Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


I have serious doubts that Donald Trump’s taxes have been under audit since 2015. First off, he’s not whining about it. He hasn’t been tweeting and screaming at the IRS for unfairly attacking him. He hasn’t accused the IRS of being a part of the “deep state” and going after him from directions by Obama and Hillary Clinton. So far, the IRS’s audit of him isn’t the greatest travesty ever committed against an American president and it’s not time to investigate the IRS. The second reason I have doubts is that this audit has been ongoing since 2015.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal has asked the IRS for six years of Trump’s tax returns. Neal made the request through an obscure but frequently used provision of the federal tax code that allows Congress’s tax-writing committees to view tax information on any filer. Trump and Republicans are up in arms over this.

Donald Trump has refused to release his taxes. With the exception of Gerald Ford, Trump was and is the only major party candidate not to release his taxes over the past forty years. Ford didn’t totally dodge the issue as he did release tax data. Trump’s lawyer, playing whatabout, asked, “Why is he not requesting information about the audits of previous presidents?” Previous presidents released their taxes, fucknut.

Trump has claimed he can’t release his taxes because they’re under audit. Do you really believe that the guy who claimed his New York-born father was born in Germany is telling the truth about the audit? Even if he is telling the truth, there is nothing that prevents him from releasing his taxes during an audit.

Trump’s former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen told Congress, “What he didn’t want was to have an entire group of think tanks that are tax experts run through his tax return and start ripping it to pieces, and then he’ll end up in an audit and he’ll ultimately have taxable consequences, penalties, and so on.”

The IRS does make it a practice to audit the president’s returns so Trump’s recent filings may be under audit…but the Treasury Department is headed by Steve Mnuchin. While the IRS is supposed to be independent, this is the Trump era. Have you seen the Justice Department? Any audit happening right now by the IRS is an investigation of their boss. Congress has a right to review that. As it turned out, despite an audit, Nixon had underpaid.

Richard Nixon was under audit and stated, “People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.” Then, Nixon allowed Congress to examine his taxes WHILE they were under that audit. That debunks Trump’s claim that he can’t release his taxes. Trump’s lawyers promise to fight the release despite Congress having the authority to request them.

Maybe if you’re a Republican, you don’t have a problem with a president not releasing his taxes while also doing business with foreign nations. Trump sycophants don’t need oversight of the president or accountability. If it turns out the president is a crook, they won’t care.

Trump is afraid his taxes will expose where his money comes from. People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Why would anyone want to surrender that right?

Trump is also afraid it’ll be revealed he’s not as rich as he claims. We already know he’s not a great businessman, a great negotiator, or has the best brain. But the faith his supporters put into him, despite overwhelming evidence, is based upon him being rich. Trump is their idea of a billionaire and it doesn’t matter how racist, stupid, immature, or insecure he is because he’s rich. A poor 72-year-old would never get away with acting the way Trump does. What if it turns out he’s just a senile old man who’s rich, but not billionaire rich? Would his supporters lose faith? Would it destroy everything they believed in? Trump not being a billionaire might be the one thing that finally destroys his support from the wingnut base. For them, him not being rich would be far worse than him being a crook.

As Nixon said, “People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook.” As it turned out, he was a crook. So is Donald Trump…and he’s not really a billionaire.

NIAC Responds to Reports that Trump May Designate IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization
NIAC Responds to Reports that Trump May Designate IRGC as a Foreign Terrorist Organization | NIAC

WASHINGTON, DC – Moments ago, reports emerged that the Trump Administration would potentially designate Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

In response, NIAC President Jamal Abdi said:

“This potential designation isn’t about adding pressure on the IRGC, one of the most heavily sanctioned entities on the planet that has arguably benefitted more than anyone from U.S. sanctions. It is a well-advertised step in the playbook of Washington hawks who seek to provoke Iran into leaving the nuclear deal and sow the seeds of an eventual military conflict with Iran.

“This is a step long cautioned against by the Pentagon, which wants a clear division between state militaries—which the IRGC is, however detestable its actions—and terrorist organizations. Trump’s team clearly sees the clock on their Iran agenda expiring—which makes their approach ever more escalatory and dangerous. There is an urgent need for Congress to rein Trump in on Iran before he can start a war that will devastate the U.S., Iran, and the Middle East for generations to come.”

U.S. to Designate Iranian Guard Corps a Foreign Terror Group
The designation, the first time any government entity will be branded as terrorist, will be accompanied by an alert to U.S. forces to warn of possible retaliation
U.S. to Designate Iranian Guard Corps a Foreign Terror Group

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is preparing to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization, U.S. officials said, a step that would vastly escalate the American pressure campaign against Tehran but which has divided U.S. officials.

The decision, which could be announced as early as Monday following months of deliberation, would mark the first time that an element of a foreign state has been officially designated a terrorist entity.

National security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have been strong proponents of the move, which is intended to help the U.S. crack down on businesses in Europe and elsewhere controlled by the IRGC, the officials said.


Two years after organizing a conference at Yale about how mental health professionals could warn the public ethically and effectively, our predictions have borne out to be true: Donald Trump in the office of the presidency has proven more dangerous than people suspected, has grown more dangerous by the day, and, without proper treatment, is becoming increasingly uncontainable.

