Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III wrote a letter in late March complaining to Attorney General William P. Barr that a four-page memo to Congress describing the principal conclusions of the investigation into President Trump “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of Mueller’s work, according to a copy of the letter reviewed Tuesday by The Washington Post.

At the time the letter was sent on March 27, Barr had announced that Mueller had not found a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian officials seeking to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Barr also said Mueller had not reached a conclusion about whether Trump had tried to obstruct justice, but Barr reviewed the evidence and found it insufficient to support such a charge.

Days after Barr’s announcement , Mueller wrote a previously unknown private letter to the Justice Department, which revealed a degree of dissatisfaction with the public discussion of Mueller’s work that shocked senior Justice Department officials, according to people familiar with the discussions.
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WASHINGTON — Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, wrote a letter in late March to Attorney General William P. Barr objecting to his early description of the Russia investigation’s conclusions that appeared to clear President Trump on possible obstruction of justice, according to the Justice Department.

The letter adds to the growing evidence of a rift between them and is another sign of the anger among the special counsel’s investigatorsabout Mr. Barr’s characterization of their findings, which allowed Mr. Trump to wrongly claim he had been vindicated.

It was unclear what specific objections Mr. Mueller raised in his letter. Mr. Barr defended his descriptions of the investigation’s conclusions in conversations with Mr. Mueller over the days after he sent the letter, according to two people with knowledge of their discussions.

Mr. Barr, who was scheduled to testify on Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the investigation, has said publicly that he disagrees with some of the legal reasoning in the Mueller report. Senior Democratic lawmakers have invited Mr. Mueller to testify in the coming weeks but have been unable to secure a date for his testimony.

Love this logic... so why have any laws at all? They’ll just break them! Why cure heart disease? People will just die from cancer!
This is desperate gun lobbyists and their sell out politicians (right and left) misleading a mass of stupid people.
Even dead kids won’t sway this nations opinion.
MR. 10,000
Mr. 10,000

Donald Trump likes to boast that he’s accomplished more than any other American president, which is a lie. Ironically, that’s just one of the lies that helped him truly accomplish something no other president, and perhaps all other presidents combined didn’t do, and that’s tell the most lies.

Donald Trump lies. We know that. When you point that out to a Trump sycophant, their response is, “but Obama” and they pull out, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” OK. Let’s give them that which would be one lie for Obama. Hell, let’s go ahead and use The New York Times’ tally, and give Obama 18 lies.

In case you don’t want to click the link, Obama told six lies in his first year in office and he averaged two a year after that. The Times counts 18 for Trump in his first three weeks, but they’re being nice. They didn’t count the lies he repeated. The Times even compared Trump to George W. Bush. One interesting detail is that once a lie was proven untrue, Bush and Obama would stop saying them. Trump doubles down.

The Washington Post has also counted Trump’s lies. In fact, The Post says he hit a milestone on April 16, 2019. On that day, Trump crossed the mark for 10,000 lies. The Post points out it took him 601 days to tell 5,000, but then he must haven’t taken some Red Bulls because it only took him 226 days to tell his next 5,000. That’s quite an accomplishment and he deserves to reward himself with some hamberders.

Trump will lie about anything. Most presidents lie about important stuff. Trump lies about where his father was born. He lies about crowd sizes. He lies about Finland raking forests. He lies about terrorist attacks in Sweden. He lies about how many floors are in Trump Tower. He lies about illegal voters. He lies about caravans. He lies about who’s funding those caravans. He lies about people needing IDs to buy groceries. He lies about how many times he was on the cover of Time. He lies about the wall being built. He lied about Obama wiretapping Trump Tower.

He’ll lie about telling a lie. His lies have proven he can’t be trusted in negotiations. He agreed to a compromise on DACA and funding for his wall, which turned out to be a lie when he changed his mind. He stated he was for gun control until the NRA jumped on his orange ass, so that turned into another lie. Yesterday, he agreed with Democrats to put two trillion dollars into an infrastructure bill…but spoiler alert…that’s a lie.

Even the Mueller Report has documented his lies and states his administration told 77 lies about their dealings with Russia.

The Week published an article giving six theories on why Trump lies. The article doesn’t include my theory, which is…he’s a psychopath. But after the guy continues lying about things easily disproven, like whether it rained or not during his inauguration speech, we need to give up trying to figure out why he lies so much. What we need to figure out is why anyone still supports him.

Why do so many people not just have such little respect for the presidency, but for themselves to follow a guy who lies to them? Trump has around 90 percent approval among Republicans, which is resembling less of a political party and more of a cult. What puzzles me most is, wouldn’t your cult leader need to exhibit some sort of charm and charisma? Wouldn’t your cult leader have to at least sound good while gaslighting you and not like a whiny little Cheeto-glazed baby? Here’s the kicker for Trump supporters; when you defend a liar, you become a liar. In fact, never during the Trump era has someone been able to defend him without telling a lie. Seriously. Pay attention and you’ll catch it. They all lie.

At the rate Trump is going, he’ll pass 20,000 lies before election day. We should demand more from people who represent us. Personally, I wouldn’t hire someone who lied 26 times a day like Trump does. So when election day comes, don’t rehire Trump.
