Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

WASHINGTON—Addressing the future casualties in a somber and often-emotional press conference, John Bolton told reporters Thursday that a war with Iran was the only way to avenge Americans killed in an upcoming war with Iran.

“Sadly, I believe direct military conflict with Iran is the only suitable response for the heartbreaking deaths of our troops in that upcoming military conflict,” said the national security advisor, noting that only by launching a ground invasion of the Islamic Republic could he ensure the thousands of U.S. troops who will perish in that ground invasion will not perish in vain.

“It would be a dishonor to everything our brave men and women will sacrifice if we fail to send them into battle to retaliate for their eventual deaths.

Then, and only then, can we truly close the book on this impending tragedy.”

Bolton also announced plans to issue 15 preemptive Medals of Honor to military spouses who will be widowed after losing their husbands in the 2021 Battle of Tehran.
1/ This is one time when the President's indecision may have saved thousands of lives. But having been part of military CONOPs briefings, they always include an assessment of casualties on both sides at the front end.

2/ Even if no American casualties were expected in an initial set of strikes, we have thousands of Americans in the region. Pompeo and others said we had intel about Iran targeting AmCits in Iraq recently.

3/ We also know Iran targets our allies, so Iran's response could have had fatal consequences.

4/ Any responsible NSC process would have included an intel assessment of what Iran is currently up to AND how they would respond to US strikes.

5/ Irresponsibly engaging in that process leads us to where we are today - Iran can use this latest episode to play the victim card and they can use this recent Trump change of heart as the basis for ramping up their own "defensive" activities which could escalate the situation.

6/ Calling off the strikes was the right thing to do from a security perspective. Striking Iranian assets bc of their downing of a drone would not have been proportional and it would have put thousands of Americans (if not more) at risk.

7/ But this very public flip flop is not cost free.

8/ The outstanding question is what now, including whether the Iranians have agreed to speak with us to deescalate this tinderbox of a situation. @CNN heading to you here in LA.

9/ Rightly, the downing of a US drone is actually not a red line for the President. He is not willing to risk American lives because Iran downed a drone. It was a redline for a few hours and now it isn’t. We have blurred lines vs. red lines.

Thread by @sam_vinograd: "1/ This is one time when the President's indecision may have saved thousands of lives. But having been part of military CONOPs briefings, th […]"