000 everyday products, from toys and dressers to lawn mowers and table saws.

The agency has historically been a leader in protecting children, passing strict limits on lead in children’s toys and ending the sale of deadly drop-side cribs. Its lawsuit against Britax ended in November with a settlement, approved by a 3-to-2 commission vote reflecting the new Republican majority. In a rare written dissent, the panel’s two Democrats called the settlement “aggressively misleading” for seeking to downplay the risks to consumers.