Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

But Vita Nuova incorporated on July 2, just one day before filing the lawsuit, according to a filing with the Texas secretary of state. Its founding members are affiliated with the Heidi Group, a troubled crisis pregnancy center that lost millions of dollars in contracts with Texas after repeatedly failing to meet agreed-upon goals. The new group lacks a website and, according to the complaint, has yet to raise funds or build a network of providers. It’s not clear what medical services, if any, it plans to provide.

Most of the groups that participate in the $260 million a year Title X program are family planning clinics with an established client base or state health departments that distribute the funds to providers, which must stock the full range of contraception. The program serves more than 4 million mostly low-income, uninsured women seeking free or subsidized family planning services.

Social media accounts associated with two Canadian teenagers have been found to contain hints of far-right and white supremacist radicalization, with one of the teens posting photos posing with a Nazi armband.

Bryer Schmgelsky, 18, and Kam McLeod, 19, are wanted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in connection with the murders of three people, including hiker couple Chynna Deese, 23, and Lucas Fowler, 24, who were found dead on the side of the Alaska Highway in a rural area of British Columbia on July 15. A third victim, a University of British Columbia botany lecturer identified as Leonard Dyck, 64, was found a few hundred miles away from Deese’s and Fowler’s bodies, about a mile away from a burning van belonging to Schmegelsky and McLeod.

After their burning vehicle was found, police initially classified Schmegelsky and McLeod as missing persons, but announced that they were persons of interest in the investigation of the three murders after they were seen traveling through northern Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Authorities believe they are armed and dangerous, and have cautioned anyone who sees them not to approach them.

While a potential motive is still unclear, the Toronto Globe and Mail reports that the suspects were linked to an account called Illusive Gameing [sic], which has pages on YouTube and the gaming platforms Twitch and Steam. A profile photo for the Illusive Gameing account features the Reichsadler, the heraldic eagle used as a nationalist symbol for Hitler’s Third Reich.

A Steam user who communicated with Schmegelsky on the platform also told the Globe and Mail that Schmegelsky was obsessed with Hitler and the Third Reich, and that he ultimately stopped communicating with him for this reason. The Steam user, whose identity was not revealed by the Globe and Mail, shared images dating from fall 2018 of what appears to be a swastika armband and a knife with the message “blud und uhre,” German for blood and honor; another photo appears to show Schmegelsky wearing a gas mask, while yet another shows the young man wearing military fatigues and carrying a pellet rifle. Schmegelsky’s father Alan told Coast Mountain News that his son demonstrated a fascination with Nazi memorabilia when he saw some during a visit to an army surplus store a few months ago, though he denied that his son was obsessed with Nazism and said instead his son was a fan of Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump.
Extreme Supremes

Take heart, America. The Supreme Court’s decision, which they came out of their summer break to render, isn’t as bad as you think. Oh, it’s bad. It’s a terrible, rotten, stupid, partisan decision delivered by five extreme supremes, but there’s more context to it than the headlines are delivering. Since I’m a simple-minded political cartoonist who often forgets how to tie his shoes, I may be the one to break it down in an easy and concise way that even a Trump cultist would understand. OK, probably not. But you’ll get it.

The headlines are screaming that the Supreme Court, on a 5-4 vote, rules Trump can use military funds for border wall construction. The issue is over Donald Trump taking money that was appropriated by Congress for the military, and using it for something else that Congress did not authorize. The only way Trump can break what’s in the Constitution and decide all by himself what to spend taxpayer money on is to declare a national emergency (this is the same guy who thinks our national security is threatened by Canadian cheese. Maybe we should build a wall on that border out of crackers). From the headlines, you get the impression the Supreme Court has ruled that Trump can do that, even if it’s not really a national emergency. The fear liberals have is that the court will allow Trump to do whatever the hell Trump wants. Screw Congress. We may be headed in that direction but the court didn’t rule on any of that yesterday.

