Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Historians studying the Trump presidency will have a prodigious amount of digital material that demands examination but defies explanation. The president’s Aug. 21, half-hour, South Lawn media availability deserves to be at the top of that list.

With the whir of a helicopter engine in the background, President Trump veered from topic to topic with utter confidence, alarming ignorance, minimal coherence and relentless duplicity.


Seldom in presidential history has more nonsense been expressed with greater concision. Never would the interests of the United States have been better served by a louder helicopter.

What to make of this? First, the Trump presidency is not just unfolding, it is unraveling. All narcissists believe they are at the center of the universe. But what happens when a narcissist is actually placed at the center of the universe? The “chosen one” happens. Trump is not just arguing for an alternative set of policies; he is asserting an alternative version of reality, in which resistance to his will is disloyalty to the country.

Second, the president has systemically removed from his circle anyone who finds this appalling. Every president has the right to advisers who share his basic worldview. But Trump appears, on many topics, to have stopped taking advice altogether. His counselors are now flunkies. The proof of their loyalty is not found in the honesty of their opinions but in the regurgitation of his insanity.

Third, the president is increasingly prone to the equation of the national interest with his personal manias. He is perfectly willing to threaten relations with Denmark — or to force the Israeli government into a (difficult choice) — if it serves his tweeted whims. This approach is more characteristic of personal rule than democratic leadership. Self-worship is inconsistent with true patriotism.

Trump’s promotion of moral and political chaos puts other members of his party in a difficult position. Difficult, but not complicated. It is their public duty to say that foolish things are foolish, that insane things are insane, that bigoted things are bigoted. On growing evidence, their failure to do so is abetting the country’s decline into farce.

According to new details provided by sources involved, Trump’s role in pushing for Rocky’s release started with a reality television megastar calling the West Wing, a mysterious entertainment industry “fixer” and two Trump supporters. The president’s allies who connected Rocky’s team with the White House hoped to facilitate a scene that would bolster Trump’s image among African-Americans. Instead, they say they were left angry when Rocky failed to thank Trump or those around him.
How To Tell A Recession Is Coming

Bad news. Donald Trump is still president. Even worse news. A recession is coming and Donald Trump is still the president. If you think the Bush family didn’t know how to deal with an economic crisis, wait until Trump tries to wrap his Adderall-riddled, tiny mind around it.

Voters have short memories, especially Republicans. It’s why you never hear them complain about government spending when a Republican is in the Oval Office. They look at the economy today and give all the credit to Trump, ignoring the excellent economic numbers Obama handed over to the dotard.

Obama added over two million jobs a year for each of his last six. So has Trump during his first two, but fewer on average than Obama. That’s called a trend. Yet, during Obama’s tenure, Republicans called it the “worst economic recovery ever,” while not mentioning it was recovering from a Republican presidency. As soon as Trump was elected, they started calling it an “economic miracle.” Trump has actually claimed the economy started growing the day after he was elected based on enthusiasm over his victory. Trump likes to take credit for a lot of Obama’s accomplishments.

Trump’s only real accomplishment is that he hasn’t destroyed the economy Obama left for him…yet. But it’s not for a lack of trying. Trade wars, tariffs, increased spending, tax cuts for billionaires that aren’t paid for will eventually take its toll on the economy. It will eventually hit Wall Street, then Main Street. Farmers are already feeling it. Today, China increased tariffs on the U.S. and the stock market is going down.

There are two problems with Trump being president during an economic crisis: He lies and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. There are reports that his increased delirium is over his fear of the economy going south, thus making him a one-term president. They accuse Democrats and the media of wanting the economy to tank.

Nope. I want Trump out of office but I don’t want to starve to see it. I’d rather Obama’s economy keeps growing while we get Trump out of office for the multiple other valid reasons to remove him. When we get rid of Trump, we won’t feel like we’re winning while cleaning up his mess.

Donald Trump’s only real skill with economics is inheriting, and he’s not even good with what he does with it after he gets it. Trump claims he built his empire on a small $1 million loan from his father. The truth is, he received the equivalent today of at least $413 million from his father’s real estate empire. It’s easy to be rich when someone gives it to you. But Trump even screwed that up.

According to The New York Times, “at Trump’s Castle casino, where an $18.4 million bond payment was due in December 1990. Fred Trump dispatched a trusted bookkeeper to Atlantic City with checks to buy $3.5 million in casino chips without placing a bet. With this ruse — an illegal loan under New Jersey gaming laws, resulting in a $65,000 civil penalty — Donald Trump narrowly avoided defaulting on his bonds.” Today, Donald Trump doesn’t own any Atlantic City casinos. He didn’t sell them. They folded under this great businessman’s leadership. He bankrupted a business where people give you money.

In another move according to the Times, “Fred Trump spent $15.5 million to buy a 7.5 percent stake in Trump Palace, his son’s condo tower rising on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Four years later, tax returns and financial statements show, Fred Trump sold that stake for just $10,000.” The buyer was Donald Trump. Why did Fred buy a condo for $15.5 million and sell it for just $10,000? So Donald wouldn’t have to pay millions in taxes on a forgiven loan. The Times also wrote that it “appears to constitute both an unreported multimillion-dollar gift and an illegal tax write-off.”

Trump is really good at inheriting, cheating and lying about it, and crapping it all away. He’s doing the same thing with the inheritance he received from Obama. This is what happens when you elect a grifter to the nation’s highest office.

Donald Trump isn’t just too sleazy and dishonest to be president, he’s also too stupid. Our only hope is that the damage he inflicts is minimal before he can be removed. There are talks about his sanity, but honestly, an insane person would know tariffs are taxes. An insane person would have a hard time bankrupting a casino. Donald Trump is stupid.

When Donald Trump says he doesn’t see a recession, it means he’s too stupid to see it and he’s also lying. Everything Trump touches turns to crap and everything he says is a lie. When he says there’s no recession, it means we’re screwed.