People feel overwhelmed and helpless, and I wish now to say that there are things we can do. To know when to embark on a journey, we need meteorologists to tell us when a storm is coming and when it is safe to travel. To ensure that the captain is sharp and able, we need mental health professionals to examine signs that are in need of a check-up. What feels daunting to the general public is routine for the experts.

So why would we not call upon mental health professionals now, especially when many of us are saying that avoiding an evaluation is itself a sign of mental impairment?

And it is only one of many signs.

Trump’s tweets are some of the best, unfiltered information on his mental state. They are reactions to real-life situations in real time, over an extended span of time. Their growing frequency is an alarming sign, with an astonishing 52 tweets over 34 hours recently. Their content has also become more vitriolic.

Trump’s rallies are also very revealing. They are events he insists on doing, often against advice, and the adulation of crowds seems to ease, at least temporarily, an insatiable emotional need. These, too, have been increasingly more vicious in attacks against Hillary Clinton or John McCain, indicating that neither defeat nor death can satisfy the envy for what he may believe he could never have.

Trump’s rhetoric has been growing more violent. Attacking others seems to be a chief mode of coping for him; his accusation of “Democrats” behind Robert Mueller’s team as being "all killers” and his calling on “the police,” “the military,” and “the Bikers for Trump” to get tougher, appear to indicate that the stress of the presidency is getting to him.

Trump has been espousing and encouraging conspiracy theories. These may be signs that he has a harder and harder time tolerating reality, as beliefs that “the deep state” is out to get him or that “invading migrants” are threatening the country may be easier concepts to cope with than his inner fears.

Most markedly, he has of late been growing less and less coherent. His two-hour Conservative Political Action Conference speech revealed many rambling sentences, tangential thoughts, repetitions and word-finding difficulties. There was also the “Tim Apple” episode a few weeks ago, and then his calling Venezuela a company, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing “oranges” for “origins,” and stating, out of the blue, “I’m very normal.” These are signs of cognitive decline, the source of which we cannot know without examining him, but there is no question he needs an evaluation.

We did not know this would happen years ago because of random guesses, because we are smart, or even because we are opposed to the president. Health professionals are pro-human, and in our professional capacity, we care for everyone equally according only to medical need. We based our predictions on science and on years of clinically observing real impairments — and since there are things we cannot know without a full evaluation, we have long been recommending this for the president.

Two years after organizing a conference at Yale about how mental health professionals could warn the public ethically and effectively, our predictions have borne out to be true: Donald Trump in the office of the presidency has proven more dangerous than people suspected, has grown more dangerous by the day, and, without proper treatment, is becoming increasingly uncontainable.

People feel overwhelmed and helpless, and I wish now to say that there are things we can do. To know when to embark on a journey, we need meteorologists to tell us when a storm is coming and when it is safe to travel. To ensure that the captain is sharp and able, we need mental health professionals to examine signs that are in need of a check-up. What feels daunting to the general public is routine for the experts.

So why would we not call upon mental health professionals now, especially when many of us are saying that avoiding an evaluation is itself a sign of mental impairment?

And it is only one of many signs.

Trump’s tweets are some of the best, unfiltered information on his mental state. They are reactions to real-life situations in real time, over an extended span of time. Their growing frequency is an alarming sign, with an astonishing 52 tweets over 34 hours recently. Their content has also become more vitriolic.

Trump’s rallies are also very revealing. They are events he insists on doing, often against advice, and the adulation of crowds seems to ease, at least temporarily, an insatiable emotional need. These, too, have been increasingly more vicious in attacks against Hillary Clinton or John McCain, indicating that neither defeat nor death can satisfy the envy for what he may believe he could never have.

Trump’s rhetoric has been growing more violent. Attacking others seems to be a chief mode of coping for him; his accusation of “Democrats” behind Robert Mueller’s team as being "all killers” and his calling on “the police,” “the military,” and “the Bikers for Trump” to get tougher, appear to indicate that the stress of the presidency is getting to him.

Trump has been espousing and encouraging conspiracy theories. These may be signs that he has a harder and harder time tolerating reality, as beliefs that “the deep state” is out to get him or that “invading migrants” are threatening the country may be easier concepts to cope with than his inner fears.

Most markedly, he has of late been growing less and less coherent. His two-hour Conservative Political Action Conference speech revealed many rambling sentences, tangential thoughts, repetitions and word-finding difficulties. There was also the “Tim Apple” episode a few weeks ago, and then his calling Venezuela a company, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing “oranges” for “origins,” and stating, out of the blue, “I’m very normal.” These are signs of cognitive decline, the source of which we cannot know without examining him, but there is no question he needs an evaluation.

We did not know this would happen years ago because of random guesses, because we are smart, or even because we are opposed to the president. Health professionals are pro-human, and in our professional capacity, we care for everyone equally according only to medical need. We based our predictions on science and on years of clinically observing real impairments — and since there are things we cannot know without a full evaluation, we have long been recommending this for the president.
I believe liberals will say anything and have no limits to how low they will go and lie