The chicanery of Trump stealing money from the military has been challenged by the Sierra Club and the Southern Borders Communities Coalition, argued for them by the American Civil Liberties Union. A federal district judge in California prohibited the government from using the Pentagon funds to build the border wall. Trump’s legal team then went to the U.S. Court of Appeals in the 9th Circuit, who blocked the spending pending an appeal.

Trump’s people argued to the Supremes that they should be allowed to use the Pentagon money to build the border wall while it appeals the court’s ruling in the 9th Circuit. They argued they needed the court to act on its request by July 26 because if construction contracts are not finalized by September 30 when the fiscal year ends, they will no longer be available. That’s a very stupid argument but five of the nine justices bought it. At the very most, the court could have allowed the government to grant the contracts but not authorize the start of construction. Or, better yet, don’t negotiate contracts when you don’t have the money. How the hell was that a winning argument?

What the supremes decided was that the Trump can go ahead and use the money while the appeal is pending and…get this…that the challengers “may” not be the right plaintiffs to challenge the reallocation of the funds. I can’t find why the court believes they “may” not be the right challengers.

Now, even if the courts later say Trump can’t do this, the construction will have already started and it can’t be stopped. Trump will be barking all the way to election day that he’s keeping his promise and building the wall. He won’t mention to his cultists that they’re the ones paying for it, and not Mexico. It also won’t be detected by any of them that Trump, who claims he’s done more for the military than any other president, just stole money from the military. It also won’t be noticed by them that even though it was argued to the supremes that the wall is needed to “staunch the flow of illegal narcotics across the southern border,” that the majority of illegal narcotics enter this nation through legal entry points, not humped on someone’s back through the desert. That also means that this is NOT a national emergency. A wall on the southern border will be about as effective at keeping out drugs as the Maginot Line was at keeping out Nazis (maybe a poor analogy as the Trump administration is very favorable to Nazis).

Here’s the part that may ease your distress the most. These funds ARE NOT BUILDING ANY NEW WALL. Nope. They’re still replacing existing fencing. “Build the wall” is a lot catchier than “steal money from the military to replace already existing fencing.” The money totals $2.5 billion and it will cover just 100 miles along the border. This is not the entire wall. If that ever gets started, it will be held up for years in courts by private property owners along the border. Donald Trump will never get his border wall.

It would be smarter to spend $2.5 billion on free college educations so more Americans in the future won’t be dumb enough to spend $2.5 billion dollars on a useless border wall.

But, these kinds of decisions are causing damage to the country that may be irreversible. Congress may now take away the right of the president (who in the future, may not be an imbecilic, narcissistic, treasonous muppet with bad hair) to declare a national emergency which would suck in the event of an actual national emergency…like the Candian cheese attacking us gets moldy. Or, in the future, another president will make up some hokey reason to declare a national emergency to steal money from government programs to appease a political base to help his or her reelection.

If the Supreme Court allows Trump to take whatever tax money he wants for his pet racist vanity projects, they will be ruling that there are no longer checks and balances and we don’t even need a Congress. At that point, we’ll be down to two branches of government and a near dictatorship. The next step will be the Supreme Court ruling that this nation doesn’t need a Supreme Court and the Trump family will just own the White House for all eternity like the Kim family owns North Korea, where Kim il-Sung is still the president despite dying in 1994 and is currently kept on ice. Seriously.

This decision by the Supreme Court makes Trump supporters happy. They don’t want checks and balances, a free press, three branches of government, or even free and fair elections. They want a fascist government led by a charlatan who steals from charities, grabs vaginas, bankrupts casinos, and is a crappy game show host. Trump cultists don’t love America or democracy. Just like lower deficits and family values, patriotism is just something they pretend to believe in.

It’s a national disgrace that so many Americans fall for the lies from a guy who wouldn’t cut it as a used car salesman when reality when the facts are in their faces. It’s a bigger disgrace that five of them are on the Supreme Court.
