Vaxxin’ Action
I think putting guns in the hands of children will be as effective against school shootings as they would be against measles.
Stupid people and their dogma are killing children in this nation. Gun nuts and anti-vaxxers.
Refusing to vaccinate your child is bad enough for your child, but you’re spreading diseases to the rest of society. Riding on hoaxes, anti-vaxxers have created a public health crisis that’s led to over 700 reported cases of measles in 22 states. One person who has contributed to spreading the hoax that vaccinations are more harmful to children than the diseases is Donald Trump.
Trump now says that parents “have to get the shots,” previously helped spread the anti-vaxxers’ fears through Twitter. In 2012, the future president of the United States tweeted, “Massive combined inoculations to small children is the cause for big increase in autism.” As we know now, he wasn’t done being an idiot and making the world more dangerous. In 2014, he tweeted, “Healthy young child goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn’t feel good and changes – AUTISM. Many such cases!”
During a Republican debate in 2015, he said, “You take this little beautiful baby, and you pump — I mean, it looks just like it’s meant for a horse, not for a child.” Next thing you know, fucknuts have brought back raging cases of measles on an international scale.
These people are just the same over their gun obsession. People who scream, “Save the babies” over abortion will choose overcompensating for their small penis over the life of a child.
Every school shooting exposes that the pro-life crowd is less about life and more about control. It’s never been about the children, just like they’ve never been about patriotism, family values, responsible spending, or draining the swamp. Conservatives have spent the past several decades building a platform of lies. Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s painfully obvious.
Republicans express more concern for their guns than they do for children each time there’s a school shooting. Their answer to the problem is, more guns. While they argue that a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun, most examples show that doesn’t deter the bad guy and usually by the time the good guy can respond, the bad guy has created a death toll.
Republicans praised the good guy with a gun who shot at, and missed, the shooter in Sutherland Springs, Texas in 2017. They leave out the fact that the good guy didn’t start shooting until after 26 people were killed and the bad guy has depleted his ammunition supply. They also leave out that the good guy didn’t try to save one life from those who were shot, instead, chasing after the bad guy. Maybe in addition to fewer guns, we should have fewer Rambo movies.
Guns in the hands of children aren’t going to stop school shooters any better than they can take down a virus. We need vaccinations of every child in this nation…and fewer guns.
We need protection from viruses, guns, and conservative dogma because they all kill.