Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Nothing will come of this either. Whistleblower heard somebody else say it about Trump so not an actual whistleblower. They have Biden ON VIDEO saying the Ukraine has 6hrs to fire the prosecutor investigating his son or they wont get a billion dollars in aid. They've got nothing on Trump extorting anyone, so have fun with this made up garbage. Trump will win this upcoming election too. Biden and Warren are as unlikable as Trump as a person but are useless also.
Nothing will come of this either. Whistleblower heard somebody else say it about Trump so not an actual whistleblower.

You might be right, but I sure hope not! Can you post a link to the above whistle-blower statement? I haven't heard this defense yet. Thx.

We should also remember that there might be even more incriminating evidence in the whistleblower’s complaint. One can hardly imagine more damning evidence, but considering what we already know, there is no reason for the House not to immediately proceed to impeachment. Trump has been caught red-handed. It is a measure of his ignorance that he did not recognize how damning this is.

If he is not impeached and removed, we do not have a democracy in which the American people are the sole arbiters of our elections.
"We are pleased to speak on behalf of the United States of America, Bahrain, Belarus, Brazil, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Guatemala, Haiti, Hungary, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen."


Vladimir Putin considers Ukraine to be his backyard. It shares a nearly 1,500-mile border with Russia, was part of the Soviet Union, and for centuries has been (referred) to as “Little Russia” by domineering leaders of its northern neighbor. The ousting of Ukraine’s Kremlin-backed president after mass protest in 2014 preceded Putin’s seizure of its Crimean peninsula and instigation of a separatist war in the country’s industrial east. If he couldn’t exert his will on the government in Kiev, then he could at least weaken it.

In pushing Ukraine’s new, pro-Western president to investigate his political rival Joe Biden, Trump has taken a page from Putin’s book—treating Ukraine as something like Little Trumpland and its president like a world leader who has to do his bidding.

The irony in this saga is that in Volodymyr Zelensky, Trump has been trying to strong-arm a Ukrainian leader who has vowed to root out the endemic corruption that plagues his country.

So Trump’s admitted insistence, during a July 25 phone call with Zelensky, that Ukraine investigate discredited allegations against Biden over his eldest son’s business dealings in the country—against a backdrop of Trump freezing more than $391 million in military aid—appears to have fallen on the ears of a man who seems unlikely to bend to such demands.

The acting Director of National Intelligence threatened to resign over concerns that the White House might attempt to force him to stonewall Congress when he testifies Thursday about an explosive whistleblower complaint about the president, according to current and former U.S. officials familiar with the matter.

The revelation reflects the extraordinary tensions between the White House and the nation’s highest-ranking intelligence official over a matter that has (triggered impeachment proceedings) against President Trump.

The officials said that Joseph Maguire, who was thrust into the top intelligence post last month, warned the White House that he was not willing to withhold information from Congress, where he is scheduled to testify in open and closed hearings on Thursday.

In essence, Maguire was serving notice that he intended to cooperate with lawmakers unless the White House moved forward with a legal case to prevent him from doing so, the officials said.

The White House and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Pretty clear cut.

Trump with holds millions in aid to Ukraine.
Calls them a week later and says America is good to them and he needs them to investigate Biden's son despite there being not a single shred of evidence he did anything wrong. Ukraine agrees to investigate and in return funds are released.

Note, I do not doubt for a second Biden is corrupt, but what Trump did is illegal and he should answer for it.